Bringing 3-D to life at Mounds Park Academy

ows_138825853088795We are thrilled to share this Star Tribune story about our new digital fabrication studio! MPA prides itself on encouraging students to be innovative, self-directed and self-motivated. Here, students lead their own education so that they can become who they want and were meant to be. We are incredibly proud of Brendan Boyle and the drive, determination and passion that he he has shown in pursuing this opportunity for all of our students.

Kindergarten Teacher Kristine Petersen Featured in Stillwater Living Magazine

kristine-petersenKindergarten teacher Kristine Petersen is featured in Stillwater Living Magazine this month as one of “Three Generous Neighbors.” Ms. Petersen’s passion for experiential and service learning has inspired students for the past 26 years, and continues to do so every day!

“I have been given so many opportunities to become the teacher I am today because of the innovative learning environment I have worked in at Mounds Park Academy for 26 years. We believe in seeking out knowledge in order to provide an educational journey that is joyfully rigorous and stimulating, but also a journey that develops life skills through real experiences.” – Ms. P

Read the full story by clicking here.



Winter Show — Spring Awakening

spring-awakeningFrom Winter Show director Melinda Moore: This is tough material, but still relevant 120 years later.  If you are not familiar with the play, it takes place in Germany in the late 1800’s.  The story revolves around a group of teenagers, their parents and the repressive school and political system surrounding them.  These 13-15 year old children are “coming of age” and starting to question things like their own sexuality and where babies come from. However, they are met with blank stares, tight lips and answers like “babies are delivered from the stork.”  You can probably imagine what might happen when these “uneducated” children are then placed in adult situations…we start to see anger, confusion, a misunderstanding of what it means to be “in love” and finally, a tragic suicide by a young man.   At the same time, students are being bombarded with extremely challenging schoolwork and a demand for high-level academic achievement.  Failure is not an option and could result in being “sent away” for poor grades.

While depressing and serious, this stuff is still happening today.  Our class has talked about the role of social media in teen suicide, the role of the parent in sex education, peer relationships and bullying, teacher support in student life, etc.  There are also funny and heart-warming moments in the play – scenes where kids are outside playing, just being kids.

The show is set in the round, which is another huge acting challenge for students, but so cool!  You could sit in four different areas of the theatre and see four completely different shows.  To see MPA students tackling this material with professionalism, grace and talent is remarkable.  They would love your support!  I also really think our students will enjoy the show.  The language is challenging and there are lots of words, but this show speaks to teenagers.  The musical based on this play won 8 Tony Awards,  including Best Musical and it has a huge teen ‘cult’ following.

We hope you will join us for an evening of drama!

MPA Blood Drive

Dear MPA Families,

What:  Now that everyone is getting back into a routine following the holidays, we would like to remind you about an important upcoming event.  The first grade class and Upper School Student Council are joining together again to host this year’s blood drive for a joint community service project.  Please take note of the date (next week) and begin thinking about how you can contribute to our event.  We are asking for an hour of your time to donate blood on Tuesday, January 14th.  If you know that you are unable to give blood, please be sure to ask as many friends or relatives as you can to take your place.  You may sign-up by going online to

Why:  Giving blood is simple and easy, and it will save lives.  You can touch the lives of people you have never met by giving blood for patients needing transfusions for emergency surgeries, or treatment of illnesses such as Leukemia and other cancers.

North Central Blood Services of the American Red Cross wants to remind all blood donors that there are significant needs for blood, especially with the recent freezing temperatures; with increased accidents due to winter driving and ongoing need for blood related treatments.

There is no substitute for human blood.  Blood cannot be manufactured, and much of today’s medical care depends on having a steady supply of blood provided by healthy volunteer donors.  Each time you give blood, you can help a few patients in need with your plasma, platelets, and red blood cells.

Who:  Most people who are in good health, weigh at least 110 pounds and are at least 17 years of age are eligible to give blood every 56 days.  If you have questions about your eligibility to donate please call the Red Cross @ 1-800-RED-CROSS (733-2767).


When:  Tuesday, January 14th 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Where:  MPA Gallery

Contact:  First Grade Teacher: Mrs. O’Keefe

Student Council Advisor: Wade Peterson

MPA Closed Tuesday, January 7

Due to the continuation of extreme weather conditions into tomorrow, Mounds Park Academy will again be closed on Tuesday, January 7.

All after school activities and evening activities will once again be canceled. Panther Club will not be available. The building will be closed, locked and the security system will be on.  There will be no custodians in the building.

Judging by current forecasts which suggest somewhat of a break in the Arctic-like temperatures by Tuesday afternoon, we expect to return to a normal school day on Wednesday, January 8, but please stay tuned for further developments.

We look forward to being back together as a community on Wednesday.  Until then, please stay safe and warm!

School Closed Monday, January 6th 2014

Due to the National Weather Service’s prediction of temperatures in the double digits below
zero on Monday, Gov. Mark Dayton has announced that all public schools state-wide will be closed on Monday, January 6th.

MPA will follow Governor Dayton’s decision and will be closed Monday January 6th.
All after school activities and evening activities will be canceled.
Panther Club will not be available.

The building will be closed, locked and the security system will be on.
There will be no custodians in the building on Monday.

MPA Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Petersen Offering Free Story Hours in Stillwater

Already feeling frazzled by the holiday season? Slow down your family’s pace, find a comfortable seat and enjoy an engaging story hour by Mrs. P. (a.k.a. Kristine Petersen).

For 26 years Mrs. Petersen has been a beloved kindergarten teacher at MPA. She is also an active member of the Stillwater Sunrise Rotary Club and a life-long resident of Stillwater.

“Children benefit in so many ways from hearing stories read out loud! I am delighted to be able to share some of my all-time favorite books at these story hours,” said Petersen.

Children of all ages are invited to the following story hours:
Saturday, December 7, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.: Valley Bookseller (217 Main Street)
Saturday, December 14, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.: Valley Bookseller (217 Main Street)

Stillwater Story Hour


Encouraging Grit & Resilience in Our Children

Join us for the first in a new series of Parent-Teacher Education Nights at Mounds Park Academy. Presented by head of School Jeff Suzik and Division Directors Renee Wright, Nansee Greeley, and Randy Comfort, the engaging 90-minute session will provide a rich overview of leading edge educational research, and will tackle some compelling questions that all of us face, as parents and as teachers.

To get a sense of head count (and to give the Parents Association an estimate for refreshments) please RSVP by noon on the 11th via email to Lower School Director Renee Wright (  Please identify whether or not you would like to receive childcare for your school-aged children during the workshop, which will provided by Upper School Peer Leaders and supervised by an MPA faculty member.

“In [a number of research studies], one characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of [student] success. And it wasn’t social intelligence. It wasn’t good looks, physical health, and it wasn’t IQ. It was grit. Grit is passion and perseverance for very long-term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day-in, day-out. Not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years. And working really hard to make that future a reality. Grit is living life like it’s a marathon, not a sprint.”
— Dr. Angela Duckworth, University of Pennsylvania