from Dr. Jenn Milam, Middle School director

A Look Ahead

  • Friday, October 27: 5/6 Halloween Carnival, 3:15-4:30 PM, Family Commons
    • 7/8 Fall Dance, 7-9 PM, Family Commons
  • Tuesday, October 31: Halloween at MPA, Middle School students may wear costumes to school!
  • Friday, November 3: End of Quarter 1
  • Thursday, November 16: Give to the Max Day, Lip Sync Competition, 2:20 PM, Lansing Sports Center
  • Friday, November 17: Bring A Friend to MPA Day, register here
  • Friday, November 17-Sunday, November 19: Middle School Play, Puss ‘n Boots, Black Box
  • Wednesday, November 22-Friday, November 24: No Classes, Thanksgiving Holiday Break
  • Wednesday, November 29: MS Grade 7/8 BIPOC Affinity Group, 2:20-3 PM, Former Library Space
  • Monday, December 4-Friday, December 8: MPA Book Festival
  • Wednesday, December 6: Founders’ Day Community Breakfast, 7-8 AM, Family Commons

We are just a few days from the end of Quarter 1, which means that we will experience our first “full-court-press” of the year as we seek to support students in submitting all assignments (even the late ones!), demonstrating their learning on assessments, and continuing to refine positive organization and self-management skills.

Please help us at home by checking in on Schoology, ensuring all missing/late assignments are submitted, offering encouragement toward responsibility and attention to detail, and if you have specific questions, reaching out to the appropriate teacher. As a reminder, Middle School does not send home report cards, but you will receive a note from me at the end of the first quarter outlining how to access grades and how to have a constructive conversation about progress and adjustments that may need to be made as we move into the second quarter.

It’s Playoff time: Athletic Practice and Game Schedules
A special shout out to our 7/8 BOYS SOCCER and 5/6 BOYS SOCCER (WHITE) team for advancing in their sectional journey. The older guys play today at Cretin Durham Hall at 6:15 PM, and our younger team plays tomorrow (Friday) at St. Odilia at 5:50 PM. I know both teams would love a spirited sideline if you’re available to take in a game! ? Roll Pants! ?

Please bookmark the MPA Middle School Athletics website and select the sport for your student! You can also find Upper School Athletics schedules, as well, on our MPA website!

If your student is interested in a WINTER sport and has not registered, please reach out to Dawn Zimmerman at to share your interest!

Tardies Are Not Cool!
As I have shared in many conversations, notes, and newsletters, tardies create an issue not just for your student but for others and the flow of instruction. All Middle School students should be on campus between 7:45 and 7:50 AM, allowing for enough time to visit their locker, use the restroom, fill a water bottle, and tend to any unfinished business before the school day. Please work with your students and family to make necessary adjustments that prioritize being on time and ready to learn each day!

#IAmNotACostume: A Note about Cultural Appropriation
As our young people begin selecting costumes for this favorite October tradition, it is important that we are sensitive to issues of cultural appropriation. “Cultural Appropriation is the act of taking significant elements (symbols, dress, words, practices, etc.) from a culture that is not your own and removing all original context or meaning, usually with the goal of using these elements for entertainment, marketing, or exploitation.” ( When selecting a costume for Halloween, I would ask that you engage your student in a conversation about the purpose of their costume (Is it just for fun? Or is there an underlying message behind it?), ask them to consider if anyone may take offense to their costume and the representation it suggests (Is it possible that others may view the costume as a mockery of a particular culture? Does the costume seek to make a token of traditional cultural symbols not held by your family culture?) and encourage them to reflect upon the way that their costume may be experienced by those around them, thus seeking to build empathy and critical thinking—two values we hold dear here at MPA.

We want Halloween to be a fun, imaginative, and magical celebration of the fall season in a way that not only values the childhood experience but, so too, those cultures, (re)presentations, symbols, and traditions deeply held and honored by each of us in our unique lived experiences.

For more information on cultural appropriation and Halloween costumes, you might find some of these links helpful:

Change to Halloween at MPA—Tuesday, October 31
While we will still have our 5/6 carnival and our 7/8 dance this Friday, October 27, we have elected to move our costume-wearing day to share the excitement with Lower School and their parade! All Middle School students are invited to wear their Halloween costumes to school on Tuesday, October 31. We ask that it limit distractions from learning and that “big kids” be mindful of our younger friends when selecting costumes. Students may not wear masks that cover their entire face or bring any type of weapon to school, even if it is part of a costume.

The Halloween carnival is for grade five and six students and is held immediately after school on Friday, October 27, from 3:15-4:30 PM. The cost to attend the event is $20. Your students may bring their money to the office or on the day of the event. The fee covers pizza, snacks, drinks, and goodies.

The 7/8 Fall Dance is also being held on Friday, October 27, from 7-9 PM. The cost to enter the dance is $10 for each student.

NOTE: If either of these events poses a financial hardship for your family, please reach out to the Middle School office. We do not want anyone to miss if they want to attend!

Weather Is A Changin!
As a reminder, we have recess daily! We also go outside every day unless it is raining, or the temperature is below -10 degrees. It is time for you to make sure that your middle schooler has a coat, gloves, hats, and all other weather gear to be outside—even if they won’t always wear them!

That’s all for now. Take care of each other and be well.

PS: I hope you will take the time to read my guest Head’s Message this week, which can be found here.

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