Headsmessagefrom Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

Last week, I wrote to you about parental stress, highlighting an advisory issued by the U.S. Surgeon General. The ongoing threat of school shootings and the heated nature of the current political landscape have only heightened parental concerns. These issues, intertwined with children’s mental health, safety, technology, and social media, are pulling apart families and communities. This leaves many feeling hopeless and deepens the fears and cynicism of the old and young alike. Families and communities are being torn apart, leaving many without hope and fueling the fears and cynicism of young and old alike. But there must be a path forward, and I am steadfast in ensuring MPA is part of the solution.

As we approach the 2024 presidential election, Mounds Park Academy is reaffirming its commitment to civil discourse, civic engagement, and respect for diverse perspectives. These ideals are not new to MPA but deeply rooted in our founding principles. In 1981, co-founder Bob Kreischer envisioned a school that would prepare students to be “good citizens capable of dealing with the problems they will face in an ever-changing world.” This vision was heavily influenced by John Dewey’s educational philosophy, focusing on experiential, hands-on learning.

In today’s politically charged climate, it is more important than ever that students learn to navigate differing viewpoints with thoughtfulness and respect. MPA teaches students to analyze information critically, distinguish credible sources, and engage in evidence-based discussions. We model how to address complex issues with understanding, empathy, and inclusivity, equipping students to become well-informed, active participants in society.

This past summer, two of our Upper School teachers, Summer McCall and Katie Murr, represented MPA at a national summit sponsored by the Close Up Foundation and the National Association of Independent Schools. Working alongside our administrative team, they have developed a comprehensive plan to guide students, faculty, and staff through the 2024 election season. Our goal is to ensure MPA remains a place of intellectual curiosity, empathy, and mutual respect.

The MPA Election 2024 Plan is grounded in a new Freedom of Speech policy and supported by a set of norms created by Summer and Katie that will govern civil discourse within our community. Inspired by the Riverdale School in New York, we will encourage conversations built on reasoned argumentation, logical coherence, fidelity to evidence, and intellectual rigor.

What better way to engage students in real-world learning about democracy than by diving into the election at hand? Through political platform analysis, issue debates, and a deeper understanding of governance, our students will gain an appreciation for the significance of participating in democratic processes in age-appropriate ways. This experience will help them evaluate political systems critically and consider their roles as future citizens.

MPA is committed to fostering civil discourse and providing students with the skills to navigate differing viewpoints respectfully. Our approach teaches students not only to express their ideas but also to listen and engage with others constructively, preparing them for civic engagement beyond our school walls.

As a community of children ages three to 19, we take a developmentally appropriate approach to election-related discussions across all grade levels. We are also committed to ensuring the emotional well-being of our students by providing counseling services, affinity spaces, and other support mechanisms to help students process their feelings during this time.

We have established clear guidelines for acceptable speech and behavior throughout the election season to uphold respectful and productive discourse. Our Norms for Civil Discourse will maintain MPA’s commitment to being a focused and respectful learning environment, striking a balance between free expression and preserving our community’s integrity.

Moreover, our Election Plan emphasizes inclusivity and representation. We are dedicated to ensuring multiple perspectives are heard and respected within the school, empowering students to actively engage in election-related activities. This initiative teaches students vital skills in civil discourse and civic engagement, preparing them for leadership roles and future political participation. Through emotional support and open dialogue, we aim to help students navigate and process election outcomes thoughtfully.

In alignment with our plan, we are taking the following immediate steps:

  • Mock Election: Conducting a school-wide mock election to give students hands-on experience with voting and democratic participation.
  • Division-Specific Plans: Implementing age-appropriate plans to help students understand the electoral process.
  • Civil Discourse Training: Offering civil discourse training for faculty, staff, and students to ensure respectful election discussions.
  • Support Structures: Providing affinity spaces and counseling services on Election Day and afterward to support students.
  • Post-Election Reflection: Engaging students in reflection and analysis to encourage critical thinking about election results and the democratic process.

We believe that parents play a key role in supporting our Election Plan. We recognize that the election may spark emotional discussions at home, and we encourage you to continue these conversations with your children, reinforcing the values of respect, responsibility, and thoughtful engagement. If you or your child need additional support, our counseling team is here to help. Regular updates on election-related activities will be provided to keep you informed on how best to support your children during this critical time. Finally, we will be hosting two evening presentations for parents in order to explain our approach and provide space for further discussion:

  • HeadSpace: Civil Discourse In A Polarized Society, Election 2024, October 8, 7-8 PM, via Zoom
  • Election 2024 Through Civil Discourse: A Sample Lesson for MS/US Parents, October 15, 6-7 PM, PCR, register here

This election is more than just a moment; it is an opportunity for us to recommit to MPA’s core values of respectful dialogue and intellectual curiosity. As a community, we will work together to model these values and equip our students with the skills they need to be engaged, thoughtful, and responsible citizens.

Thank you for your continued partnership. Your support helps ensure that MPA remains a place where every student feels heard, valued, and empowered to be a right-maker, to dream big and do right.

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