headsmessagefrom Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

Welcome (back) to MPA and another fantastic school year!

Whether you’re a returning family or a family with one of the 103 new students joining the MPA community this year, it’s a fresh start and a new beginning for all of us.

First, I apologize for not being with you last week for Back To School Night. Instead, I was in Tucson, dropping my daughter off at the University of Arizona for her first year of college. I managed to keep my emotions in check—until we returned home, and I passed by her bedroom. The door was open, her bed was made, and her room was spotless—three things that had never been true before. After 34 years in education, helping launch hundreds of students into their futures, I knew saying goodbye would be hard. I just didn’t realize how hard.

Dropping a child off at college for the first time is a deeply emotional milestone for parents. In many ways, it parallels the experience of entrusting your child to a new school or, even for returning students, beginning a new school year. You and I are likely navigating similar emotions right now—moments that signify significant transitions in the parent-child relationship and mark our children’s growing independence. There’s also the natural anxiety about how our children will adapt to a new environment, whether it’s the magical world of kindergarten, a new grade, or the independence of college. Rest assured, our exceptional faculty and staff are dedicated to ensuring a successful transition and making a lasting impact on the hearts and minds of our students every single day.

As we embark on another school year, my sense of optimism is as strong as ever, fueled by the endless possibilities that each new beginning brings. This year is no different, and I am genuinely excited about the wonderful opportunities ahead. At MPA, we all share a common belief in the transformative power of education—an act of hope that shapes the future. Together, by investing in our children, we are truly building a better world for tomorrow.

Thank you for entrusting your children to MPA.

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