fourth grader working in the makerspacefrom Jennifer Le Varge, Lower School director

Mark Your Calendars

  • Friday, February 9: No LS/MS Classes, Conferences
  • Friday, February 9-Thursday, February 15: LS Uniform Sale, 8 AM-3 PM, Atrium
  • Monday, February 12: PreK to Kindergarten Transition Parent Coffee, 8:15-9:15 AM
  • Wednesday, February 14: LS Valentine’s Day Party, 8:30-2:20 PM, Lansing Sports Center, Allergy Aware Guidelines
  • Thursday, February 15: Re-enrollment Deadline
  • Thursday, February 15: LS/MS Evening Conferences, 3:30-8 PM
  • Friday, February 16: No Classes, Professional Development, Panther Club Closed
  • Monday, February 19: No Classes, Presidents’ Day
  • Tuesday, February 20: LS Parent Quarterly Coffee, 1:15-2:45 PM, Gallery
  • Friday, February 23: LS Grade 4 Battle of the Books, 8:45-10 AM, Library
  • Wednesday, February 28: LS Grades 3/4 Orchestra Hall Field Trip, 9-11:30 AM
  • Wednesday, February 21: CHAMP Assembly, 8:15-9 AM
  • Friday, March 1: LS Grade 3 Battle of the Books
  • Friday, March 1: SnoDaze Assembly, 2:20-3 PM, Lansing Sports Center

It looks like an early spring is on its way, and there is a palpable hint of warmth in the air. After living in Beijing, China for several years with my family, I will always treasure these special days in late January and early February, when many cultures around the world celebrate the Lunar New Year. In Beijing, that meant gorgeous red lanterns, lively music, sparkling fireworks, and stuffed red envelopes. As we head into the year of the dragon, please read on for more updates:

At our CHAMP assembly on January 31, the children were introduced to our Lower School “Rainbow Voices.” With this new shared expectation, students are learning about four different voice volume levels and practicing them where appropriate. This whole-Lower School guideline is part of our initiative to continually refer to common understandings across the children’s day, reducing confusion and increasing personal agency and a deeper sense of belonging. Our next CHAMP assembly is scheduled for Wednesday, February 21. We will be focusing on the CHAMP attribute of “courageous” with a special focus on Black History Month. Please be sure to send your child to school on February 21 wearing their CHAMP colors!

Conferences on February 9 and 15
Our Lower and Middle School conferences will be held all day on Friday, February 9 and from 3:30-8 PM on Thursday, February 15. Our teachers are looking forward to sharing the progress your child has made and the areas of continued focus as we look toward the remainder of the academic year.

Morning Arrival & Panther Club
Students arriving before 7:50 AM need to proceed directly to the Panther Center. They should not stop at their lockers to unpack and visit with each other. We are finding that students are on campus but are not supervised by a parent and are not reporting to the Panther Center. This creates a significant safety issue. The cost for morning care is $5.50 per day. We ask for your help in reinforcing this expectation. Thank you!

PreK to Kindergarten Transition: Parent Coffee on Monday, February 12
To support our PreK families, we welcome the parents of our youngest learners to meet the kindergarten teaching team, learn more about the MPA kindergarten program, and get any questions answered about the next step in the PreK children’s journey. Please join us on Monday, February 12 from 8:15-9:15 AM in the Library. All PreK families are welcome regardless of whether your child is moving on to kindergarten next year or the year after. Mrs. Roche, Ms. Petersen, and Ms. Jennifer Le Varge are excited to collaborate with you!

Valentine’s Day on Wednesday, February 14
Our Parents Association, in collaboration with the Lower School team, looks forward to celebrating Valentine’s Day with the community. Students will have the chance to engage in some fun activities during their class Valentine’s Party on Wednesday, February 14. The parties will take place in the Lansing Sports Center during the scheduled physical education times. Lower School children are invited to wear red, purple, pink, and white as part of a non-uniform day to celebrate the holiday.

If your child decides to share Valentines with others (not required), please ensure that everyone in the class receives one. Please follow our Allergy Aware Guidelines and avoid sending in food wherever possible.

Parents Association Lower School Parent Coffee on Tuesday, February 20
Our next coffee will be held on Tuesday, February 20 from 1:15-2:45 PM in the Gallery. Join us to hear from our Lower School counselor and our Makerspace team as we learn more about how our children learn at MPA. Ms. Jeanne will discuss peer relationships in the elementary years. Mr. Moran will enlighten us about the educational benefits of Pokémon. We will learn more about the maker curriculum, and we will also get a chance to be creative and get hands-on in the Makerspace with Mr. Moran and Mr. B. We hope you can join us!

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