from Mark Segal, Upper School director

Mark Your Calendars 

  • Tuesday, December 19: Class of 2028 Parent Coffee, 6:30-7:30 PM, PCR
  • Wednesday, December 20: MPA Caroling, 7:30-8 AM, Family Commons
  • Thursday, December 21-Tuesday, January 2: No Classes, Winter Break 
  • Wednesday, January 3: Classes Resume 
  • Friday, January 5: Alumni Meet & Greet with Class of 2024, 8-9:15 AM, Family Commons 
  • Tuesday, January 9: Grade 11 Parent College Counseling Night, 6:30-7:30 PM, Recital Hall 
  • Wednesday, January 10: US ACT Prep Class, 5:30-8:30 PM, Room 181
  • Friday, January 12: Class of 2028 Parent Coffee, 8-9 AM, PCR
  • Friday, January 12: US BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting, 11:20 AM-12 PM, Room 150-151
  • Monday, January 15: No Classes, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 
  • Friday, January 19: US BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting, 11:20 AM-12 PM, Room 150-151
  • Friday, January 19: End of Quarter 2/First Semester 
  • Monday, January 22: No Classes, Grading Day 
  • Tuesday, January 23: Quarter 3/Second Semester Begins 
  • Wednesday, January 24: US ACTP Prep Class, 5:30-8:30 PM, Room 181
  • Thursday, January 25: Admission Preview  
  • Friday, January 26: US BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting, 11:20 AM-12 PM, Room 150-151
  • Friday, January 26: Parents Association Family Trivia Night, 6-9 PM, Family Commons
  • Friday, January 26: Winter Show—The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 7-8:30 PM, Black Box Theatre 
  • Saturday, January 27: Winter Show—The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 7-8:30 PM, Black Box Theatre 
  • Sunday, January 28: Winter Show—The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 2-3:30 PM, Black Box Theatre 
  • Friday, February 2: US BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting, 11:20 AM-12 PM, Room 150-151 
  • Friday, February 2: Winter Show—The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 7-8:30 PM, Black Box Theatre 
  • Saturday, February 3: Winter Show—The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 7-8:30 PM, Black Box Theatre 

A couple of years ago was the first time that I heard the term “cuddle puddle.” It was used to (positively) describe the mass of humanity gathered at our monthly Monday Morning Meetings, where students gather closely together to learn about the happenings in the upper school. According to, a cuddle puddle is a “fairly new term ubiquitous for non-sexual, touchy friendly happenings.” As the upper school director, I see the students huddled together as a way for students to foster a supportive and nurturing environment from which a strong sense of community is built. Building community happens frequently at MPA, yet last week, several opportunities stood out. 

Last Wednesday was one of those “special days” at MPA, where the energy felt throughout the building was palpable. It started with serving nearly 2,000 homemade pancakes at the annual MPA Founders’ Day Pancake Breakfast. Hundreds of community members enjoyed each other’s company and delicious pancakes in the Family and Upper School Commons. Dining tables consisted of long-term and new MPA community members connecting over a simple meal. PreK-12 grade students celebrated the Parent’s Association sponsored MPA Book Fair that afternoon by holding our first pairing assembly of the year. Seeing students from the three divisions paired together, reading stories, and interacting with one another was tremendous. A genuine enthusiasm and connection between students transcended their age gap. On Friday, six members of the Class of 2024 gave their Senior Performances. A graduation requirement, these speeches are where members of the senior class speak to their peers and invited guests and share how they have grown into young adults while at the same time thanking those who have helped them along the way. The students who spoke were vulnerable with the audience yet knew that they were in a safe space where they would be accepted for who they are and the stories they shared.  

Psychology Today shares, “A positive school community not only enhances the overall student experience, but also equips students with essential life skills such as teamwork, communication, and empathy, setting a foundation for their future success and well-rounded development.” These are characteristics that all schools strive to provide for their students. The events and gatherings of last week are just those that are top of mind from which MPA students get a strong sense of community and belonging.   

Although I can’t promise that there will be a space for you in the upper school Monday Morning Meeting cuddle puddle, I do look forward to seeing you on campus soon.  


Important Information 

  1. If your student will be absent, late, or needs to be excused early from school, please reach out to the upper school office via
  2. Class of 2028 parents are invited to attend one of the two coffees for rising ninth-grade parents to learn more about the Upper School at MPA, ask questions, and share the excitement of this next important step in students’ educational journey. Please mark your calendar forTuesday, December 19, 6:30-7:30 PM and/or Friday, January 12, 8-9 AM. No RSVP is required, and coffee, tea, and light refreshments will be provided at each gathering. We will meet in the Porter Conference Room (PCR) within the Head of School suite.
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