First Graders Sweep Fair Housing Poster Contest!

First Grade ClassThe Saint Paul Area Association of REALTORS honored MPA’s first grade class last week for their exceptional entries in the Fair Housing Month Poster Contest! Lucie, Alex, and Mitch took first, second, and third place overall! Congratulations to the entire class for dreaming big about equal opportunity and inclusivity during your social studies unit on community.

Varsity Baseball Advances

Baseball TeamBoys Varsity Baseball defeated Liberty Classical Academy 5-1 in the second round of the Section 4A playoffs! Senior John Ogden pitched a complete game and recorded the win. The Panthers play again next on Saturday, June 3 against Legacy Academy at Legacy Academy at 1 PM. Go Panthers!

MPA’s Highest Finish Ever!

Middle School Softball TeamMPA’s Middle School Softball team took first runner up in the CAA Championship Game this week. This is MPA’s highest finish ever! Go Panthers!

Full Circle

Class of 2017 Group Photoby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

My grandmother used to say that everything comes full circle, that in one way or another, we end up where we began. As we mark the end of the school year, we celebrate the ways in which the academic careers of our graduating seniors have come full circle.

This past week was the seniors’ last at MPA. They celebrated in a number of ways, including a fun senior “prank.” (I must share with you that MPA is the only school I know of where the seniors work with the administration in advance to plan their prank.) Upper School teachers served them waffles for breakfast and I treated them to Chipotle for lunch. For me, the lunch comes full circle from last fall when I met with them in groups of 10 over lunch and asked them to share with me their college dreams. Having come full circle, they received offers of admission from 113 different colleges and universities in 31 states, Washington, D.C., and Canada. Next fall they plan to matriculate to 33 different schools in 14 states.

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Seeking More Host Families

With a warm heart and sincerest gratitude, I’m thrilled to share that we have secured host families for Tamana for the summer months and her Senior year! We had an incredible response from MPA families. Thank you to each and every one of you whose heart went out to Tamana, who took the time to consider hosting, and who volunteered to host!  Thank you!

As we continue to grow and develop the MPA International Student Program, we are still looking for additional host families for new students. If our earlier request spurred conversations in your home or you’ve already begun mentally repurposing that spare bedroom, we would love to have you host! We are actively recruiting students from a variety of countries around the world, hoping to increase and diversify our international student population in the process. One of the organizations we are currently working with is Youth for Understanding (YFU), an organization that recruits students from 70 countries for one-year experiences in the United States. We are partnering with the YFU Homestay Coordinator to place some of these great students in homes for the 2017-18 school year and many years to come.

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Class of 2017: Camille Arsenault, Lino Lakes

As the 2016–17 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2017.

In what grade did you come to MPA? 7th

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
I chose the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities because I wanted opportunities in every field—academic, athletic, social, artistic, etc. I love Minnesota, so I knew that I wanted to stay here. Plus, the tuition was relatively inexpensive, and there’s a lot of school spirit.

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?
I’m most excited about immersing myself in a new environment. I’m excited for next year because there will be a lot of new opportunities to meet new people, try new things, and jump into something that I know nothing about. Read More

Class of 2017: William Kluge, Lake Elmo

High School StudentAs the 2016–17 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2017.

In what grade did you come to MPA? Kindergarten

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
Ms. Pederson kindly pulled me out of physics class to talk to one of Marist’s reps that came to visit MPA. While talking to him, I got the impression that Marist is a great college to go to for computer science and getting hands on experience in your field of study. After visiting Marist and talking to professors, I now know that is true. Read More

Class of 2017: Molly Gardner, Stillwater

High School StudentAs the 2016–17 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2017.

In what grade did you come to MPA?
I have been at MPA since kindergarten!

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
I chose Colby College for many reasons. I loved the campus and the location, in rural Maine surrounded by woods. I liked the class schedule and variety of courses available—not many schools have good education and language programs. Overall, I chose Colby because I felt comfortable on campus, and I could envision spending the next four years in the beautiful state of Maine. Read More

Class of 2017: Jack Gangestad, Woodbury

High School StudentAs the 2016–17 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2017.

In what grade did you come to MPA? 3rd

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
In third grade, I did my state project on Ohio and I fell in love. Throughout Middle School, I was a big follower of the sports teams and in Upper School, I decided that was where I wanted to go to college. It was the only school I could picture myself attending.

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?
I am excited for the opportunity that a big new school and city can bring.

What did you appreciate most about the college counseling process at MPA?
I appreciated that I could almost always walk in and talk to Ms. Pederson about what I was working on. She would research things for me and she found ways for me to boost my application. I appreciated that Ms. Pederson would always point me in the right direction. Read More

Finding The Right Kindergarten

Kindergarten classby Renee Wright, Mounds Park Academy Lower School Director

What makes a strong kindergarten program? How do you know what will be a good fit for your child? Should you find a program that stresses academics, play, or one that promotes both? Is a public neighborhood school the right choice or a private one with small classes?

There is no one right answer, and every family needs to base the decision on what works best for its individual circumstances and family values. Given our experience at Mounds Park Academy, a private PreK–12 school in Saint Paul, Minnesota, we believe that strong kindergarten programs are places where the following occur: Read More