KuoWelcome to MPA, Kuo Xiong! Kuo started on June 24 as an AP/student billing coordinator, and we are so excited to introduce him to our community!

From what school/organization are you coming?
I previously worked for Graco Inc.

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I have an accounting certificate from a 16-month course and eight years of accounts payable experience with assistance to payroll and accounts receivable, processing invoices in the ERP system, and making weekly payment runs. I’ve also handled statements and made collection calls for credits with other vendors. Plus, I’ve done vendor maintenance with setting up new vendors and 1099 forms, matched POs with invoices for two-way matching, made journal entries, coded correctly, and reclassed codes to the correct accounts.

What did you find appealing about MPA?
I saw lots of things the job description that I have done in the past. That gave me confidence in my skill set to handle and manage those projects. I also very much enjoy the office atmosphere.

What lasting impact do you plan to have on MPA?
I plan to bring a hardworking and fun atmosphere, always getting the job done.

What’s your big dream?
I want to climb the ladder and be appreciated for my hard work.

What are you and your family passionate about?
We are passionate about outdoor activities. Sports, camping, fishing, and hunting are big for us. We enjoy family activities, bonding games for group activities, and team-building exercises.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
A fun fact about myself is that I am not really into any sweet desserts, such as cake. I haven’t even eaten my own birthday cake since I was a child.

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