MS Division Newsfrom Dr. Jenn Milam, Middle School director

Mark Your Calendars 

  • Thursday, May 30: Retirement Gathering, 4-6 PM, Library
  • Friday, May 31: MS Grades 5/6 Canoe Trip, 8-3 PM
  • Friday, May 31: MS Grades 7/8 Valleyfair Trip, 8-3 PM, Valleyfair
  • Monday, June 3: MS/US End of Quarter 4
  • Monday, June 3: MS Grade 8 Passion Projects, 12:30-1:30 PM, MS Hallways
  • Monday, June 3: LS/MS Grades 4 and 8 Moving Up Ceremony, 1:30-3 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Tuesday, June 4: Last Day of School, All School Yearbook Assembly and Signing, 8-10:30 AM, Nicholson Center
  • Tuesday, June 4: Dismissal, 10:30 AM, no afternoon care or transportation home
  • Thursday, June 20: MS Summer Gathering (Meet at Mini Golf), 5-7 PM, The Burrow (Oakdale)

Happy last days of school!

As this is my final “News and Notes” to you, my beloved Middle School division, I want to extend my deepest and most sincere gratitude to you all—parents, grandparents, caregivers, students, and friends, for your love, your support, your partnership, and your hearts! Raising “middles” is hard work, and it’s beautiful work—work we’ve done together through joy and sadness, pandemics and parties, field trips and overnights, and all the while we’ve grown up together with our young people. My youngest, Keith, was in fifth grade when we came to MPA, and he spent four years in this division. It wasn’t always easy, and certainly being the “principal’s kid” was NOT cool, and yet it was a gift to experience life with him and to grow in my own person, leadership, and parenting along with all of you.

Thank you for your patience. Thank you for your kindness. Thank you for your trust in my leadership and that of our team. Thank you for choosing MPA. Thank you for sharing your young people with me. It’s been an honor of a lifetime.

Under Beds, In Closets, and Stuffed In Drawers
Please have your students look in all the familiar spaces for books, materials, and other MPA-issued property that needs to be returned! We appreciate you returning gently used items that can be used by future students. If an item is damaged, billing will be initiated via TADS.

Weather Watching All Day For Adventure Day On Friday, May 31 
As is our tradition, the entire Middle School will be away on Friday, May 31. Our 5/6 classes will be canoeing at Taylors Falls, while our 7/8 classes will be performing and enjoying a fun day at Valley Fair.

  • 5/6 students going canoeing should dress for exploration and bring a packed lunch! A swimsuit may be worn but is not required. Sunscreen and bug spray are highly recommended, and students will not be allowed to bring cell phones during the day.
  • 7/8 students can pack their lunch or bring money for food/snacks at the park. Food/snacks are not included in the cost of the ticket, so be sure to plan for this long day!

NOTE: If you do not wish your student to participate in one of these activities, please contact Ms. Nagle (canoeing) or Teacher Claver (ValleyFair) and plan for them to stay home that day as no classes will be held.

Moving Up Ceremony: Welcome New Middles and Farewell Eighth Graders!
Please plan to join us for the Moving Up Ceremony on Monday, June 3, at 1:30 PM, in the Nicholson Center. During this special assembly, we will celebrate our eighth graders as they begin their turn to Upper School and welcome our rising fifth graders to Middle School—officially!

Immediately preceding our ceremony, beginning at 12:30 PM, in the Middle School commons areas and hallways, the eighth graders will share their Passion Projects, their independent science research, and their writing collections with families, siblings, and community members. We hope you’ll be able to join us for this special sharing as well.

At the end of our Moving Up Ceremony, all students will convene on the West Lawn, outside the Nicholson Gallery doors, for popsicles and fellowship. You’re welcome to join us.

Summer At MPA For Middle School
Mr. Rudy Ford, director of extended day and summer programs, and the rest of his team are putting together quite the lineup of offerings for Middle School students! Please click on the links below to check out something of interest. We’d love to see you on campus!

Last Day Of School: Yearbook and Assembly And Early Dismissal
On the last day of school, we all meet for our annual Yearbook Assembly at 8:15 AM in the Nicholson Center—our entire community, PreK-12! Parents and families are welcome, and it’s often standing-room only. Once our assembly has concluded, students move to their advisories to pick up their yearbooks (if one was ordered!) and commence our community-wide signing, celebration, and joy-fest!

NOTE: This is a very abbreviated day. The school day begins at 8 AM and all students are expected to be picked up at 10:30 AM. There is no Panther Care provided on the last day of school. Please plan with friends, classmates, or on your own to pick up your student no later than 10:30 AM, as our teachers, staff, and administration are eager to begin their summer break, too!

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