Dear MPA Alumni,

School is in full swing, and it’s the perfect time to reflect on the lasting impact of our alumni community and the incredible potential we have to make a difference. Mounds Park Academy has always been a place where students are nurtured, dreams are dreamt and realized, and leaders for positive change are encouraged. As MPA alumni, we’ve experienced firsthand the power of education, the joy of a diverse and inclusive community, and what it means to dream big and do right.

It’s in that spirit of nostalgia and giving that you are invited to join us in the 2023 “Your Gift, Their Future” Fall Campaign. With your support, we can ensure MPA students, faculty, and staff have the tools, resources, and support they need for a bright future.

Please Save The Date
The Fall Campaign will be November 11-November 18, culminating with Give to the Max Day on November 16. This one week is a pivotal time when we can all come together to help achieve MPA’s fundraising goal of $500,000 to support teachers, students, and the entire community. Your gift, regardless of its size, holds the potential to make a profound impact and will play a vital role in shaping the future of our school.

Why I Give
As an alumna and MPA parent of two, I’m continually amazed and inspired by the passion my daughters have for school and education. They are not just students; they are young learners who are constructively challenged every day. Whether it’s the rigors of Singapore math, the imaginative wonders of Makers Space STEM projects, the character-building assemblies, or even the thrill of authoring their first book with vibrant illustrations, MPA is all about fostering curiosity and understanding.

MPA students are taught to seek the “whys” and the “hows,” to embrace their mistakes as stepping stones to improvement, to practice kindness and thoughtfulness, and to appreciate the sheer joy of learning for learning’s sake. It’s a truly unique and special environment.

What is also extraordinary is the community that flourishes here. When I reunite with fellow MPA alumni, there’s an immediate camaraderie, an unspoken understanding that transcends the years. We all share a common bond, an acknowledgment that we’ve been gifted a treasure chest of tools and the skills to use those tools to make the world a better place.

My donation to MPA is not just an investment in the school but also in future leaders, thinkers, and dreamers. To support exceptional education that empowers students to explore, grow, and impact the world.

Choose Your Impact & and Make A Gift
This year, I encourage you to choose your impact and direct your gift in one or all of the following ways: Academic Innovation, Access, Arts, Athletics. Contribute to the areas that resonate with your heart and experiences.

Please visit or reach out via email at to learn about different giving options.

Thank you for your support of Mounds Park Academy. Together, we can make an impact and ensure the legacy of our alma mater continues to thrive.

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