Maker Fest 2018 Was Extraordinary!

maker fest 2018Our community is filled with the most creative dreamers and doers! We are so impressed by what these brilliant minds made and brought to the first annual Maker Fest on Saturday. Participants and viewers ranged from students, parents, alumni, faculty, and staff of all ages and divisions. It was an excellent way to bring us all together and inspire the Maker in all of us! See the photos here!

MPA’s First Summer Musical

by Russ Purdy, Summer Program Coordinator

We are really excited about our first annual summer musical for students entering fourth grade through those graduating from ninth! I put together the summer musical program for the district I was in before MPA, and l am really looking forward to bringing it here. This year we are doing “Lion King Jr.” It will be a large-scale production with amazing costumes, music, and performances. Our production staff includes a director, choreographer, costumer, and set designer.

The kids will work all summer for the performances, and our mission is to work as a collaborative group to put together a top-notch show for our audience! I also believe that the process of putting together a show is as important as the product itself.

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Familiar Faces Return to MPA

retired faculty on campusThis week, MPA warmly welcomed beloved retired faculty and staff members Jackie Kemper, Sarah Kumagai, Betsy Chmelik, Ellen Turpin, Joanne Olson, Joan Shrum, and Nansee Greeley back to campus! After much hugging and reunions between each other and current faculty and staff, Ms. Koen toured the group around the Makerspace with wide eyes, followed by plenty of “ooh and ahs.” They loved the new addition to campus, extremely impressed and happy that students and teachers were benefiting from it every day. Then, they rolled up their sleeves and got to work!

With the help of Ms. Koen, they each made their own wooden “Dream Big. Do Right.” caddy, learning how to use an electric saw and the process of woodworking in the Makerspace shop over stories and laughs. It was an absolute joy to have them here!

You can take a look at all of their fun here!

Spread The Word About Lunch At MPA!

upper school students having lunchHave you told your friends and neighbors about MPA? Invite them to our next admission event, Lunch at MPA, on Wednesday, March 14 starting at 11:30 AM! Guests are invited to campus during a regular school day to meet school administrators over a casual meal, tour MPA, and see our community in action.

Please extend our invitation and have your friends RSVP in advance for this engaging program at If you have any questions, contact the Office of Admission at 651-748-5577 or

Congratulations, Logan!

Logan Erickson mpa alumniLogan Erickson ‘15 has been awarded the prestigious international title of IGDA Scholar from the Independent Game Developers Association Foundation. Logan is one of 18 recipients in the World to receive this honor for 2018. The IGDA Scholars conference scholarships are among the most coveted awards for students in game development and related disciplines. Read the full press release here. Congratulations, Logan!

The First Annual Maker Fest Makers

maker fest 2018Interested in the mechanics of robotics or the intricacy of textiles? Curious how woodworking is advancing global medicine and how common household items are upcycled and given new life? Have you ever seen a squishy circuit? The Makers of the 2018 First Annual Maker Fest will answer all of your questions this Saturday!

You already met Jess Blue and learned about her handmade garments and accessories, but there is a whole community of Makers just waiting to guide you through the Maker Movement. While all of these Makers sound amazing in writing, their inventions and creations are going to be even better to see in person. We are very excited to share them all with you firsthand at the MPA Maker Fest on Saturday from 1-3 PM!

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Incredible Summer Drama Opportunities

heather teaching dramaby Heather Mastel, MPA drama teacher

One of the reasons I love teaching drama is how it resonates with children. There is movement, humor, and creativity. It also teaches collaboration, communication, empathy, reflection, and problem-solving skills for creative challenges. I am excited to bring these learning opportunities to Summer at MPA! Children in Beyond Drama Class will create their own short play, while Beyond Acting! gives lower school students the chance to design, write, and choreograph. The One Act Drama Camp will challenge middle schoolers to rehearse and perform a one-act performance in just one week. We will also go see “Shrek Jr.” and tour the Guthrie Theatre.
For more information about these incredible drama classes and so many other opportunities, visit Next week in Panther Post, we’ll share much more about our brand-new summer musical program!

Come One, Come All!

Come one, come all to the Spring Auction 2018—Under the Big Top! Please join us for our only fundraising event of the year at the JX in Stillwater on Saturday, May 12. This fabulous community building event allows parents, alumni families, faculty, and grandparents to connect, enjoy an evening out, and take home some fantastic auction items, all while supporting the school that brings us together! Purchase tickets here!

Sponsors receive special recognition on the website and printed materials, and are invited to the exclusive pre-party where they will have special access to the silent auction, great gatherings, and games. Sponsors also support Mounds Park Academy’s faculty and staff by allowing us to provide them with complimentary tickets to the event. Become a sponsor today!

Items ranging from themed baskets to weekend holidays are needed and very much appreciated. Your contributions are what make this event possible. All items may be dropped off in the Development Office. View the auction item wish list!

If you have any questions, please contact Susan Robertson, Annual Giving and Alumni Relations Manager, at or 651-748-5531. Full event information may always be found at

Thank You From The Parents Association!

fruit spread for faculty and staffA huge thank you to everyone who participated in last week’s Faculty & Staff Appreciation event! Families from all divisions donated snacks, drinks and gift cards to show our faculty and staff how much we appreciate what they do for our students, each and every day. A special thank you to Chef Doug and his staff for creating breakfast and afternoon treats and for a delicious faculty dinner last Thursday evening during conferences. Another special thanks to Vern Kissner and his staff in the Maintenance Department for help during set up, clean up, and everything in-between.

Faculty & Staff winners of the $25 Gift Card Raffle include:

Tom Connors, Marina Dale, Andy Gilbert, Lauren Hernandez, Vern Kissner, Nicole Koen, Kari O’Keefe, Pat Reinhardt, Jason Schwalen, Renee Sonka, Jay Springer, Shelley Steingraeber, Renette Stinson, Becky Tesdahl, Karen Widerski, and Dawn Zimmerman.

Anyone who brought in food or snacks in a basket or on a platter can get it back by stopping by the PA Room after school on Tuesday 2/20 or Wednesday 2/21 or email Tara Lafferty at

Parent Education With Dr. Jules Nolan

middle school girls walking into schoolThe MPA Parents Association invites parents to attend two upcoming talks by Dr. Jules Nolan. Please note that these talks are open to all MPA parents, not just Middle and Lower School. However, the Wednesday discussion will be geared toward Middle School families, so while all can attend, the content will be focused on that age group’s developmental needs.

The Middle School Parent Event is Wednesday, February 21, from 8–9 AM in the Porter Conference Room. Dr. Jules Nolan will present “Social and Emotional Learning: A Better Predictor of Success in School.” This session will explore social and emotional learning, a skill set that is foundational in learning and life, and is currently the focus of new standards and benchmarks from the Minnesota Department of Education. Participants will better understand the five areas of SEL skills and how to develop lagging skills in the areas of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.

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