May 16, 2024
from Mark Segal, Upper School director, and Jay Dean, assistant Upper School director
Mark You Calendars
- Thursday, May 16: MS/US Band Concert, 7-8 PM, Nicholson Center
- Friday, May 17: Class of 2024 Last Day of Classes
- Friday, May 17: US BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting, 11:20 AM-12 PM, Room 150-151
- Friday, May 17: US Robotics Season-End Banquet, 3-7 PM, Family Commons
- Wednesday, May 22: US Choral Concert, 7-8 PM, Nicholson Center
- Friday, May 24: US Senior Class Meeting, 8-9 AM, Recital Hall
- Friday, May 24: Senior Performances, 10 AM, Recital Hall
- Friday, May 24: US Senior Lunch and Alumni Panel, 11 AM-1 PM, Nicholson Center
- Friday, May 24: US BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting, 11:20 AM-12 PM, Room 150-151
- Friday, May 24: Senior Walk, 1-1:45 PM, South Entrance
- Friday, May 24: Upper School Awards Assembly, 1:45-3 PM, Nicholson Center
- Monday, May 27: No Classes, Memorial Day
- Tuesday, May 28-29: US World Language Finals
- Tuesday, May 28: US Senior Service Fair, 1-4 PM, McKeown Track
- Wednesday, May 29: US World Language Finals
- Wednesday, May 29: LS/US Grade 4 Introduction to the Instruments Concert, 10:30-11:20 AM, Panther Center
- Wednesday, May 29: Madrigal Singers Auditions, 3-6 PM, Recital Hall
- Thursday, May 30: Development Open House & Volunteer Breakfast, 7:30-9:30 AM, Family Commons
- Thursday, May 30: Retirement Gathering, 4-6 PM, Library
- Friday, May 31: US Math Finals
- Friday, May 31: US BIPOC Affinity Group Meeting, 11:20 AM-12 PM, Room 150-151
- Friday, May 31: US English Finals, 12-1:30 PM
- Monday, June 3: MS/US End of Quarter
- Monday, June 3: US Science Finals, 8:45-10:15 AM
- Monday, June 3: US Social Studies Finals, 12-1:30 PM
- Tuesday, June 4: Last Day of School, All School Yearbook Assembly and Signing, 8-10:30 AM, Nicholson Center
- Tuesday, June 4: Dismissal, 10:30 AM, no afternoon care or transportation home
- Wednesday, June 5: US Senior Dinner, 6-8 PM, Dellwood Country Club
- Friday, June 7: Madrigal and Concert Choir Rehearsal, 10-11 AM, Nicholson Center
- Friday, June 7: US Mandatory Commencement Rehearsal, 11 AM-1 PM, Nicholson Center
- Saturday, June 8: US Commencement, 6-7 PM, Nicholson Center
For those of you who don’t know, as a requirement for graduation, MPA students must engage in at least 60 hours of community service during their Upper School years, including a focused, 30-hour project during their senior year. In the week leading up to graduation, students display these projects in a community-wide event we call Service-Con. The mission of this year’s Service-Con, developed by the students during Senior Seminar class earlier this year, is “MPA’s Service-Con creates a culture of service and communicates MPA’s values of volunteerism and community involvement. Meant to serve both MPA and external communities, Service-Con is an opportunity for Seniors to demonstrate the importance of service.”
The members of the Class of 2024 have been working hard, serving our school community and the community around us in myriad ways. To give you a taste of what will be on display at this year’s Service-Con, here are the names of some of our students’ projects: “Faces of Romanian Culture”; “‘Thanks, Bud!:’ A Stronger Support System for New Students”; “Looking Up: Local Community Astronomy Outreach”; “Acres for Life: Peaceful Pastures Zen Garden”; and “Women and Words: A Partnership with the Minnesota Women’s Press.” Fun fact: at the time of this publication, the Class of 2024 has recorded 3,079 hours of service (and counting!). Read More