from Mark Segal, Upper School director

A Look Ahead

  • Friday, October 6: Picture Retake Day
  • Friday, October 6: Senior Retreat & Dinner, 8-6:30 PM, Off Campus and MPA
  • Monday, October 9: No Classes, Indigenous Peoples’ Day
  • Wednesday, October 11: Grade 10 & 11 PSAT Testing
  • Thursday, October 12: All School Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences, 3:30-8 PM, MPA
  • Friday, October 13: No Classes, All School Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences, 8-5 PM, MPA
  • Wednesday, October 18: Special Upper School Programming
    • 9th Grade: 8-3 PM, Off-Campus Activity
    • 10th Grade: 8-12 PM, Pre-ACT (noon dismissal)
    • 11th Grade: 8-12 PM, Mock-ACT (noon dismissal)
    • 12th Grade: No Classes, day used for college visits or applications
  • Thursday, October 19: No Classes, Fall Break
  • Friday, October 20: No Classes, Fall Break
  • Thursday, October 26: MPA Upper School Blood Drive, 12-5 PM, Gallery
  • Friday, October 27: Senior Performances, 8-9:15 AM, Recital Hall
  • Wednesday, November 1: Grade 9 Parent Meeting, 6-7 PM, Recital Hall
  • Wednesday, November 1: Upper School Instrumental Concert, 7:30-9 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Friday, November 3: End of Quarter 1

In the fall of 1983, my ninth-grade math teacher was Ms. Robson. She and I had what some would describe as a challenging relationship. Her role was to teach me algebra and my role was to do all I could not to be kicked out of class due to my disruptive behavior. As this was before email and Schoology, communication between school and home was limited to telephone calls, and Ms. Robson was not the type of teacher to call home. I remember my parents sharing with me that they had a parent/teacher conference scheduled with Ms. Robson and asked if there was anything that they should know. I thought to myself, “Where should I start?!”

Parent/teacher conferences play a pivotal role in fostering effective communication and collaboration between educators and parents, forming an important relationship in a student’s educational journey. Conferences provide a dedicated space for parents to gain insight into their child’s academic progress, social development, and progress within the school environment.

Unlike when I was a student, MPA requires conferences to not only involve parents and teachers but asks that the students both attend and facilitate the conversation. According to a December 2022 article on, “Allowing students to lead the conference process gives them autonomy, helps build trust with their teacher, and deepens the capacity for students to advocate for themselves, a necessary skill that they will carry with them in the future.” Through direct interaction with the students and teachers, parents can better understand the teacher’s class expectations and their child’s strengths and areas of growth. This valuable conversation helps create a more holistic approach to education and strengthens the partnership between school and home.

Providing an opportunity for open lines of communication between parents, students, and teachers allows for early identification and resolution of potential concerns and ensures that challenges are addressed promptly. Ultimately, the importance of parent/student/teacher conferences lies in their ability to establish a collaborative and supportive environment that prioritizes the best interest of the student.

I don’t specifically remember the outcome of the parent/teacher conference my parents had with Ms. Robson, nor the “conversation” had with me when they returned home afterward. I do know that if I had been given the opportunity to attend that conference 40 years ago that my satisfaction with my teacher and class would have been far greater than it was.

I look forward to seeing you on campus next Thursday (10/12) evening and Friday (10/13) and hearing about your parent/student/teacher conference experience.


Important Information
If your student will be absent, late, or needs to be excused early from school, please reach out to Upper School administrative assistant, Chanda Williams, at

All school fall conferences are right around the corner. They will take place 3:30-8 PM on Thursday, October 12, and 8 AM-5 PM on Friday, October 13. No classes will be held on Friday, October 13, and, as a reminder, Upper School students participate in their conferences and are required to attend.

The MPA first grade class and Upper School Student Council are joining together to host this year’s Red Cross Blood Drive for a joint community service project. We are asking for an hour of your time to donate blood on Thursday, October 26th, 12-5 PM. If you know that you are unable to give blood, please be sure to ask friends or relatives to take your place. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit and enter: Mounds Park Academy. Students are able to make their own appointment. However, 16-year-olds will need to schedule their appointment with Ms. Johnson ( to ensure they have turned in their parental consent form. This blood drive is currently “Closed to the Public” which means those interested in participating will need to search by sponsor code: Mounds Park Academy. The drive will be opened to the public on October 18 after MPA community members are given the opportunity to register first.

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