Head’s Message: Creating the MPA Makerspace

MPA Fall 2016-322by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

When I was a child, I spent countless hours playing with LEGOs. Mind you, it wasn’t the LEGOs popular now that come with instructions and a pre-defined outcome. In the days before Minecraft, you would have found me building cities out of blocks, Lincoln Logs, and even leaves in the fall. I liked to take things apart, to understand how they worked. I didn’t take time to read the directions (I still don’t) but rather jumped right into putting a new toy together.

Looking back, I can clearly see that I was, in today’s language, a maker. In a time (way) before 3-D printers, CNC routers, and laser cutters, I learned how to create, solve problems, and learn from failure. I learned how to look at a challenge from various perspectives and with persistence—attributes of a growth mindset, a concept coined by educational researcher, Carol Dweck. I didn’t have anyone to teach me woodworking or metallurgy and didn’t pursue a career in design or engineering, but still rely upon that mindset. How I approach not only my career, but life itself, flows from those formative experiences. Creativity, problem-solving, confidence, and critical thinking are skills and competencies that emerge from making and that I draw upon each day in my work.

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Head’s Message: Join me at MPA Talks!

reversempatalksoptions-01by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

The MPA community is centered around learning—not just for our students but for all of us adults as well. To offer opportunities to expand your knowledge and thinking as parents, MPA partners with the Parents Association to offer a wide variety of meaningful sessions throughout the year like many schools do. However, MPA is proud to take that one step further by offering you opportunities to learn for the sake of learning, to be inspired, and to engage in the same critical thinking as your children do at MPA every day. Once such opportunity is the third annual MPA Talks, which will take place next Wednesday, January 11, starting at 5 PM in the Gallery. Read More

Founding Faculty Member Retirement

Good evening,richard-2

Since our school’s founding in 1982, Mounds Park Academy has been blessed to have Richard Meacock as a faculty member. He helped MPA establish itself as an inclusive, respectful community, wholeheartedly committed to diversity of all kinds. While Richard let us know that he will be retiring at the end of this school year, his legacy will live on for generations to come at MPA.

“I worked really hard to ensure that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender children at MPA are respected and whenever possible, celebrated. That has contributed to the type of students we send to college, and the inclusive attitudes they possess,” said Richard. His commitment to and outspoken voice on this topic, in partnership with Ellen Luepker, parent of an alum, resulted in MPA establishing a non-discrimination policy as early as 1985—a rarity in our world at that time. And, his men’s studies course was highly innovative and questioned the socially accepted normativity of binary gender identities long before it became a national dialogue.

Richard is known for being a phenomenal teacher who has an incredible way with and understanding of students. His sense of humor is loved and appreciated. His high academic expectations are understood and met with deeper thinking. His willingness to go far above and beyond is respected by all. His ability to grasp the complexities of the adolescent mind is unmatched. Thousands of students have reached their fullest potential—academically and socially—under his watch.

“In those early years, there was a lot of excitement, creativity, and laughter. It was so different from anything in education at the time and the spirit upon which we were founded is still alive today. The soul of the school remains the work of Bob Kreischer and Sandy Kreischer Smith from those earliest of days. We continue to develop good people who understand how to learn,” he said. As our founding faculty members retire, let me assure you that the foundation they established is solid and as vital to our future as new innovations.

Mark Segal, Upper School director, will lead the search and the hiring process for Richard’s replacement.

“I’ve gone home frustrated. I’ve gone home really happy. I’ve gone home in every mood imaginable, but I’ve never gone home bored,” Richard said about his years at MPA. It is our sincere hope that upon retirement Richard goes home with a tremendous sense of accomplishment for the impact he’s left on MPA and its students.

Please join me in expressing your appreciation for Richard. Whether you are near or far, I am certain he would love to hear from you via email, phone, or a visit to campus.

Warm regards,

Dr. Bill Hudson
Head of School

Athletics News

spiritnighthead2Open Gym
The Lansing Sports Center will be open for families to use Saturday mornings, January 7 through February 25 from 9 AM–12 PM.

Kreischer Varsity Basketball Tournament
The Kreischer Varsity Basketball Tournament for boys and girls basketball will be held on December 28 and December 29, with games at 1, 3, 5, and 7 PM each day. Come cheer on the Panthers!

Toys to Nome

toystonome2Last Thursday, MPA fifth and eighth graders joyfully prepared approximately 1,000 toys for delivery to children in communities along the Iditarod trail. Ryan Anderson, who will soon be racing in his first Iditarod, formed the organization Toys to Nome to give back to the communities that line the trail. TLC Toys generously donated all the beautiful wooden toys.

Middle and Upper School Schedule Evaluation Sessions

mpa-fall-2016-297ppMPA is in the process of formally evaluating its Middle and Upper School schedules to ensure that they meet students’ 21st century learning needs. All parents and guardians are invited to attend one of two sessions to provide feedback: Thursday, January 5, from 7:45–8:45 AM or Wednesday, January 11, from 3–4 PM in the Porter Conference Room. Your feedback is important and appreciated, and we hope you’ll be able to attend!

Save the Date for MPA Talks

Join us on campus on Wednesday, January 11 at 5 PM in the Nicholson Center for the third annual MPA Talks, featuring thoughtful presentations by some of Mounds Park Academy’s most captivating community members. This event is designed to bring us together to gain new perspectives and be inspired! Speakers will include two MPA students, an alum, and a parent. Watch for more details soon and be sure to save the date! If you are in the Twin Cities, you won’t want to miss this event!

Find all of the details at www.moundsparkacademy.org/MPAtalks.

Alumnus Update: Ben Lunstad ’88

ben-lunstadMPA recently caught up with alumnus Ben Lunstad, Class of 1988. Ben’s story is a divergent one, and he credits MPA for inspiring him to follow dual passions—music and science. He is currently a biochemist in the research and development group of Agilent (a biotech spin off of Hewlett-Packard), where his research involves the chemical synthesis of long RNA for CRISPR gene editing. This work is necessary for the evolving field of gene therapy.

Ben fondly remembers MPA teacher Dr. Camille Wainwright, who helped fuel his interest in being a scientist. Ben’s alter ego was also inspired at MPA, particularly by teachers Barbara Bradley and Marlys Read More

Upcoming Alumni Events

December Alumni Social
It’s tonight at 5 PM at the Green Mill on Grand in St. Paul! Join your fellow alumni and reconnect with MPA faculty at this annual event. Food and drink will be provided. All alumni are welcome!

Alumni Basketball Night
Monday, December 26 is Alumni Basketball Night at MPA! Join current basketball players, coaches, and fellow alums from 5–8 PM in the Lansing Sports Center for a fun night of basketball and friendly competition. All alumni are welcome!

Chicago and Washington, D.C. Regional Reunions
Are you in the Chicago or Washington, D.C. area? Join Head of School, Dr. Bill Hudson, for an MPA alumni regional reunion. Mark your calendars for a happy hour in Chicago on Friday, January 27 and in D.C. on Friday, March 3. Connect with fellow MPA alumni and catch up with what is happening at MPA now. More details coming soon!

Join MPA Students in D.C. Before the Inauguration
Connect with MPA students! Eleventh and 12th grade students will be traveling to Washington, D.C. to witness the inauguration. As a part of this trip, they will enjoy a dinner at the Il Porto Ristorante (121 King Street, Alexandria, VA) at 5 PM on the evening of the inauguration (January 20). Alumni are invited to attend to connect with the students and share their experiences after graduation. The Alumni Relations Office will cover the cost of the dinner. Please RSVP via email to faculty member, Katie Murr.

Letting the Students Lead

dalboclassfullby George Dalbo, MPA Faculty

My eighth grade global studies students and I began the second quarter of the 2016-17 academic year with a bold experiment to collaboratively plan and implement our unit on South Asia, including the topics (curriculum), class activities (pedagogy), and homework and projects (assessments). Typically, these decisions fall to teachers, administrators, or state legislators. Increasingly, education reformers are calling for this to change, arguing that student success is inextricably linked to student voices and experiences being present and honored in the classroom and curriculum.

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