Heads Messagefrom Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

You may have heard that I turned 60 last Friday. To my surprise, I was serenaded by the fourth grade in the morning and again in the afternoon by all those gathered for the Senior Awards Ceremony. It was a memorable day, to be sure. I am still coming to terms with turning 60, mostly because I think of myself in my late 40s. As a milestone, however, it reminds me to approach this phase of my life in gratitude for a life well lived and for the many more opportunities ahead of me.

In Roman times, every mile was marked by a stone along roadways with a number that signified the number of miles coming or going from Rome. Today, a milestone signifies a momentous life event or accomplishment, such as a birthday, marriage, graduation, or retirement. Like the days of old, these events mark our journey through life and are a way to measure growth, literally or figuratively. Milestones serve as reminders to pause and reflect and celebrate what matters most in our lives.

There are many milestones at MPA this time of year. In just over a week, we will celebrate the high school graduation of 61 remarkable young adults. We will hold a Moving Up Ceremony to mark the matriculation of the fourth grade to Middle School and the eighth grade to Upper School. Tonight, we will celebrate the careers of dedicated educators Scott Wilson and Kristy Petrich.

As the academic year draws to a close, I am filled with immense joy and pride as we recognize our students’ individual and collective achievements. Whether in the classroom, on the stage, or on the playing field, these milestones are a testament to our student body’s diverse talents and hard work. Each milestone not only celebrates specific achievements but also serves as inspiration, encouraging students to continue striving for excellence in all they do.

Parents, your support and encouragement have been integral to your children’s success. Your involvement in their education and the school community has helped foster a nurturing environment where students can thrive. As we celebrate these milestones, we also celebrate you and your contributions to the MPA community.

Looking ahead, we anticipate many more milestones in the coming year. From new academic challenges to personal growth opportunities, the journey continues. Let us take a moment to appreciate how far we have come and look forward with optimism to the future. Thank you for being part of the MPA family and for celebrating these milestones with us.

Have a wonderful summer!

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