Headsmessagefrom Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

I am still on a high from last week’s Grandparents and Special Friends Day. It was a joyful event, and I enjoyed the many conversations I had with our guests. To see the pride our students have in their school and the delight in the eyes of their grandparents and special friends warmed my heart. I heard over and over what a wonderful school we are and how special MPA is. One parent shared that their dad never quite understood the value of the school given the cost until he witnessed the extraordinary teachers and warmth of the culture. “His experience was life-giving,” said the parent.

Events like Grandparents and Special Friends Day can serve as a mirror to reflect the school’s mission and values in action and to affirm whether we really are who we say we are. At MPA, we don’t take that for granted and strive to hold ourselves accountable to our mission and values. Our accountability extends to all members of our community: students and their families, faculty and staff, alumni, trustees, and benefactors.

I want to share with you an important process that underscores Mounds Park Academy’s commitment to accountability, improvement, and excellence: our participation in the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS) accreditation process. As you may know, Mounds Park Academy is a proud member of ISACS, an organization whose mission is to promote the development of strong learning communities characterized by high academic achievement, social responsibility, and independent governance. ISACS was founded in 1908 and serves more than 240 member schools in 13 states.

Central to this mission is ISACS’ rigorous accreditation process, which plays a crucial role in ensuring that Mounds Park Academy remains aligned with the highest educational standards. ISACS accreditation is a seven-year process designed to provide member schools like Mounds Park Academy with opportunities for deep reflection, assessment, and growth. It begins with a comprehensive self-study, during which the school evaluates its mission, philosophy, curriculum, and practices. This is followed by an on-campus visit by a team of educators from other independent schools. During their visit, the team meets with administrators, faculty, students, parents, and board members, ultimately issuing a thorough report that contains commendations and recommendations in approximately 30 key areas of school life.

The accreditation process is not just a formality. It’s a vital part of our school’s continuous improvement efforts, ensuring that we remain accountable to the mission we’ve set forth: we teach students to think independently, communicate effectively, and act with respect and integrity in a diverse community that models intellectual ambition, global responsibility, and the joy of learning. In other words, to educate the whole child—academically, physically, socially, and emotionally. Accreditation allows us to validate our strengths and identify areas where we can improve, ensuring that we provide the best possible experience for our students and families.

We are at the start of a new seven-year accreditation cycle. This year, we will begin by reviewing our school’s mission, philosophy, and curriculum, as well as surveying our community—parents, students, faculty, and alumni. These steps are essential to setting the stage for the self-study and eventual accreditation visit.

One of the most important ways that you, as parents, can be involved in this process is by participating in the constituent survey, which will take place in December. This professionally administered survey, conducted by ISACS, will give you an opportunity to provide feedback on all aspects of the school. Your voice will help shape the future direction of MPA and is a critical part of the accreditation process. This will be in place of the annual survey we typically conduct each December.

When you receive an invitation to participate in the survey, I strongly urge you to take part in this important process. Your input will not only shape the future of Mounds Park Academy but also ensure that we remain true to our mission and values. Through ISACS accreditation, we will continue to reflect, grow, and reaffirm our commitment to providing an exemplary education for all students.

Thank you for your ongoing support of Mounds Park Academy. Together, we can continue to build a school that fosters not only academic success but also social responsibility, character, and integrity in our students, where every individual feels seen, valued, and supported.

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