The Great MPA POA Get “Back” Together Luncheon

This first annual luncheon gathering of MPA’s IMG_0303webParents of Alumni was a hit with over 35 attending! “As one of the newest groups at MPA we are blazing a trail to stay connected to faculty, staff, and each other after our children graduate from MPA,” shared Parents of Alumni organizer, Chris Levesque from the Class of 2013.

Attendees shared with each other where their graduates have studied and where their careers have taken them. “It was so exciting to hear where MPA graduates are working including at companies like Google and Johnson & Johnson and their study abroad destinations like Argentina, Australia, and Japan. Their success is the ultimate fulfillment of their time at MPA and the result of their well-rounded preparation for the future,” said Chris. Read More

Head’s Message | May 5, 2016

MPA has a duck problem. On Tuesday, I happened upon IMG_2346ppMichele Maturen’s math class eagerly marshalling forces outside the Benz Courtyard. “We saw the ducklings! We saw the ducklings!” they shouted. At this point, I wasn’t sure who was more excited, Ms. Maturen or her students.

For many years, a mother duck has laid her eggs somewhere in the Benz Courtyard. It is a safe place, free from predators and somewhat sheltered from the unpredictability of Minnesota springs. However, there is no way for the ducklings, once hatched, to escape. Enter Upper School Science Teacher, Mitch Thomsen. With the assistance of our students, Mr. Thomsen has been successful in safely capturing the mother, while students scramble to carefully collect the ducklings. Once safe in a box, he leads the way with mother duck, trailed by the box of ducklings close by so mother can hear them. Out of the courtyard they all go, following Mr. Thomsen to our own pond where they are released and swim away to safety. Read More

Why we volunteer

Here are just a few reasons that current Parents Association Board Members became involved. If any of these resonate with you, please click here to learn more about the ways you can get involved and become engaged.

“I joined the Parents Association as a way to pay-it-forward to a community that has enriched my life, my family, and my children’s lives through all the wonderful programs and activities that are sponsored and supported by the larger MPA staff and community.” – MPA Parent

“I joined because I wanted to get to know other families and I wanted a better understanding of my children’s school. Through the Parents Association I have discovered a support system of parents and teachers that are informative and fun to be around. I also love seeing the kids’ faces light up over our activities.” – MPA Parent Read More

Head’s Message | April 28, 2016

“Fiddler on the Roof” opens and closes with an individual 13048091_1134990596553931_3674484802916089196_obalancing precariously on the roof while playing the violin. In the play, it symbolizes the dynamic struggle between tradition and change. During this Spring Show, however, I found added meaning knowing that junior Declan Dahlberg played the part of the fiddler. Declan is an accomplished musician, an athlete who has competed in several state tournaments (in Cross Country and Nordic Skiing), and an outstanding student. He is the embodiment of the core belief at MPA that educating the whole child means offering young people the opportunities to excel in the arts, athletics, and academics.

Involvement in the arts is associated with gains in reading, math, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skills, as well as motivation and confidence. The arts also build 21st century competencies such as collaboration and communication. Athletics are equally important in building essential skills necessary such as teamwork, character, physical, and mental strength. Like the arts, research has positively linked athletic participation with academic success. Read More

Head’s Message | April 21, 2016

Last Friday, WCCO-TV featured MPA-119senior Allison Leopold (watch the story). Allison made history, winning her fourth medal in the Minnesota State High School Speech Tournament. Allison is only the 51st person to earn that distinction in the 47 years the tournament has been in existence. In any given day at MPA, students learn and practice how to communicate effectively in numerous ways in multiple settings. On Monday mornings, students as young as five stand in front of their peers with a microphone, sharing what they are learning in their classes. I could fill several pages with the many ways students gain confidence in both their ideas and themselves as they learn to communicate.

Expressing thoughts clearly, crisply articulating opinions, communicating coherent instructions, motivating others through powerful speech—these skills have always been valued in the workplace and in public life. In today’s 21st century world, with its abundance of news and social media, these skills have become increasingly important. However, if you were to look across public, charter, private, and independent schools, you would be hard-pressed to find communication named as a priority, let alone in the school’s mission statement.  You will find it at Mounds Park Academy. “Communicate effectively” is directly stated in our mission, immediately following “think independently.” Read More

Head’s Message | April 14, 2016

My favorite teacher at Parkview Elementary was Mrs. King.billpp I met Mrs. King in the third grade when my family moved to Marquette, Mich. halfway through the school year. I remember feeling sad about leaving my friends behind and terrified about starting over in a new school in a new town without knowing anyone. From the moment I walked into her classroom, however, Mrs. King welcomed me and, after a few days, my concerns were assuaged and I was happy.

I remember how much I learned that year—I was a sponge, soaking up everything. For years afterwards, my parents teased me because I would often contradict them based on what Mrs. King said. I don’t remember much about what we did in Mrs. King’s classroom, but I do remember how she made me feel. Forty-four years later, I clearly recall being engaged, encouraged, challenged, and loved. Read More

MPA alumnus awarded prestigious Big Ten Medal of Honor

Reprinted with permission from

4/12/16                2016 Student-Athlete                           Recognition  CelebrationThe University of Michigan Athletic Department presented the Big Ten Medal of Honor to its 2015-16 recipients at its annual Student-Athlete Recognition Celebration on Tuesday evening (April 12), with seniors Mason Ferlic (St. Paul, Minn./Mounds Park Academy) and Shannon Scavelli (Yorktown Heights, N.Y./Lakeland Shrub Oak) receiving the honor based on their proficiency in scholarship and athletics.

The conference’s most exclusive award was the first of its kind in intercollegiate athletics to recognize academic and athletic excellence. The Big Ten Medal of Honor was first awarded in 1915 to one student-athlete from the graduating class of each university who had “attained the greatest proficiency in athletics and scholastic work.” Big Ten schools currently feature almost 9,500 student-athletes but only 28 earn this prestigious award on an annual basis. In more than 100 years of the Medal of Honor, almost 1,400 student-athletes have earned this distinction. Read More

Guest Head’s Message: Teaching Maps | 04/07/2016

MariDr. Bill Hudson invited Nate Bander, Admission Outreach Coordinator, to share a blog post he wrote about how MPA faculty members use maps in their classrooms.

At Mounds Park Academy, students learn how maps tell a story.

Take, for example, a map that plots the mean center of the population of the United States from the first census in 1790 to the 1940 census at the dawn of the second world war.

In 1790, the mean center of population rested comfortably in Kent County, 23 miles east of Baltimore Maryland. Makes sense, right? Most of the population recorded in the census resided on the eastern seaboard.

Fast forward 150 years. The mean center of population has pushed 603 miles to the southwest, landing precariously in Carlisle, Indiana, waiting to leap across the border into Illinois on its southwesterly march.  Read More

Head’s Message | 03/31/2016

billccI have a very strong-willed daughter. From the time that she was an infant, she possessed an independence many adults have yet to achieve. No matter how hard I tried to help her, she displayed a determination to do things on her own, whether it was taking those tentative first steps or learning to balance on and pedal a bike. As she enters adolescence, I have to continually remind myself that the very qualities that frustrate me now are the same ones that will serve her well as she makes her mark in the world.

Perhaps the greatest single piece of parenting advice I have ever received was, “Parent the child you have. Not the one you hoped for or dreamed of.” The challenge of parenthood is to provide the environment so that our children can be who they really are. It isn’t to remove obstacles, but to be by their side to support our children when they encounter them. Clearly, if they are running with scissors or juggling knives, we need to step in, but we parents must develop the wisdom to know when to intervene and when to let them learn on their own. It can be difficult to watch them makes mistakes as children that we, as adults, can foresee. Letting them learn through trial and error, however, is a powerful teacher. As our school psychologist, Dr. Steve Kahn, believes strongly in the power of experience. When I, as a parent, have asked for guidance in determining when to intervene with my own children, his response was, “Is there a cliff involved?” Read More

MPA Spring Auction Wish List

bmpaCC On the Town! Dining & Entertainment

  • Restaurant Certificates
  • Hotels, Condos, and Weekend Getaways
  • Theatre, Symphony or Live Event Tickets
  • Airline Tickets
  • Sporting Tickets
  • Round of Golf for two/four

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