March 4, 2025
What five things do you need to know about MPA? MPA tenth grader Emily Baker is here to tell you. We’re so happy to see the campus pond and native gardens made her list!
1. Athletic teams are no-cut.
Don’t be afraid to join a team; MPA welcomes all skill levels! Whether you’ve been playing for years or just starting out, there’s a place for you. I’ve made so many amazing friends on the soccer team and have grown so much as a player.
2. Student ambassadors are here to help.
As the Middle School representative on our student ambassador leadership team, I get to help welcome new students and make their transition to MPA as smooth and fun as possible. It’s such a great way to connect with others and make everyone feel at home!
3. We have a lot of school spirit.
MPA is all about lifting each other up. This photo captures the amazing turnout at our last Homecoming soccer game, an early morning match where the community’s energy helped push us to a dub!
4. You can try theatre…and more!
At MPA, you can be involved in theatre no matter what else you’re passionate about. I’ve worked on three productions this year while managing other activities. I usually do crew, but last year, my friends encouraged me to try acting in our musical, and I made so many lasting memories!
5. We have beautiful outdoor spaces.
Our pond and prairie are easily some of the most beautiful parts of our campus. Maintained by students and our Upper School biology teacher, Mr. Thomsen, the pond and prairie are not only fabulous but also a great place for outdoor learning and research.