Upper School Honors 2016 Award Winners

The 2016 Upper School Awards Assembly was held on Friday, June 3, honoring students for outstanding achievements in academics, service, arts, character, and athletics. Congratulations to these students for embodying the Mounds Park Academy mission. Watch the ceremony and see the full list of recipients below.

National Honor Society Inductees
Kian Dahlberg
Ingrid Dai
Sophia Fitzcollins
Sara Goodno
Elijah Grabanski
Grace Ji
Riley Lannon
Allison Leopold
Thomas Loving
Emily Mudge
Sofie Netteberg
Ailie Olson
Jennifer Portis
Rees Winga Read More

Head’s Message | June 2, 2016

There was a buzz of excitement today as 1fourth graders headed off to the Science Museum of Minnesota. In fact, the last several weeks have been full of hands-on, active learning experiences for students across divisions. The following are just a few examples of what has taken place just in the past week at MPA.

  • Eighth grade Global Studies students held a mock International Summit on the Syrian refugee crisis. Each student researched a country, region, or political party and represented that position throughout intense negotiations.
  • Sixth graders dressed as notable figures from the American Civil War and mingled in character with peers and visitors from other divisions.
  • Sixth graders also weeded and planted for Loaves and Fishes’ Farm for All program. The vegetables they helped cultivate will ultimately be provided to families who otherwise would not have access to fresh produce.
  • Fifth graders went to Camp Ihduhapi where they worked on team- and trust-building, studied environmental issues, fished, and canoed. They were also offered several opportunities for adventure including zip lining, a high ropes course, and an early morning bog plunge.
  • Upper School Constitutional Law students presented current US Supreme Court cases to judges and attorneys from the Minnesota Court of Appeals.

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Payne Avenue becomes the classroom

by Mr. George Dalbo, Social Studies Teacher

Seventh grade Social Studies students have Payneweb2explored the Payne-Phalen neighborhood in St. Paul as part of a unit on local citizenship. Payne Avenue, the heart of St. Paul’s East Side, is one of the oldest and most diverse areas in the Twin Cities. Although Payne Avenue is in close proximity to MPA, for many students, the realities of the neighborhood seemed initially very distant. My goal was to help students understand the neighborhood in the broader context of the political, economic, and social landscape of the greater Twin Cities.

This project began with an initial, exploratory trip. In three shifts, we took the Metro Transit bus #64 to Plaza del Sol, a small Latina/o marketplace playing host to mostly women-owned businesses, to enjoy an authentic Mexican buffet at Señor Sol.  After eating lunch, students toured Payne Avenue’s working-class and immigrant history from the towering former Hamm’s Brewery to the innovative Arlington Hills Community Center. Students traced the early Swedish, German, and Italian immigrants’ footsteps from the industrial sites along Phalen Creek to their homes and businesses along Payne Avenue. These architecturally-diverse buildings now host the markets, restaurants, and community organizations serving the largely African American, Latina/o, and Hmong populations today. Read More

Support from MPA’s alumni

Many alumni have been back on campus lately talumni 2o support MPA’s current students and newest alumni, the Class of 2016:

  • Alumni helped Constitutional Law students prepare for their case presentations to judges and attorneys from the Minnesota Court of Appeals. Thank you to Amanda Magistad, Class of 2012; Maddy Wolfe, Class of 2012; Matt Chambers, Class of 2012; Emma Stacy, Class of 2015;  Emily Rhodes, Class of 2015; Harry Finch, Class of 2015; and Eric Baudry, Class of 2010.
  • Alumni sat on a panel, offering valuable advice to the Class of 2016 as they venture off to college. Thank you to Abby Wold, Class of 2015; Eric Guiang Class of 2014; Isabel Esch, Class of 2015; Ellen Colton, Class of 2015; Aaron Hathaway, Class of 2014; Emily Rhodes, Class of 2015; Kendra Stone, Class of 2014; with moderation by Jessica Wong, Class of 2005.
    The time and dedication displayed by all our alumni volunteers is very much appreciated!

If you are interested in volunteering for opportunities like this, please contact Susan Robertson, Development and Alumni Relations Coordinator, via email or by calling (651) 748-5531.

Head’s Message | May 26, 2016

This is the last week of classes for our outstanding senior bill_wordpressclass and I am truly going to miss them. Although there are many events, traditions, and celebrations leading up to graduation, this week will be bittersweet. Early in the year, I had lunch with them in small groups and I enjoyed hearing their reflections on their time at MPA and was inspired by their hopes for the future. A common theme that emerged from those lunches was that MPA not only helped them develop the gifts and talents they already had, it helped them discover gifts and talents they never knew were possible. They also spoke of the influence MPA had in discovering their own uniqueness, as well as inspiring them to embrace the same in others.

It can be challenging to get a pulse on how engaged students are with their school. The National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) has partnered with Indiana University to measure student engagement through the use of the High School Survey of Student Engagement (HSSSE). This survey is taken by hundreds of thousands of students in public, private, and independent schools across the nation. The data are rich and the contrasts significant. For instance, in 2015, 60 percent of the participating students in independent schools indicated that their schools contributed “very much” to their ability to write effectively (versus 31 percent for the public school students) and 59 percent indicated the same for their critical thinking skills (verses 29 percent). Read More

Former Governor Carlson returns to MPA

DSC_3920Upper School Election Club was honored to host former Governor Arne Carlson at today’s lunchtime meeting. Gov. Carlson is the parent of an alumna, Jessica Carlson (Class of 2001). One third of the Upper School student body piled into Ms. Murr’s classroom and listened intently to his thoughts regarding the current state of U.S. politics.

He asked the students, “What is going to mark your lifetime? What are the issues you are going to face?” Students replied with the environment, our world’s constant state of war, the globalization of our economy, and Gov. Carlson added the loss of steady employment for the American population. He explained that these are the issues our presidential election should be addressing but is not. Read More

Celebrating the Class of 2016’s college choices

Students and families receive in-depth, personalized assistance planning for college from MPA’s Office of College Counseling. The focus is always on finding the right fit for each student, taking into account many factors. The Class of 2016 will attend 33 colleges and universities in 19 states plus the District of Columbia. How each student came to their final choice is unique, so we’re sharing some of their personal stories here. Read More

Head’s Message | May 19, 2016

It was quite wonderful to see 27068224506_e25abb11dc_kppso many parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends at the Spring Auction—Night at the Museum on Saturday night. How appropriate that this important event took place at the Science Museum of Minnesota. Like the museum, MPA is committed to fostering a quest for knowledge and cultivating curiosity in a joyful, hands-on environment. It was a wonderful place to celebrate the very best of MPA, including our welcoming community. I hope you had as much fun as Ross and I did.

I am happy to share that the sold out event was wildly successful, raising $142,000 to directly support our students and the exceptional faculty and staff who work with them each day. This means that MPA can further invest in our talented and dedicated teachers. This makes small classes possible. This results in science, reading, and math resources, as well art and music offerings that many public schools simply cannot afford. Read More

A Message from the Board of Trustees

MPA’s Board of Trustees is welcoming four new trustees whose first terms begin in July: Bob King, Zoe Dickson, Kathleen Lamey, and Tom Hockert. They bring a breadth of leadership skills, diverse competencies and experiences, and a history of dedication to MPA. We are grateful for their interest and willingness to serve!

We also honor the incredible work of departing trustees Robin Brooksbank, Lori Tapani, and Beth Averbeck who have brought their wisdom and dedication to all aspects of the board over the last six to seven years. We thank them for their service and insightful counsel. Read More

MPA student artists supporting Keys 4/4 Kids

For the past five years, MPA student artists have painted a piano for Keys 4/4 Kids as part of its “Pianos on Parade” program. Keys 4/4 Kids is led by Newell Hill (MPA Class of 1999). Typically, the piano is then returned to the organization, which sells it to raise funds to make the arts available to all people, regardless of income, age, or previous arts experience.

MPA’s student artists feel so connected to this year’s piano, that they will raise funds at the Spring Auction to purchase it from Keys 4/4 Kids so that it can remain at MPA forever. Not only will this piano benefit the entire MPA community, but it will also bring transformational arts experiences to others through Newell’s Keys 4/4 Kids. It’s a win-win-win, MPA alumni style.