Community Update from the Office of Admissions

DSC_0928If you have not had a chance to meet the Admission staff, please stop in anytime for a cup of coffee (we’re always well-stocked). The office is located in the Lower School near the 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms. Read More

Notice regarding stock and securities gifts

Mounds Park Academy previously maintained an account with RBC Dain Rauscher for the purposes of receiving security gifts. Recently our brokerage account has changed. Stocks, bonds, or any other securities can be transferred as gifts to MPA through the Vanguard Group. Read More

Head’s Message | 12/03/2015

bill_wordpressThe acts of terrorism and violence in Paris, around the world, and even locally in the 4th Ward of Minneapolis have had many of us on edge. As I write, the news has just broken of the terrible shooting rampage in San Bernardino, California. As parents and educators, we struggle for the right words and the right way to help our children understand and make sense of such violence. It becomes even more complicated when violence is linked to race or political ideology, or when terrorism is linked to the refugee crisis. Fears about a particular nationality or religion have been projected onto immigrants who themselves are fleeing from violence.

My son Mateo and I have had a number of very meaningful conversations over the last several weeks about violence, terrorism, and war. I’ve worked hard to help him understand that there are more “good” people than “bad” and that violence is not born of a particular faith tradition. We’ve also talked about the need to be compassionate and that all people have dignity and are deserving of respect.

Mounds Park Academy is committed to building an inclusive community where students and adults feel safe, have a voice, and are empowered to be who they are. Read More

MPA Hour of Code 2015

hour-of-code-logoMPA students and parents, please join us after school on Friday, December 11 to participate in an Hour of Code. Hour of Code is a grassroots, international movement that aims for tens of millions of students to try an hour of coding using tutorials during Computer Science Education Week.

MPA’s Hour of Code event celebrates the logic, creativity, and problem solving skills that are reinforced with coding. With tutorials focused on Java Script, Scratch, and more, there will be lessons available for all ages and skill levels. Participants must register ahead of time – please see details and registration link below.

WHAT: Hour of Code

WHEN: Friday, December 11 3:30 pm – 4:45 pm

(Note: students do not need a parent/guardian to participate, but if not accompanied by one, will need to be picked up by 4:45 p.m. Any Lower or Middle School student not picked up by 4:45 p.m. will go to Panther Club/Den and associated charges will be assessed.)

WHAT TO BRING: personal earbuds/headphones, after school snack (if desired), excitement to learn!

WHAT IS PROVIDED: computer/tablet, coding tutorials

Register now!

Head’s Message | 11/19/2015

billccThere are a number of ways to measure the overall health of a school. In the last week, two such indicators resulted in a stunning affirmation and validation of Mounds Park Academy–Give to the Max Day and our Fall Open House.

Meeting and exceeding our Give to the Max Day goal is definitely impressive. We are thrilled with, and so incredibly thankful for, the generosity of our community that raised nearly $135,000 on this day. We are equally excited about the participation of so many members of our community. Gifts ranged from five dollars to five figures. As a community, we’ve demonstrated to ourselves and to others that this community is passionate about our students and we are willing to invest in their future. Read More

Head’s Message | 11/12/2015

billccI remember the days when getting an A was all that mattered to me. As a student, a grade was the ultimate vindication of my effort and intellect. As I matured, I became aware that I was more interested in what I was learning and less interested in the grade I received. Fast forwarding to my teaching years, my journey was complete because grades were the last thing I was concerned about. Instead, my focus became challenging the intellect of my students and stimulating their thinking. Somewhere along the line, I learned to use assessments (report cards, comments, and test scores), not simply as a “photograph” of them at one moment in time, but as “data” to paint a portrait of each student to capture the fullness of who they were. Read More

Head’s Message | 11/5/2015

billccWhat better way to begin the week than by attending the Lower School Monday Morning Meeting? During the meeting, students from each grade level stand before their peers and share what they are learning. This past Monday, our PreK students shared their observations of a pumpkin, including size, color, consistency, and uses (think pumpkin pie!). More than just a nice and timely connection to Halloween and Thanksgiving, this activity begins to introduce students to the elements of scientific observation. In the language of educators, it is called project-based learning. Read More

School Closing Guidelines and Philosophy

mpaccexteriorWe are guided by one fundamental truth in making the decision to open or close for a day: the safety of students, staff, and families. This is always our primary concern, not just in situations like these but in all that we do. When the National Weather Service alerts us to the fact that temperatures are dangerously low and they post wind chill warnings and weather advisories, it is important that we heed their public service advice since we, institutionally, are responsible for many, many more people than just ourselves. The wide age range of our students is also a factor as we make our decisions based on the collective best interests of everyone in our community. Read More

Head’s Message | 10/29/2015

billccWhat were you doing the evening of August 24? Most likely, you were at our Back to School Night, sitting in the Nicholson Center answering the question, “MPA is important to me because…” The response to that simple question was profound:

“Being a great human being and citizen is as important as being a great student. MPA values this and it is why MPA is inspiring.”

“We are like one big family. You can’t find that anywhere else!” Read More

Head’s Message | 10/22/2015

billccThere is so much to love about fall: the cooler weather, beautiful colors, crisp apples and pumpkin lattes, cookies, pies, and breads. In schools, fall is also test-taking time as students across the country take standardized tests. Mounds Park Academy administers several tests in October, including the ACT Aspire—a vertically articulated, benchmarked, standards-based test—to students in grades 3–8 and the PSAT in grades 10 and 11.

There is much heated debate in today’s educational landscape regarding standardized testing. Researchers at MIT, Harvard, and Brown recently released a study that showed raised student test scores were not associated with an increase in “fluid intelligence”—a term used to refer to our ability to use logical thinking and problem solving in novel situations rather than recalling previously learned facts and skills. Others, such as educational researcher Alfie Kohn, continued to express concern about an overemphasis on standardized testing in this country, believing that this trend is robbing children of a well-balanced education. And still others, as highlighted by the Time Magazine article “Why It’s Time to Get Rid of Standardized Tests,” are worried about bias in standardized testing.

At MPA, we firmly believe that Read More