Makerspace Dedication Event

Student making a buttonThank you to all who came to the Makerspace Dedication and ribbon-cutting ceremony. Each and every one of you made the day fun and special! We hope you enjoyed getting to use your hands and minds in the STEAM activities and learned more about what goes on every day in the Makerspace here at MPA. Whether you went home with a customized Makerspace button to wear or a newfound love for building Rube Goldberg machines, it seemed everyone had a great afternoon of discovery and play.  We are proud to show you what our students are experiencing and working with at school. For more photos of the event, visit our Flickr page.

To watch Dr. AnnMarie Thomas’s inspiring and insightful talk to the MPA community during the Makerspace assembly on Friday, October 6, please visit our YouTube channel! She tells a vivid and relatable story of finding her passion, from childhood to college and now as an educator. She truly moved the community at every level.


MPA Blood Drive

Upper school student helping first grade student make a posterThe first grade and Upper School Student Council have teamed up to host the MPA Blood Drive as their service project for the year. Not only is it exciting for the students to work with each other across  divisions, but they are enthusiastic about supporting an important cause.

The students are having the drive to spread a simple message: giving blood is easy, and it will save lives. Much of today’s medical care depends on having a steady supply of blood provided by donors. The philanthropy of it is that donating blood saves lives on a local and global level. Patients in need of red blood cells, transfusions for emergency surgeries, and treatment of illnesses such as Leukemia and other cancers all benefit from your irreplaceable donation.

To support them, please consider offering an hour of your time to donate blood on Thursday, October 26. You may sign-up by going online to Our sponsor code/keyword is Mounds Park Academy. If you know that you are unable to give blood, please be sure to ask friends or relatives! If you have questions about your eligibility to donate please call the Red Cross at 1-800-RED-CROSS (733-2767). The first grade students and Upper School Student Council sincerely appreciate it!

Get Your Love Your Melon and MPA Hat

Girls in Love Your Melon hatsMPA alum Zach Quinn ’11 co-founded Love Your Melon and is making an incredible difference in the lives of children and families battling cancer. He is one of many dreamers and doers who have passed through the halls of MPA.

If you weren’t able to get your Love Your Melon hat at Homecoming, no fear! Several pop up shops are being planned until the hats sell out! On each of the following dates, hats will be available for purchase before school in the Lansing Lobby and after school at the South Entrance: October 31,
November 21, and December 19. In addition, they will be available at the Pancake Breakfast on December 6.

The Adolescent Brain and Growth Mindset

Middle school girls in hallwayAll parents are invited to the first quarter Middle School Parent Education Event, “The Adolescent Brain and How Brain Development Fits into Growth Mindset,” on Tuesday, October 3, from 8-9 AM in the Porter Conference Room (PCR). Our school psychologist, Dr. Jules Nolan, will be presenting on how brain development impacts behavior, and providing strategies for parents. Although the topic will be geared to Middle School-age students, any parent or caregiver is welcome to join in. Coffee and breakfast snacks will be provided by the Parents Association.

RSVP Today For Dedication Event!

Girl working in MakerspaceThe Makerspace Dedication and Ribbon Cutting event is coming up on October 7, starting promptly at 1 PM. The formal events will be followed by tours of the space, STEAM activities for all ages, and refreshments. This will be an incredible event that you will not want to miss! Kindly reply to

“The AnnMarie Thomas Makerspace is the only creative center of its kind in the Twin Cities for students in grades PreK through 12. Given the long-standing approach at Mounds Park Academy of hands-on, experiential learning that integrates science, technology, math with the humanities and the arts, the Makerspace fits perfectly alongside the work of Dr. Thomas,” said Dr. Hudson. Dr. Thomas will speak to students at an all school assembly on Friday, October 6.

Homecoming Coverage and Photos

Homecoming was spectacular! Thank you to everyone who attended the festivities. Find professional photo from Saturday on campus here and photo booth moments here!

Senior Rachel Lindrud of “Freethinker,” MPA’s new student-run news source, covered the excitement of Homecoming Week …

MPA students playing soccerHomecoming: A Time for Pride, Competition, and Dancing
by Rachel Lindrud

On Friday, September 22 through Saturday, September 23, Mounds Park Academy came together as an entire community for its annual and spirited Homecoming events. In the days leading up to the games and festivities, parents decorated the hallways and coordinated multiple events, while over the weekend, kids from all grades streamed to the fields and courts to cheer on their classmates, siblings, and mentors. MPA’s “Panther Pride,” an appellation referring to the school’s panther mascot, was uniquely demonstrated throughout the week in the forms of volunteer work, athletic skill, and blue and white pompoms. This event models not only MPA and its athletic accomplishments, but also its proactive parent, student, and teacher volunteerism and its dynamic community-building spirit.

On Friday, the day before the sporting events, MPA held its annual Homecoming Assembly, at which students and faculty of all grade levels came together to wish the athletes a final good luck and also take part in various competitive community-building events. Sylvia H. ’24, supported her sisters and enjoyed watching her friends and teachers compete with one another: “I supported Soccer and Volleyball because my sisters are on those teams. My favorite part of the assembly was watching the sports teams and teachers do relays.”

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Prep Athlete Of The Week!

Declan Dahlberg runningMPA Senior and lifer Declan Dahlberg was named as one of the Star Tribune’s Prep Athletes Of The Week!

“He won the Private School Championship at St. Catherine University with a time of 16 minutes, 25 seconds over the 5,000-meter course on a steamy 88-degree day. Earlier this season, the top-ranked runner in Class 1A won the Ron Kretsch Invitational,” the Tribune mentioned.

Last fall, Declan finished as the Boys Cross Country Class A State Champion, running a personal record time of 15:57.1, with the closest finish in meet history.

He is also currently writing posts for “MileSplit,” a popular athletics blog covering high school track and field and cross country news across the United States.

Articles Published In “Freethinker!”

Freethinker LogoMPA’s new student-run school newspaper, Freethinker features stories this week ranging from fostering friendships to nostalgic goodbyes.

“Mr. Meacock – A Final Farewell” is one of the most recent stories published in MPA’s independent student newspaper, “Freethinker.” The article is a heartfelt letter saying goodbye to former MPA Upper School English teacher Mr. Meacock, reminiscing about “the unplanned” days in his classroom and thanking him for encouraging students to “not only to be good academics, not only to constantly question and discuss, but also how to be good people.”

“A Story of Fried Food and Friendships: The Freshman State Fair Retreat” illustrates the famous, massive, and historic Minnesota State Fair and the MPA Freshman school field trip to it. The story captures the importance of independence and building relationships, all while surrounded by meals on a stick.

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Welcome Matt Magers to MPA

Matt Magers will begin this Thursday, September 21 as MPA’s Director of Development. Magers is an experienced development professional, having spent time in a variety of settings, including at the independent school and higher education levels. His most relevant and recent experience includes serving Stevenson School, an independent PreK-12 boarding and day school in California, and the University of Minnesota. “Matt’s warm, engaging, collaborative personality and high degree of personal integrity is a wonderful fit for the MPA community,” said Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School.

“The MPA experience leaves a significant positive impact on the lives of young people and their families that lasts a lifetime. I am both thrilled and humbled to step into a leadership role where I will have the privilege of sharing my 22 years of experience in philanthropy, nonprofits, and education to ensure that continues,” said Magers.

Matt possesses the ability to help simultaneously continue the implementation of our Strategic Development Plan and take it to the next level. “I have great confidence that under Matt’s leadership, we will continue the fantastic momentum we are experiencing in building a culture of philanthropy and raising the much-needed funds to meet the current and emerging needs of our students,” said Hudson.

“Dream Big. Do Right. The first time I read that, it jumped out at me unlike anything in recent memory. MPA is an educational community that many only dream about and how fortunate are we all to be part of it. I look forward to advancing its mission and ensuring that we each do our part to secure its future for generations to come. The future needs more dreamers and doers like the ones MPA is cultivating,” shared Magers.