from Dr. Jenn Milam, Middle School director

Mark Your Calendars

  • Friday, January 26: PA Parent Trivia Night, 6-8 PM, Family Commons
  • Friday, January 26: US Winter Show, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” 7-8:30 PM, Black Box, tickets >
  • Saturday, January 27: MS Gemstone Quiz Bowl Tournament, 8:30 AM-3 PM, Burnsville High School
  • Saturday, January 27: MPA vs SPA Varsity Basketball at Target Center, 9 AM (girls), 11 AM (boys), tickets >
  • Saturday, January 27: US Winter Show, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” 7-8:30 PM, Black Box, tickets >
  • Wednesday, January 31: MS Grade 7/8 BIPOC Affinity Group, 2:20-3 PM, Panther Center
  • Thursday, February 1: MS Class of 2032 Parent Gathering, 3:15-4:15 PM, Library
  • Friday, February 2: Re-Enrollment Agreements Sent
  • Friday, February 2: US Winter Show, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” 7-8:30 PM, Black Box, tickets >
  • Saturday, February 3: US Winter Show, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” 7-8:30 PM, Black Box, tickets >
  • Sunday, February 4: US Winter Show, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” 3-4:30 PM, Black Box, tickets >
  • Monday, February 5: MS Puss ‘N Boots Cast Party, 3:15-4:30 PM, Family Commons
  • Wednesday, February 7: MS Talent Show, 12:30-3 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Wednesday, February 7: MS Class of 2032 Parent Gathering, 6-7 PM, Library
  • Thursday, February 8: Middle School Snow Tubing, Badlands SnoPark, 2-5 PM
  • Friday, February 9: No LS/MS Classes, Conferences
  • Friday, February 9: LS/MS Conferences, 8 AM-5 PM
  • Thursday, February 15: LS/MS Evening Conferences, 3:30-8 PM
  • Friday, February 16: Professional Development Day, No Classes
  • Monday, February 19: Presidents’ Day, No Classes

New Semester, New Opportunity!
A new semester is something I always loved as a student … the chance to begin anew, be better, develop new skills, learn new things. I hope you’ll approach this semester, and this next part of our annual journey in the same way—optimistic, focused, and supportive! I tell Middle Schoolers that semester two is the start of their runway to their next grade and it’s time to fly more independently, more responsibly, and more maturely. How exciting to grow up!

Middle School Office
Review of applications for the Middle School Assistant position have begun. Ms. Meras and I continue to manage the divisional office tasks, duties, and day-to-day activities. If you need to report an absence, we request that you email If it is urgent, please email either of us individually ( and ( and we will get it ASAP. As a reminder, the office phone number is 651-748-5565. Thanks for your support, kindness, and patience! We hope to introduce you to our next great “chaos coordinator” soon!

Lower and Middle School Conferences: Friday, February 9 and Thursday, February 15
Our conferences for Lower and Middle school will be held at the start of February. Scheduling for your conferences is ongoing now—please do not miss this opportunity to sign up! If you are not registered for conferences by this Friday, January 26, you will not be able to schedule! If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to the Middle School Office.

Valentine’s Day in Middle School
Valentine’s Day is my favorite holiday of the year—a time to tell those you love and appreciate that you do and who doesn’t love loads of pink and red? It can also be a challenging time in Middle School when our minds and brains tell us that others’ thoughts, opinions, and interactions with us are more important than just about anything. Fear of rejection, unrequited feelings, or being left out, are real and powerful, especially for (pre)adolescents. In Middle School we work hard to teach, practice, and reinforce that no one must like everybody nor be liked by all. This is a shifting landscape in the social-emotional journey, for sure. If you and your student decide to share valentines, treats, cards, or other trinkets, please help them to be mindful of others. It’s always good to share kindness and it’s also an important lesson to be sure that we’re not sharing at the expense of others.

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