Spring Sailing For MPA

Sailing teamfrom Toby Sullivan ’19, sailing captain

Spring sports have begun! Of course, you have all the normal sports to choose from, but here at MPA students in grades 7-12 also have something different—sailing. Did you know that we have been one of the top teams in the state recently? Did you know that we race locally, regional and nationally? Did you know that sailing is a co-ed sport?

If you are looking for a sport that has life-long potential and is tons of fun, come join the MPA Sailing Team. You do not have to know how to sail—we will teach you everything you need to know to be able to be part of our team.

Sailing is a two-season sport. You can sail in the fall or the spring or both. Practices are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at White Bear Sailing School (carpools are arranged) and races are on Saturdays at various locations. Practices and races are loose so if you cannot make one, it’s ok. If you don’t want to commit right away, come and try out three practices for free. We’ll get started after spring break.

If you have questions or want more information talk to senior Toby Sullivan (tsullivan19@moundsparkacademy.org) or team advisor and MPA math teacher Ms. Sullivan (wsullivan@moundsparkacademy.org).

Career Speakers Needed & Appreciated

High school students in classWe are seeking volunteers to speak with our Upper School students to share information about their jobs, and the stories of their career preparation and paths. MPA 10th graders recently completed Myers-Briggs assessments to tie in with their current general career interests. Next we hope to give them the chance to hear from people in fields that might hold interest for them. While all students in the Upper School are invited to participate, 10th graders will be attending as a required part of their advisory program.

Our first event is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17, 11:30 AM-12:10 PM (taking advantage of lunch/advisory meeting time). However, we envision expanding this program in the future, so even if you can’t participate on this date, please let us know of your interest and we will keep you posted on further developments and opportunities to be involved.

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Spring Auction Sponsorship Opportunities

heads and tails at spring auction 2018Become a sponsor of the 2019 Spring Auction! There are many different sponsorship levels, including Community Sponsor, Host Sponsor, and Family And Friends Sponsor. Community Sponsors receive two complimentary tickets to the gala, two complimentary tickets to the Private Sponsor Pre-party, the company name and/or family name on auction program, on-site recognition, website recognition, and help cover the cost of two teacher tickets.

Auction sponsors receive special recognition on the website and printed materials and are invited to the exclusive pre-party, where they will have special access to the silent auction, great gatherings, and games. Sponsors also support Mounds Park Academy’s faculty and staff by allowing us to provide them with complimentary tickets to the event Read More

Your Gift Matters

Green family in the cafeteriaby Jennifer Rogers-Petitt, Director of Development and Community Engagement

I grew up in rural Nebraska. Despite often wishing for more and to have anonymity that isn’t often found in small communities, I didn’t realize how much I missed that sense of belonging until our family found MPA last fall. Since then, I’ve experienced the joy of being a part of this tight-knit community of dreamers and doers. Through Together, We Dream: The Campaign for MPA, I’ve had the chance to talk with many supporters who’ve shared why they give. They often cite the impact their gift has on the school, and how they hope to make a difference in the lives of their children, and the entire community. Just as it is in most communities, giving here is both deeply personal and meaningful. Read More

New Busing Opportunities At MPA

middle school students getting on the busDon’t miss out on signing up for MPA busing during the re-enrollment process in TADS! Please note that the re-enrollment deadline is quickly approaching this Friday, March 8.

MPA is excited to offer transportation options for current and prospective families thanks to a new partnership with Hill-Murray! In addition to the current routes servicing North Oaks/Roseville, Highland/St. Paul, and Woodbury, MPA will be adding a dedicated route to and from the greater Stillwater/Lakeland area!

The cost for two-way transportation under a group stop model will remain $1,300, equivalent to just $145 per month. Detailed route information can be found here. The District 622 route information will be available in August, closer to the beginning of the year. Read More

7/8 Girls Basketball Wins Championship

7/8 Girl's basketball team photoCongratulations to the 7/8 Girls Basketball team on being the 2019 CAA Champions! The team beat Immaculate Conception School this past Sunday, winning the championship.

“The girls were undefeated all season,” shares their coach Bev Docherty. “This was one of their goals, so they’re really happy with the outcome and especially excited.”

We’re so proud of you, Panthers! Way to go!

Invite A Friend To Next Week’s Lunch

middle school boys in the makerspaceInvite a friend, colleague, or neighbor who would love MPA to lunch here on campus! Our upcoming admission event, Lunch At MPA, is next week on March 13 from 11:30 AM-1 PM.

This is a casual lunch with students and administrators, as well as a tour of campus to see students and teachers in action during a regular school day. Students are welcome, but not required to attend.

Spread the word and let them know to RSVP in advance for this engaging program at moundsparkacademy.org/RSVP. If you have any questions, contact the Office of Admission at 651-748-5577 or admission@moundsparkacademy.org. We are looking forward to meeting them!

Help Us Invite Your Grandparent Or Special Friend To MPA

upper school grandparents day 2018Help us invite your Upper School student’s Grandparent or Special Friend for a day at MPA on Wednesday, April 24! Grandparents and Special Friends Day has grown to include an event designed especially for Upper School. Visitors will receive a unique glimpse inside our older students’ life at MPA.

If you would like your child’s Grandparent or Special Friend to receive an invitation in the mail to attend, let us know by sharing their contact information here by March 8, 2019. Doing so does not register them for the event, but rather lets us know who you would like us to invite. Read More

Free Food For Thought Friday

Logan Segal serving himself lunchThis Friday, March 1, is our third Free Food For Thought Friday! For those that are unfamiliar with what this is, it is an opportunity for parents and students who normally don’t take hot lunch to try MPA’s lunch program for free. This Friday, along with the regular menu, there will be a calzone bar with homemade calzones!

If you and your student enjoyed the experience, Middle and Upper School students can add lunch for the remainder of the school year for $430—equivalent to just $5.75 per day. Lower School students can add lunch for the remainder of the school year for $380—equivalent to just $5 per day. Contact Amanda Platson, student billing coordinator, at aplatson@moundsparkacademy.org or 651-748-5502 to do so.

Special Guest Justice Alan Page Visits Lower School

Justice Alan Page reading to kindergarteners Last week, Justice Alan Page visited the kindergarten classroom where he read his newest book, “Grandpa Alan’s Sugar Shack,” to the kindergarten and third grade classes.

After the reading, the students had a chance to ask him questions and hear about his experience as both a justice and a pro-football player.

A warm thank you to Colleen Tierney, a kindergarten mom, for making this possible! It was such a treat to have Justice Page as a visitor and have him read his newest children’s book. Thank you, Justice Page! To see more photos of his visit, click here.