Rigor with Purpose in Engineering & Design

High School StudentUpper School students in Engineering & Design were recently set free to ask two very important questions that get at the heart of science and the core of engineering: What is your need and how can I help? Students were then able to produce real solutions in 3-D.

Marc Shapiro, a Mounds Park Academy science faculty member and MPA’s FIRST Robotics coach, developed this project, which had two goals: to introduce students to 3-D printing and provide a useful device to an MPA faculty or staff member.

To determine genuine needs, Shapiro surveyed faculty and staff via email about what problems they had with their respective workspaces or how they wanted to enhance their classrooms. He compiled a list that he gave his students to review. For some teachers, those old-school rubber door stops just weren’t working; others wanted chairs that didn’t wobble. Each student ranked the projects according to interest, then Shapiro made the matches and let the students take it from there.

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Advice For Their Kindergarten Friends

Kindergarten FriendsWe asked several members of the Class of 2017 what advice they have for the members of the Class of 2029, current kindergartners. Here are a few of their thoughts …

“Being fair and passionate never goes out of style. Don’t lose sight of what you want to do. Sometimes your kindergarten passion is your lifelong passion. Don’t abandon it too soon.”
–Jack Gangestad

“I would advise the Class of 2029 to be grateful for the opportunities at MPA and to be appreciative of the time they have here, since it goes fast!”
–Eloise Berdahl-Baldwin

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Honoring MPA’s Luminares

by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I am notorious for having eyeglasses covered with fingerprints and smudges. I don’t always take the time to slow down and clean them on a regular basis. My mother would often exclaim, with equal parts resignation and frustration, “It’s a wonder you can see anything with those glasses!” She tells me the same thing about the windows in our house, admonishing me for letting them get so dingy. Mothers are always right, of course, and when I do clean them, I really do see and appreciate the difference, seeing the world anew, with a degree of clarity.

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Suicide Awareness and Prevention Resources

Suicide awareness and prevention is at the forefront of our minds and hearts as educators at MPA. Our community came together to learn more from experts in the field on Wednesday, May 24. While our teachers have been trained extensively on this topic and we enjoy a close, connected community, open conversations about difficult topics only strengthens our school climate. Here are some important resources to consider …

Community Education Presentation at MPA
by Dr. Todd Savage, MPA parent and professor of school psychology at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls and Dr. Scott Woitaszewski, also a professor of school psychology at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Video >
PowerPoint >

Internal MPA Resources – Summer 2017
Mounds Park Academy families should feel welcome to contact their division director with any questions or concerns. In addition, MPA has the following expert available:

Dr. Steve Kahn
School Psychologist
651-426-4297 (cellular)
(All Students/Families)

National Association of School Psychologists Prevention Resources 
Preventing Youth Suicide >
Prevention Tips for Parents and Educators >
Prevention Tips for Teens >
“13 Reasons Why” Netflix Series: Considerations >

Additional Resources
Community Resources >

Boys Varsity Baseball Seeded Third

The MPA Boys Varsity Baseball team is hosting a home section game this Friday, May 26 at 4:30 PM against the winner of Liberty Classical Academy and AFSA High School. The Panthers are seeded third in the Section 4A Tournament, their highest ever seed! We hope to see our fans there! Admission is free! Go Panthers!

Class of 2017: Eloise Berdahl-Baldwin, Saint Paul

HighSchoolStudentAs the 2016–17 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2017.

In what grade did you come to MPA? 5th

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
I was looking for a rigorous academic environment with rich opportunities, while simultaneously maintaining a tight-knit and supportive community. Middlebury College in Vermont was a perfect fit for what I was looking for, and I am so thrilled that I will be attending next year. I am energized by the outstanding faculty and students there, and I look forward to learning from and contributing to the incredible community at Midd.

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?
I am excited by the opportunities in college to grow both academically and personally. I believe the environment in college facilitates and encourages transformational growth. I have learned first hand at MPA the transformative power of community and education, so I look forward to continuing that experience at Middlebury. Read More

Class of 2017: Charlie Kramer, Saint Paul

CharlieKramerAs the 2016–17 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2017.

In what grade did you come to MPA? 8th

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
I received a lot of scholarships and was also admitted into a very prestigious honors program which required online applications and in person interviews.

What did you appreciate most about the college counseling process at MPA?
The College Counseling Office actually suggested Nebraska to me, so I decided to talk to the rep at the MISP College Fair. As soon as I did, I knew Nebraska would be a good choice.

What about your MPA experience has best prepared you for college?
Being able to choose my schedule and adjust it has really helped. As someone who wants to major in a mathematics field, I wanted to be able to take all the math classes available and MPA let me do that. Read More

WorldStrides Teacher of the Year: Mme Johnson

Congratulations to Evelyn Johnson, French teacher, who was nominated and honored for her hard work and dedication as WorldStrides Teacher of the Year! Read more about her and this much-deserved award.

Thank You for Your Support!

The Spring Auction was an incredible success, hosting more than 300 guests and raising $260,000 for Mounds Park Academy, including $100,000 for the Black Box Theatre! Thank you for your enthusiasm and generous support. A special thank you to our Spring Auction Chairs, Scott and Jennifer Holloway, our Spring Auction Committee, and all the volunteers who made this event possible!

Visit this link to see a selection of images from the lovely evening our community shared. Check back soon for more images!

Middle School Quiz Bowl Finishes an Incredible Season

2017 Middle School Quiz BowlNational Academic Quiz Tournaments hosted the seventh annual Middle School National Championship Tournament (MSNCT) over the weekend, a quiz bowl tournament for the top middle schools in the United States. Mounds Park Academy finished second out of 160 teams from 134 schools in 23 states! Quiz bowl questions are about school curriculum topics in literature, art, science, math, and history, but also cover current events, sports, music, and popular culture.

This was MPA’s sixth consecutive national tournament appearance, as well as their highest finish. Both Erica Brewinski, MPA Middle School Director, and Wade Peterson, Quiz Bowl Coach, praised the team on their dedication and perseverance. “They embody so many of the characteristics that we seek to foster in our students: teamwork, curiosity, courage, and the ability to think on one’s feet and to apply their knowledge,” said Brewinski. “I’m just incredibly proud of the group that came here,” said Peterson.

Congratulations to the team of Isak D., Ryan G., Hana M., Simon H., and Peter M.!
Photo courtesy of National Academic Quiz Tournaments.