MS Division News from Dr. Jenn Milam, Middle School director

Mark Your Calendars 

  • Thursday, May 16: MS/US Band Concert, 7-8 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Monday, May 20-24: MS Grade 7 Washington D.C. Trip
  • Thursday, May 23: MS Grade 5 Inventor’s Fair, 2:20-3 PM, Family Commons
  • Thursday, May 23: MS Grade 5/6 BIPOC Affinity Group, 2:20-3 PM, Panther Center
  • Friday, May 24: PreK-Grade 12 Spirit Wear Day!
  • Friday, May 24: Senior Walk, 1-1:45 PM, South Entrance
  • Monday, May 27: No Classes, Memorial Day
  • Tuesday, May 28: MS Field Day, 12:30-3 PM, Soccer Fields, South Lawn
  • Thursday, May 30: MS Grade 7/8 BIPOC Affinity Group, 2:20-3 PM, Panther Center
  • Thursday, May 30: Development Open House & Volunteer Breakfast, 7:30-9:30 AM, Family Commons
  • Thursday, May 30: Retirement Gathering, 4-6 PM, Library
  • Friday, May 31: MS Grades 5/6 Canoe Trip, 8-3 PM
  • Friday, May 31: MS Grades 7/8 Valleyfair Trip, 8-3 PM, Valleyfair
  • Monday, June 3: MS/US End of Quarter 4
  • Monday, June 3: LS/MS Grades 4 and 8 Moving Up Ceremony, 1:30-3 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Tuesday, June 4: Last Day of School, All School Yearbook Assembly and Signing, 8-10:30 AM, Nicholson Center
  • Tuesday, June 4: Dismissal, 10:30 AM, no afternoon care or transportation home

There are just 12 1/4 days of school remaining (who’s counting?), and it’s most definitely a sprint to the finish! As we move through the next two weeks, please reach out to the Middle School office if you have any questions or need clarification.

Spring Sports: Calendars, Cancellations, and Coordinating Schedules!
Spring sports seasons are upon us and schedules can be very fluid, depending on the weather. Please know that we, along with the Athletic Department, do our best to avoid last-minute cancellations of games and practices, but sometimes they cannot be avoided. Please bookmark the MPA Athletics website on your phone and check the weekly athletic schedule regularly to plan and organize your family activities. Additionally, please ensure that Dawn Zimmerman has your most current contact information to be in touch as needed. You can reach her at

Middle and Upper School Band Concert Tonight!
Please join us at 7 PM for our final performance of the year. Students should report to Mr. Skrove at 6:15 PM—dressed in concert black—ready to perform! Our Middle and Upper School bands will be sharing their talent and growth this evening in the Nicholson Center.

Under Beds, In Closets, and Stuffed In Drawers
Please have your students look in all the familiar spaces for books, materials, and other MPA-issued property that needs to be returned! We appreciate you returning gently used items that can be used by future students. If an item is damaged, billing will be initiated via TADS.

Senior Walk: Friday, May 24, 1 PM
Please join us for this treasured tradition to celebrate the Class of 2024. Our community will gather outside and around our beautiful campus to honor these incredible young people as they close this chapter and look to their next!

Memorial Day, Monday, May 27
There are no classes on Monday, May 27, for Memorial Day observance.

Middle School Field Day: Tuesday, May 28, 12:15-3 PM
We’ll have fun in the sun and lots of playtime on Tuesday afternoon! Please help to remind your students to dress appropriately for the weather. Should it rain, our rain date is Thursday, May 30. (Editor’s note: Please join in the fun at the end of this event to say farewell to Dr. Milam. See information from your Parents Association grade rep for more details.)

Adventure Day: Friday, May 31 
As is our tradition, the entire Middle School will be away on Friday, May 31. Our 5/6 classes will be canoeing at Taylors Falls, while our 7/8 classes will be performing and enjoying a fun day at Valley Fair.

  • 5/6 students going canoeing should dress for exploration and bring a packed lunch! A swimsuit may be worn but is not required. Sunscreen and bug spray are highly recommended, and students will not be allowed to bring cell phones during the day.
  • 7/8 students can pack their lunch or bring money for food/snacks at the park. Food/snacks are not included in the cost of the ticket, so be sure to plan for this long day!

NOTE: If you do not wish your student to participate in one of these activities, please contact Ms. Nagle (canoeing) or Teacher Claver (ValleyFair) and plan for them to stay home that day as no classes will be held.

Moving Up Ceremony: Welcome New Middles and Farewell Eighth Graders!
Please plan to join us for the Moving Up Ceremony on Monday, June 3, 1:30 PM, in the Nicholson Center. During this special assembly, we will celebrate our eighth graders as they begin their turn to Upper School and welcome our rising fifth graders to Middle School—officially!

Immediately preceding our ceremony, beginning at 12:30 PM, in the Middle School commons areas and hallways, the eighth graders will share their Passion Projects, their independent science research, and their writing collections with families, siblings, and community members. We hope you’ll be able to join us for this special sharing as well.

At the end of our Moving Up Ceremony, all students will convene on the West Lawn, outside the Nicholson Gallery doors, for popsicles and fellowship. You’re welcome to join us.

Last Day Of School: Yearbook and Assembly And Early Dismissal
On the last day of school, we all meet for our annual Yearbook Assembly at 8:15 AM in the Nicholson Center—our entire community, PreK-12! Parents and families are welcome, and it’s often standing room only. Once our assembly has concluded, students move to their advisories to pick up their yearbook (if one was ordered!) and commence our community-wide signing, celebration, and joy-fest!

NOTE: This is a very abbreviated day. The school day begins at 8 AM and all students are expected to be picked up at 10:30 AM. There is no Panther Care provided on the last day of school. Please plan with friends, classmates, or on your own to pick up your student no later than 10:30 AM, as our teachers, staff, and administration are eager to begin their summer break, too!

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