We are so fortunate to welcome international students from around the world to MPA through our International Student Program. As the global pandemic ends, interest in studying at MPA through this program is rising steadily! With new interest comes the need for additional host families to care for these exceptional students.

A $10,000 per student stipend is paid to host families to cover the cost of room, board, and transportation from August to June. Typically, families host for at least one full year and sometimes for a student’s entire MPA experience. As you warmly welcome this student into your home, you will gain a first-hand understanding of another culture, a lifelong relationship with your students, and so much more.

If you are interested …
Contact Cory Becker-Kim, international student program coordinator, at international@moundsparkacademy.org or 651-748-5541. Get started on the host family application form here.

If you know someone outside our community who is interested …
Please share mpa.link/host with them. When they reach out, share your name, and become an approved host family, you will receive a $200 referral bonus in the form of a Visa gift card.

Thank you in advance for your interest and/or for recommending this opportunity to your friends, neighbors, and colleagues.

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