As you may have seen in the news or within your social circles, there has been a recent uptick in new COVID-19 infections. MPA recommends guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this school year to keep students healthy and on-campus learning as much as possible.

If your student or someone at home is experiencing symptoms or is aware of a known exposure, please follow the CDC’s guidance on masking, testing, and isolation by clicking here.

If your student or someone at home has tested positive for COVID-19, please click here for recommendations and a helpful calculator for masking and isolation. In general, if someone has tested positive for COVID-19, they should do the following:

  • Isolate at home through day five (counting from day 0 as the day of symptom onset or positive test).
  • Monitor for moderate-to-severe illness. If moderate-to-severe illness occurs, isolate for ten days.
  • After five days, isolation may end, but individuals should continue wearing a mask around others through day 10 OR once two negative antigen test results have been received at least 24 hours apart.

Additional details regarding exposure and steps to take after testing positive are available at the links above. In addition, please email with any questions or concerns. If your student needs to be away from school due to illness, including COVID-19, please use the appropriate absence notification steps based on their division.

The State of Minnesota has again provided free at-home COVID-19 tests for students and school personnel this school year. If your family needs a supply of these tests, please email to request them.

Thank you for your partnership as we work toward a safe, healthy, and happy learning community this school year!

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