Head’s Message: Permission to Create and Explore

By Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

Although winter is not yet ready to let go, as evidenced by Sunday’s snowfall, spring is beginning to make itself known at Mounds Park Academy. It has been a rather busy week with several rites of spring making their appearance. The Upper School is in the throes of final exams, Middle School is in i-Term, and Lower School students are embarking on a series of project-based learning experiences. The energy level is building as Friday approaches.

I was away from school for several days in early March attending the annual conference of the National Association of Independent Schools. A central theme of the conference was innovation. It is also a buzzword in educational circles as well as in business and industry. People in all sectors tend to confuse technology and innovation. They are not synonymous and technology is only one piece of the innovation puzzle.

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Yoga Calm Featured in MPA Lower School

MPA alumna and PreK teaching assistant shares her passion for yoga with her young charges

by Annie Stewart ’11, teaching assistant

Many yoga practitioners remember their first yoga class as the day their life changed. My first class was at the Heartworks Yoga studio in Northfield, Minn. when I was a sophomore at St. Olaf. I was living in the dorms and going through a challenging time. My friends suggested that I try a yoga class—a hot yoga class. I don’t know how I survived the 100-degree heat, the high humidity, and the crazy moves, but I was hooked.

Today I am sharing my love of yoga with the Lower School students at Mounds Park Academy. I think it’s vitally important for young children to experience yoga. They are experiencing a lot of emotions—and expending even more energy—during the course of the day. As teachers, we often expect them to sit still and listen, not move or chat with their neighbors. Few adults have that control!

I asked some of my students what they like about Yoga Calm. One said, “It calms me, and I just love time to be still.” Another shared, “If I am having a bad day, remembering these techniques really helps me calm down.” A young boy said, “I can get nervous before tests and this really helps relax me.” Another student said, ““I showed my mom how to do the yoga flow. She was really stressed about her annual meeting at work.”

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Dinner is Served!

Panther Family Dinners are back! They are a convenient way to quickly get dinner on the table! Find these offerings in the small refrigerator in the cafeteria and place your payment in the box on top.
  • Roast Beef Au Jus: Serves 5-7, $12
  • Beef Tips & Brown Rice: Serves 5-7, $12
  • Vegetable Eggrolls: 8, $9
  • Cheese Ravioli with Housemade Marinara & Parmesan: Serves 5-7, $15

Science Fun in the Summer

by Russ Purdy, Extended Day and Summer Program Coordinator

I love teaching science because students are naturally curious about the world in which they live, and therefore, natural scientists. As soon as they utter that first “why?” a junior scientist is born. Students learn best by doing, and will remember what they discover for themselves.

I’m very excited to teach the “Science Wizards” and “Kitchen Science” classes at Summer at MPA! During these classes we will ask questions, conduct experiments, stretch our minds, and learn that science is involved in every aspect of our lives. But, most importantly, the process will be interactive, hands-on, and FUN!

For more information and to register for these or other summer classes or Panther Camp weeks, visit moundsparkacademy.org/summer.

Save The Date For Passover Cultural Celebration

The Parents Association would like to invite all MPA friends and families to our final Cultural Celebration of the year on Friday, April 14 from 3:10–5 PM in the Cafeteria. Join us as we retell the Passover story and experience coconut macaroons, chocolate covered matzoh, and other Passover treats.

An adult must accompany all Lower School students. There is no cost to participate but we do request your RSVP so we can plan for you. Please RSVP by April 6, 2017 with your family’s information including student’s name and grade, as well as adult guests by emailing the Parents Association.

If your family would like to learn more about Passover or the Jewish religion there are several books in the MPA library on these topics.

Please contact Christine Larson or Amanda Campbell, Parents Association Co-Presidents, if you have any questions.

Head’s Message: Makerspace Construction Begins

Several years ago, we did a major renovation of, and addition to, our house. For three months, we were without a kitchen and without running water on the main floor. Our living room became both a kitchen and dining room. It wasn’t easy but when the construction was complete, it was well worth the inconvenience.

Demolition and construction of our new Makerspace will begin next week. After careful consideration, we decided to locate it across from the cafeteria where the current Middle School office, Mr. Witt’s Spanish classroom, and Panther Den are now. When completed, we will have 2,300 square feet dedicated to “making.” The new Makerspace will open in August and be ready for students to use when school begins.

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Come Dance With DJ Dad

Calling all PreK–6 families! You are invited to attend the 7th Annual White Out Dance hosted by DJ Dad, Makai Catudio (MPA parent). It starts right after school and we dance until 5 PM.  Meet in the Cafeteria—all Lower School students must be accompanied by a chaperone. A complimentary pizza snack will be provided.

You’re coming with your child anyway, how about helping organize the kiddos and their snack? We need your help! Click to sign-up for a short shift here.

Please contact Christine Larson or Amanda Campbell, Parents Association Co-Presidents, at mpapa@moundsparkacademy.org if you have any questions.

Summer Joy With the Teachers They Love

by Heather Mastel, Drama Teacher

One of the reasons I love teaching drama is how it resonates with children—there is movement, humor, and creativity. It also teaches collaboration, communication, empathy, reflection, and problem solving skills for creative challenges. I am excited to bring these learning opportunities to Summer at MPA! Children in Beyond Drama Class will create their own short play, while Beyond Acting! gives Lower School students the chance to design, write, and choreograph. The One Act Drama Camp will challenge Middle School students to rehearse and perform a one-act performance in just one week. We will also go see Shrek, Jr. and tour the Guthrie Theatre! I’m excited to have many of your students on campus with me this summer!

For more information and to register for any of these or other summer classes or Panther Camp weeks, visit moundsparkacademy.org/summer

Changing the World One Dollar at a Time

John, one of our beloved custodians, received some extra love last week.

In English with Ms. Atchison and Ms. Meras, seventh graders are each given four quarters. Their assignment is to trade their change (the transaction phase) to make something (the transformation phase) to create a positive change that reflects their values (the take-action phase) and write about it along the way.

Maren G. chose to paint this card and write a haiku for John, someone who gives so much to our community on a daily basis. He was overjoyed.

A former student, who wishes to remain anonymous, recently let Ms. Atchison know how this project inspired him to continue to make change in our world. Read his letter to her …

Hi Ms. Atchison!

I was in your seventh grade English class at MPA seven years ago!  You might not remember me—no worries, I was pretty quiet back then.  

So my dad is a teacher, and he just loves it when his former students reach out to him after they move out of his classroom. Just recently, I have taken it upon myself to try and reach out to as many of my former teachers as possible and just take a minute to recognize the impact that they had on my life!  

I was trying to remember some of my MPA classes and teachers from Middle School, and this one assignment that you gave us really stuck out so I thought I’d give you an update. I think it was called the dollar project or something similar. You handed everyone a crisp one dollar bill fresh from the bank, and told us to do something good with it. I ended up campaigning my neighbors and family friends to match my dollar until I got $25, and then I put the funds to use on the micro-lending site called Kiva. I just made my 10th loan with those same $25 dollars!

I’d just like to thank you for assigning this project (hope you’re still doing it—but it’s okay if you are not!!), and say that after spending so much time on Kiva, I really started to realize the power that micro-lending can have on the lives of people trying to lift themselves out of poverty. I’m currently at UW-Madison studying economics with a focus in developing countries, and I can safely say that being a part of micro-lending from such a young age was instrumental to developing my interest in the field. If I didn’t fully understand how cool the project was at the time, I definitely appreciate it looking back.

Best wishes.
Your former student

Congratulations, MPA Artists

Please join us in congratulating a host of MPA student artists whose work has been selected to be in the Saint Paul Jaycees Best 100 Juried Art Exhibition! Our students’ art was selected from 750 individual entries and narrowed down to the Best 100! The exhibition is being held at AZ Gallery in Lowertown, St. Paul beginning today, with an awards ceremony at 6:30 PM, and will run through March 25.

Exhibiting Artists
Rayaan Ahmed—Photography, “Second Generation-A Self Portrait”
Alex Esch—Photography, “Benched”
Maia Kelly—Photography, “Reprise”
Lucy Larson—Ceramics, “Batamut”
Tara Samsel—Ceramics, “Imprisoned”
Siri Vorvick—Photography, “Self Portrait”
Jarvis Zhang—Photography Portfolio, “St. Paul Landscape 1, 2 and 3”