Dan EsteyWelcome, Dan Estey! Dan joins MPA as a PreK teacher and we are thrilled to introduce him to you. Keep reading to learn more about him!

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I’m coming to MPA with prior private school experience. I graduated from Bethel University in 2000 and have 23+ years in the early education field. I have taught in Montessori classrooms, the University of Minnesota, have had the opportunity to build and create multiple classrooms.

What did you find appealing about MPA?
I find the AMAZING opportunities for the students appealing at MPA!

What lasting impact do you plan to have on MPA?
I hope all children are excited to learn and grow as a part of our community.

What’s your big dream?
My big dream is to travel and have lifelong adventures.

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about my family and friends. I enjoy spending time outside, traveling, and eating delicious food!

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
I live in South Minneapolis near Powderhorn Park in the house my grandma grew up in!

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