Kindergarten teachers, Ms. Kristine Petersen (Ms. P) and Ms. Katie Roche welcome parents into classrooms for community share moments each year. This year was extra special as we had eight students in the kindergarten class that were children of MPA alumni.

We asked the teachers – How do you feel about having alumni parents in your classroom?
It is always a highlight when MPA parents volunteer to join us in the classroom. Children get so excited to share part of their day with their parent. As I reflect on the question above, I become a bit overwhelmed. I’m hit with the realization that these adults have chosen to come home to a place where they grew and learned as a child. This is a powerful moment and one that epitomizes our school community. We make deep connections with each other at MPA. I have watched some of these parents grow into the human beings they are today. It was an incredible honor to be a part of their story as they traveled on their life journey. Then to think I now have their sweet children in my class. Well, my eyes are overflowing with tears.

These eight alumni parents will lead our kindergarteners into their graduation ceremony on June 4. Each former MPA student will don an MPA alumni sash and find their place standing behind their child, and the entire kindergarten class. This will be a breathtaking sight. It will inspire new beginnings and possibilities for more children to return home. A place where they will always belong and be loved for who they are each and every day.

We asked the students – How do you feel about being at the school your parent attended?

  • “I don’t actually know that much stuff that my dad did. He probably did French in first grade. He was also next to the same room we are in; I think.”
  • “Good. If my little brother is going to go to this school, my whole family will be here. I like knowing that my mom went to school here because she wore the same uniform.”
  • “I feel good about that because it is my mom and I like her so much.”
  • “I feel happy because we were in the same school. I like it because I am thinking my dad learned some of the same stuff as I did.”
  • “I feel good. I like that she feels like she did the same thing.”
  • “Good, cause I can hug my mom. Great, because we learn the same thing.”
  • “Because she went to kindergarten here and she was in the same classroom.”
  • “It makes me happy to know I am going to the same school as my dad.”
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