Birthday Boxes: Community Service in the Lower School

birthdayboxesEach year, students in Lower School participate in various community service projects. One longstanding project at MPA is the Birthday Box program. This program provides a box of birthday essentials for children in less fortunate situations who are celebrating birthdays. Each gift box is packed with a cake mix, frosting, candles, book, small toy, and a handmade birthday card by one of our students.   Read More

Community update from the Office of Development and Alumni Relations

developmentI am pleased to greet you halfway through the 2015-2016 school year. Since I arrived at MPA, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and working with dozens of MPA’s dedicated staff and faculty as well as MPA students, who are among the brightest and most confident young people I’ve met. In addition, it has been a joy for me to spend a great deal of time with our loyal MPA parents and alumni, whose Panther pride illustrates the spirit and distinctiveness of MPA. Read More

Head’s Message | 1/28/2016

DSC_3172There are few opportunities to step away from my duties as Head of School. Last Friday was an exception, however. I had the pleasure of sitting back while sixth grader Ella Fruchterman took the reins as Head of School for the day. Won in the Best of MPA live auction, ‘Head for the Day’ is an opportunity for a student to experience what it is like to lead the MPA community.

It was a great day for me and I hope it was for Ella, too. I learned a great deal about Ella and what it is like to be a middle school student at MPA. Ella is a bright, cheerful student who enjoys her classes and loves her teachers. She is also an accomplished equestrian, placing nationally here in the United States and in Canada in a number of competitions. Ella is successfully able to balance the many hours necessary to train with her horse with her academic responsibilities. I think she is a good example of how MPA students are able to pursue their passions while challenging themselves intellectually. Read More

Head’s Message | 1/21/2016

netpromoterNever underestimate the power of word of mouth. Think about the last really good restaurant or movie you went to. Chances are you did so because someone you know made the recommendation. Marketing and advertising are important and social media has made both faster and easier. However, we ultimately fall back on the recommendation or endorsement of someone we trust. Read More

Head’s Message | 1/14/2016

0028-P4S3QYDid you buy a Powerball ticket? Multiple tickets, perhaps? A recent article in the New York Times included the following observation: “Jumping on the bandwagon is an age-old motivator of psychological behavior.” Stephen Goldbart and his colleague Joan DiFuria wrote in a Psychology Today article titled Lottery-itis!, “We want to be with the in-crowd, to be ‘part of the movement,’ not ‘feel left out.’” I’m not a gambling man, but I must admit that I have been sucked into the Powerball vortex with the possibility of being the lucky winner. In fact, I am writing on Wednesday so by the time you are reading this, I may be Minnesota’s most recent multi-millionaire. Read More

Head’s Message | 1/7/2016

Students at play during recessWhen I became Head of School, I moved offices from the south end of the building to the north. Practically speaking, it made a lot of sense given the suite of offices and the proximity to the Porter Conference Room and the Business Office. However, one of the most difficult sacrifices I made was giving up one of the best views of the school–the playground. I miss hearing the laughter and squeals of delight and witnessing the pure joy of children being children.

I recently read an online news story from Minnesota Public Radio about an educational reform movement in Texas that is re-instituting and re-emphasizing recess. While many schools cut recess time to make room for standardized testing and test prep, there is solid evidence that recess, playtime, and physical education are all integral to not just physical development, but social, emotional, and academic success. Read More

Lansing Sports Center open Saturday mornings January and February

The Lansing Sports Center will be open Saturday mornings to MPA families and their friends from 9:00 am – 12:00 p.m. from January 9 through February 27.

You are welcome to come and use the track, sports center, and fitness center. Remember to bring your friends!

Lansing Sports Center open gym dates for 2016:

January 9, 16, 23, and 30
February 6, 13, 20, and 27

Head’s Message | 12/17/2015

bill_wordpressYou may or may not know that I have taken up running this year. After many, many years between my athletic career in my younger days and my begrudging acceptance of middle age, I have embraced running as a return to physical fitness and I hope, mental sharpness. Along the way, I’ve joined the “cult” of runners and found partners among the faculty, staff, students, alumni, and parent community of MPA. Just this past weekend, Ross and I hosted an informal brunch after the Reindeer Run around Lake Harriet. Since we live only six blocks away, I thought it would be nice to have a few people over. Little did I know we would have such a wonderful turnout at our home!

I cannot express the joy I felt in opening up our home to middle and upper school students, their parents, and my colleagues. To me, it captured the amazing spirit of community that exists at MPA. I thought to myself, “At what other school would one find such a gathering?” And, “Where else would I, as Head of School, feel this comfortable?” Only at Mounds Park Academy, I’m certain. Read More

MPA alum receives prestigious Marshall Scholarship

Audrey Berdahl-BaldwinMPA alum and current Princeton senior Audrey Berdahl-Baldwin (Class of 2012) has been named a 2016 Marshall Scholar. The extremely prestigious Marshall Scholarship assumes the cost of graduate study and living expenses at a British university for up to two years. Only 40 scholars are awarded the honor annually across America.

Berdahl-Baldwin is currently studying history, African American studies, American studies, and urban studies at Princeton, and plans to attend both the University of Manchester and the University of Oxford. Berdahl-Baldwin is especially interested in carceral reform and policy work, and plans on becoming a lawyer. Learn more about Audrey’s amazing achievements at Princeton and beyond, how she reacted to the news of her award, and what she hopes to achieve in the future. Congratulations, Audrey, on this amazing achievement!

Photo courtesy of Audrey Berdahl-Baldwin and

Head’s message | 12/10/2015

bill_wordpressI’m sorry to be a “Debbie-Downer.” If you are a fan of Saturday Night Live, you know the skit I am talking about. Debbie-Downer is the family member who, in the midst of a joyful family occasion, drags down the mood by offering pessimistic and sad bits of information and news. Please forgive me for being a Debbie-Downer at this time of year but I’ve been troubled over the last several days after having read a recent article in The Atlantic magazine entitled “The Silicon Valley Suicides.” The article goes in depth to understand why there have been so many student suicides in Palo Alto, California. Why, in the cradle of innovation, creativity, and optimism, should young people be so despondent?

There are a number of reasons attributed to the terrifying reality, but two important factors have risen to the top: stress and parental expectations. There will always be stress in our lives and the lives of our students. The way we think about stress and what we choose to do about it can affect the impact of a stressful event. Read More