Head’s Message: PreK–12 Under One Roof

by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

One of my favorite things to do is ask students, especially seniors, about their favorite “MPA moment.” What is your best memory that expresses what is uniquely MPA? Over lunch with a group of seniors, one replied, without hesitation, “Serving as a buddy to a Lower School student.” He went on to recount that ever since he was in kindergarten, he looked forward to making a difference in the life of a kindergartener in the same way that a senior touched his life so many years before.

Having grades PreK through 12 under one roof at MPA is not an accident—it is deliberate. Furthermore, role-modeling and mentoring are intentionally nurtured as a means to foster a safe, nurturing school culture. In a time that large public schools lead often to anonymity, MPA offers a warm, personal school culture wherein students truly know, respect, and value one another.

The events of a recent Friday drove home the very natural and organic way that relationships are nurtured across grade levels. My day began by attending the annual third grade event, Poetry and Pastries. As part of the third grade language arts curriculum, students study various forms of poetry and then recite a poem of their choosing in front of their peers and parents. As I scanned the faces of those assembled, I noted an older sibling of one of the third graders in attendance. That is not uncommon at such presentations. Having PreK–12 under one roof makes that possible.

Later in the day, I stopped by the classroom of Upper School physics teacher Marc Shapiro for the annual testing of bridges. This problem-based learning project challenges students to construct models of bridges using principles of physics and then tests each one’s strength by suspending weight. Throughout the day, PreK, kindergarten, fourth grade, and Upper School students attended to witness the successes and failures of each iteration. In fact, kindergarten and fourth grade students paired earlier that morning to build their own bridges in a growth mindset activity so they were able to compare and contrast the work. The look of awe, curiosity, and wonder on the faces of the younger students was priceless—especially when they witnessed Ben and Andrew George ’17 set a new school record (see video and photos here on Facebook). Read More

Academy Force Football

Mounds Park Academy is proud to announce an east metro partnership in Upper School football for grades 9–12 starting in the fall of 2017. Academy Force Football is a partnership between St. Croix Preparatory Academy, New Life Academy, and Mounds Park Academy. Home games will be at the stadiums of South Washington County for the 2017 season with the plan on moving to a new stadium on the campus of St. Croix Preparatory Academy for the 2018 season. For more information please contact Dan Haase at dhaase@moundsparkacademy.org.

Summer at MPA Registration Open

Registration for summer Enrichment Classes and Panther Camp is now open under the leadership of Russ Purdy, Extended Day and Summer Program Coordinator. You will find an incredible mix of academic, art, and athletic enrichment opportunities for your students, taught by the teachers they know and love. Find all of the details here and register today!

Head’s Message: Look to the Future

by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

As I stand at the front door in the morning, I often think to myself how happy I will be to see each student graduate. When I see the joy in a kindergartener’s eyes, or the eagerness of a second grader, the excitement of a seventh grader, or the accomplishments of a tenth grader, I often wonder what they will be like as graduating seniors. Perhaps I will be the one who hands them their diplomas. Maybe not. None of us knows what life will bring. However, one thing I know for certain is that my support and investment in MPA will continue long into the future.

In addition to our annual gift to the MPA Fund, Ross and I have named MPA as a beneficiary in our estate planning. Our annual gift benefits today’s students and our planned gift will benefit students in years yet to come. Quite simply, planned gifts ensure the financial health and longevity of the school. MPA is a relatively young school. Older schools tend to have large endowments, built by the planned gifts of countless alumni, parents, and grandparents that came before them.

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Finding the Right School Fit

Neelu Boddipalli and her husband Rama never thought they’d consider private schools for their sons Dilan and Kelvyn. Neelu grew up in the Twin Cities and appreciated her public school education in South Washington County; Rama attended public schools in the western suburbs of Chicago. When the couple built a house in a Saint Paul suburb, they assumed their children would attend public school.

“Private school was never on the radar,” said Neelu. “But several factors collided, which prompted us to consider alternative options.”

Like many parents, the Boddipallis first connected with the local school district when their oldest son, Kelvyn, was about to enter kindergarten. Similar to many rapidly expanding suburbs, their school district was examining how best to manage capacity. The couple attended the district’s facility planning meetings to better understand the rezoning process. The Boddipallis found themselves at odds with the district’s plans.

At the same time, their then-preschool son was experiencing racism and bullying at an area Montessori school, and it was eroding Kelvyn’s confidence.

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Our Legacy Society Story

In honor of MPA’s Legacy Society Awareness month, we are happy to share this story from Jamie and Cindy Gardner, MPA Legacy Society Members since 2011 …

One of Mounds Park Academy’s hallmarks is the concept of educating the “whole child.” The fact that fine arts, athletics, and academics are not only available, but equally emphasized across all grade levels was certainly the reason we came here.

Now, 15 years later, we believe the most striking thing about MPA is the school’s ability to positively educate the “whole family.” MPA is a school where all three of our children, despite vast learning differences as well as interests, thrived learning some of the most basic but important life lessons in self-worth and confidence.

We feel blessed that our children have been able to gain so much and that is why we have joined MPA’s Legacy society. It really was as simple as adding a beneficiary to our life insurance policy—what a great way to insure Mounds Park Academy is able to continue shaping lives for generations to come.

Making a Bequest through a Will or Revocable (Living) Trust

The most common method of making a charitable gift from one’s estate is through a testamentary bequest from a will or a revocable (living) trust. In addition to ensuring that your wishes are documented and will be used for the charitable purpose you intend, a gift made using this method also removes the designated assets from your taxable estate at death. Read More

Making a Planned Gift to MPA through a Beneficiary Designation

A simple way to make a planned (deferred) gift to benefit MPA is by designating the school as a beneficiary of all or a portion of your IRA or other qualified retirement plan or life insurance policy. You simply request a beneficiary designation form from your retirement plan provider or life insurance company, complete and return the form to them, and the future gift is put in place. You may also designate MPA as the beneficiary of your stock portfolio by requesting and completing a TOD (Transfer on Death) form from your broker. An even simpler way is to visit your bank and designate MPA a beneficiary of your checking or savings account by completing a POD (Payable on Death) form. In each of these methods, MPA can be designated as the beneficiary of a fixed amount, a percentage, or the remainder of your assets. Read More

Planned Gifts: Another Way to Support MPA

What are Planned Gifts?

Planned gifts, sometimes called “deferred gifts,” are charitable gift commitments made today but from which MPA does not benefit until a future date. Planned gifts may be made from a donor’s estate at death or may be established now with the transfer of assets. This creates a gift that provides an income stream to the donor with the remainder passing to MPA at the donor’s death. Gifts from estates can preserve lifetime flexibility (allow you to retain use of the assets and make changes during life), reduce your taxable estate, and help you to achieve a charitable purpose perhaps not possible during your lifetime. Life-income planned gifts, such as charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts, may also produce immediate income tax benefits. Read More

Off to State in Nordic

Congratulations to Declan Dahlberg ’18 and Matt Bourne ’19 for qualifying for the State Nordic Ski Meet! Declan finished eighth and Matt finished ninth at the Section 4A meet at Hyland Park Reserve today. They will compete at State next Thursday, February 9 at Giant’s Ridge. Go Panthers on to State!