Welcome back, Ms. Stewart

Mounds Park Academy is delighted to welcome Ms. AnnieAnnie Stewart ’11 back to campus, this time as a teacher rather than a student or an alum. She is very excited to be joining the PreK classroom as a teaching assistant and looks forward to being part of the Lower School staff. Annie has a degree in theatre from St. Olaf College and has started working toward a master’s degree in teaching at Hamline University. She is also the chair of this year’s Alumni Association Board of Directors. Annie shared her thoughts about being back on campus …

“I vividly remember deciding my senior year that one day I would be a teacher at MPA. At that point in my life I had no idea what I wanted to teach, but I knew in my heart that I would return to the community I had called home for six years. Now as a Lower School teacher, I can say that nothing compares to coming back home. As a student, all of my teachers pushed me to be the best possible version of myself. They challenged me academically, helped me grow socially and emotionally, and fostered my love of learning. Although I am just beginning my teaching career, I am so excited to instill that joy of learning into my students. At times it’s surreal to be working in the building where I grew up (especially now that my former teachers are my colleagues), but I can’t imagine teaching anywhere else. MPA will always be my home, and I am so happy to be back.”

A Message from Dr. Hudson: Dream Big


When I was young, I had dreams about my future. I couldn’t decide whether I should be President or the Pope. Obviously, I fell short on both, but the dream served as inspiration and motivation to work hard, go to college, and pursue post-graduate work. My dream also served as a guidepost in how I saw myself and the impact I would make on the world. From an early age, I felt a responsibility to serve others and to work for justice and equity.

Given all of that, it is no surprise that I landed at MPA. In our school’s commitment to helping students discover and maximize their own unique talents and then use those talents to serve the common good, I found a home. It is important to me that our students are challenged academically and held to high standards, while also learning how to think critically and solve problems creatively. I feel incredibly proud to be at a place like MPA that welcomes, embraces, and accepts others without condition.

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Postcards from College

MPA’s more recent graduates have been up to some incredible things this summer! They sent us some postcards from college …

Dear MPA Community, Ali Herold
I’m two years out of high school and a student at DePaul University. This summer I traveled to Cuba on an international business seminar to study the economy of their changing market and to England to study environmental economics and sustainability development. I became a global citizen at MPA and was inspired to find my niche in the international economy, learn how it is affecting the future, and work to understand what I can do to shape it for the better.
Sincerely, Ali Herold (Class of 2014)

Greetings from Quito!
I’ve been in Ecuador since early June, on break from Scripps College. Traveling with an organization called Child Family Health International has given me an opportunity to participate in a program that compares urban and rural health care. I’m pursuing my passion for science that began at MPA, and am so thankful for all those years of Spanish! The people here are wonderful, and the food is sure interesting! Hope all is well in Minnesota!
Best, Emma Stacy (Class of 2015) Read More

Alumni in the News

Jack Cotterell (Class of 2004) is a singer, Jack Cotterell Photo 2dancer, and actor based in Chicago. This summer he starred as Lieutenant Joseph Cable in the Cedar Rapids Opera production of South Pacific. He was recently interviewed by Iowa Public Radio during which he was articulate, entertaining, and personified what it means to have graduated from MPA. Click here to watch the interview, particularly 34:00 through 45:00 to hear Jack. We checked in with him and asked if his time at MPA prepared him for his career. Here’s what he said …

“Much of the foundation for a career in the arts (and most fields, for that matter) is built in childhood. As a ‘lifer’ I can attest that MPA’s music, world language, speech, and theatre curricula all have had a profound impact on my career as a performer.

As a chorister, I sing with the Grant Park Chorus and the Chicago Symphony Chorus, and I learned tools and skills at MPA from Mari Espeland and John Habermann that I still use today (including solfege!). As a soloist, I’ve had the opportunity to sing a variety of styles in both concert and full productions, ranging from oratorio, to opera, to musical theatre, to even video game music! I’ll never forget the day John and I started working on “Ev’ry Valley” from Handel’s Messiah. When I looked at the music, I told John, “I can’t do that!” And he replied that not only would I be able to, but that I would do lots of it throughout my career (and to that end, I’ve performed as the tenor soloist in Handel’s Messiah in five different productions!). Whenever I am daunted or intimidated by a new piece of music, I think back to this formative experience with John to reassure and remind myself that, with enough practice, one can accomplish a great deal.

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Save the date for Homecoming!

MPA Homecoming is MPA2015-98Saturday, September 24, 2016. Come back to campus for activities and athletics throughout the day. There will also be all alumni gatherings and milestone reunions for the classes of 2006, 2007, 1996, 1997, 1986, and 1987 celebrated over Homecoming weekend on September 23 and 24, 2016. More information to follow.

Alumni Association Board of Directors

At its June meeting, the Alumni Association Board elected the 2016-2017 Board.

Chair — Annie Stewart, Class of 2011
Vice Chair — Erica Brewinski, Class of 1996
Treasurer — Mike Velin, Class of 2006
Secretary — Brendan Byrne, Class of 2006

Board Members
Nate Bander, Class of 2009; Karl Berget, Class of 2007; Sam Brown, Class of 1994; James Cordon, Class of 1997; Erica Kaplan; Christopher Parish, Class of 1995; Vance Ryan, Class of 2008; Jacob Schwartz, Class of 2009; Jake Sheehan, Class of 2005; Zosha Winegar-Schultz, Class of 2012; and Jessica Wong, Class of 2005.

Special Liaisons
Dana Boyle, Nansee Greeley

Congratulations to the newest members: Erica Kaplan, Jacob Schwartz, James Cordon, Karl Berget, Nate Bander, and Zosha Winegar-Schultz.

Thank you to the entire Board for your service and dedication to the advancement of Mounds Park Academy.

MPA Boys Win State Championship

A huge congratulations to Boys Golf Team Picture From Statethe MPA Boys’ Golf Team for capturing a third State Team Championship today at Pebble Creek! The team of Dylan Merchant, Nick Sauer, Matt Berning, Jackson Peacock, Joe Mecklenburg, and Brock Bliese defeated Mahnomen/Waubun to successfully defend the championship they won last year (and in 2006). Dylan finished second and Matt finished sixth to earn individual medals. Kudos to their coach, Sean Barrett, as well. We’re so proud of all of these Panthers!

Oak Meadows partnership benefits all

by Sam Sauer, Communications Intern, IMG_9513Class of 2013

For 17 years, Mounds Park Academy has had a wonderful partnership with Oak Meadows Senior Living in Oakdale. Last week, as the culminating activity of their unit on aging, second graders visited the senior center to share stories they wrote, sing songs, chat with the residents, and quickly form endearing relationships.

Second graders begin this unit by learning about the signs of aging, and brainstorming what they believe to be signs, such as grey hairs and wrinkles. This brainstorming then evolves into more serious topics such as, “What is arthritis?” and “What really is a stroke?” that are then discussed in more detail.

Then Oak Meadows staff members come to MPA to teach students not only the best ways to communicate with the elderly, but also how aging feels to them. This is done through hands-on learning experiences such as taping fingers together to experience arthritis stiffness, putting marbles in shoes to feel the discomfort, and trying to read with glasses that impact their vision. By putting themselves in the shoes of the elderly, students are able to understand more thoroughly the experiences and hardships that the elderly feel daily.

Opportunities like this help close the gaps that exist between generations in our society. Learning how to effectively communicate with a wide range of people regardless of age, race, or gender is integral to the Mounds Park Academy mission and critical for future success. We’re so proud of these second graders and grateful for this long-term partnership with Oak Meadows.

Find wonderful photos from this second grade unit here.

Off to State in two spring sports!

The Boys Golf Rachel LindrudTeam won the Section 4A Championship, qualifying for State. Senior Dylan Merchant was the medalist with sophomore Brock Bliese finishing second. Other members of the team are Nick Sauer, Matt Berning, Jackson Peacock, and Joey Mecklenburg. In addition, sophomore Rachel Lindrud qualified an individual for the second year in row! Golfers will compete at the State Tournament on Tuesday, June 14 and Wednesday, June 15 at Pebble Creek Golf Course in Becker.

In Track & Field, congratulations to sophomore Declan Dahlberg, who was named the Section 4A Champion in the 1600m and 3200m. He will compete at State in both events this weekend. His 3200m time of 9:57.46 is his fastest ever and the second fastest in MPA history. The boys 4x100m team of Dima Aunan, Will Olson, Tom Loving, and Cole Montour placed fourth in a school record time of 44.82. Senior Cole Montour had his best ever long jump, jumping 20’6.5, the second best jump in MPA history.

Head’s Message | June 9, 2016

Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand, DSC_3945Six Hundred Minutes. How do you measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets? In midnights, in cups of coffee? In inches, in miles? In laughter, in strife?  How about love? Measure in love.

Do those lyrics sound familiar? If not, they belong to the Tony and Pulitzer Prize winning musical, Rent. Even though there is a great amount of publicity these days about the brilliance of Hamilton, Rent remains a classic, due in part to the depth of thought and feeling conveyed in both prose and music. As I was searching for a metaphor for this last edition of Panther Post, I was struck by the beauty and simplicity of the lyrics of “Seasons of Love.” I believe it is a perfect lens to evaluate what I think has been an incredibly successful academic year. Read More