MPA Excels at Regional Math Master of Minnesota Challenge

Photo6.jpgCongratulations to MPA’s Middle School students who competed at the regional Math Masters of Minnesota Challenge on Thursday, March 7. Jay D., Laura G.O., Jordan G., Ajay M., and Henry P. competed against 20 teams and 102 Individuals.  MPA came home with 7 ribbons and a medallion.

Fact Drill – 4th place ribbon – Ajay M.

Individual Problem Solving – 6th place ribbon – Henry P.

Individual Problem Solving – 3rd place medallion – Ajay M.

Team Competition – 4th Place! –  ribbons for all members

Go Panthers!

Sue Samuelson Inducted into Minnesota Girls Gymnastics Coaches Association Hall of Fame

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On Thursday, February 21st, MPA Physical Education and Health teacher Sue Samuelson was inducted into the MSHSCA Girls Gymnastics Hall of Fame. Though never a gymnast herself, Sue learned to coach the sport when she took her first teaching job. Committed to the Title IV cause, she and her fellow teachers coached sports that they had never even played, all so that girls could have a wider variety of athletic opportunities.

Ms. Sam has served as a judge for 34 years, a rules clinician, a State Tournament official, a section meet manager, special olympics judge, and on the board of directors for the Gymnastics Officials Association. This is not the first Hall of Fame honor for Sue, who was inducted to the Bemiji State Hall of Fame in 2006 for her contributions to athletics. Congratulations, Ms. Sam!

“Volley for Molly” Boosts MPA First-graders Spirits, Raises Funds to Support MPA Family

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On February 23, Mounds Park Academy hosted “Volley for Molly,” a benefit to support the family of MPA first grader Molly, who is undergoing treatment for leukemia. Molly’s father, Mike Vergin, is an Upper School social studies teacher. MPA technology faculty member and Robotics Team coach Nicole Koen conceptualized and organized the event to support Molly and her family in this difficult time.

“This community gathering really boosted Molly’s spirits, as well as those of the whole family. We wish it was an event that never needed to be held, but we were truly touched by the outpouring of support,” said Mike Vergin. Molly has a type of leukemia commonly referred to as ALL, or acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She is in her second month of a 26-month treatment plan.  

Approximately 500 participants came together to raise thousands of dollars through individual donations, a silent auction, bake sale, and by logging nearly 300 miles on the school’s indoor track. Molly was present for the entire event and even walked five laps. One alumnus ran 18.25 miles in a grand show of support.

“I know it took a lot of people working awfully hard to pull off today’s event, but this was Nicole’s baby,” Mr. Vergin said. “I can only imagine how much work she put into it, and it was fun just to be there and to be a part of it.”

Other activities included volleyball games, contests, performances, face painting and a blood typing by Memorial Blood Centers. MPA Dance Team members taught younger students a routine to the song “Good Golly, Miss Molly.” Love Your Melon, an organization co-founded by Zach Quinn, an MPA alumnus, was in attendance selling the hats they give to children going through cancer treatment in a “buy one, give one” model.

“The generosity and outpouring of love and support for the Vergin family was a true testament of the kind of place MPA is,” said Ms. Koen. “We are like a family and I am extremely proud to be part of this community!”

If you would like to support Molly’s family, visit to donate.

In this photo, Molly and her mom, Stephanie Vergin, log five laps on the school’s indoor track during Volley for Molly.  See more photos from the event here.

William C. Moyers Coming to MPA to Speak on Teen Addiction

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Mounds Park Academy will host a presentation on teen addiction for parents of Middle and Upper School students on Wednesday, March 6, 2013 at 6 p.m. A complimentary dinner served from 5-6 p.m. 

Presenter William C. Moyers is the vice president of Public Affairs and Community Relations at Hazelden Foundation and author of the New York Times best-selling book, “Broken:  My Story of Addiction and Redemption.”  He uses his own experiences to highlight the power of addiction and the power of recovery. 

Please join us in the Recital Hall before the Upper School band concert.

Hear MPA Students Perform on Classical MPR All-State Week

Listen to Minnesota Public Radio’s Classical station next week to hear selections from the 2012-2013 Minnesota Music Educators Assocation all-state ensembles, which include Mounds Park Academy students.

MPR has named the week of February 25 All-State Week on Classical MPR (99.5 FM).  The All-State Orchestra will be heard on Monday, Feb. 25 at 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. with the Shotakovich Symphony as a web feature. MPA 11th graders Alex Campanelli, Kethan Dahlberg, and Eliza Edwards all played in the All-State Orchestra. MPA seniors Jackson Beck, Mason McElvain, and Stefan Schwochau performed with the All-State Men’s Choir at Benson Great Hall on Saturday, February 16. Click here for the full schedule of performances that will be played on Classical MPR the week of February 25.

In addition to the Upper School students performing in All-State ensembles, two MPA Middle School students – Theo JF. and Sylvia R. – participated in the MNSOTA (Minnesota String & Orchestra Teachers Association) Middle Level Honors Orchestra last weekend.

Congratulations to all of these musicians and vocalists on their performances!

“Be our Guest!” at the Annual Disney Pajama Concert

Be Our Guest.jpegPlease join the Upper School Orchestra at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 31 in the Nicholson Center for the 8th Annual Disney Pajama Concert!

Bring your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews- anyone from one month to one century!

Wear your pajamas, sing along to your favorite Disney tunes, and enjoy a night of wonderful music! 

Connect with the MPA Community on LinkedIn

To All MPA Community Members,

You are invited to join our “Mounds Park Academy Connections” LinkedIn Group, which is exclusively for current and alumni parents, faculty members, staff, MPA alumni and grandparents.  The purpose of this online group is to engage our diverse MPA community members around common areas of interest – such as technology, education, the arts and a wide range of professional and volunteer opportunities.  The site will be managed by MPA Director of Marketing and Communication, Colleen Winters, and Trustee Dana Boyle.

Why to Get Engaged

Here’s an example of how we have been reaching out to our network in the past: When MPA launched its FIRST Robotics Team last year, we sent an e-mail to the current parents we could find who have jobs in the engineering and technology fields.  We immediately got 3 or 4 parent mentors from this simple effort – all of whom are back for the 2013 season, not because their own kids are on the team but because they are passionate about their vocations and want to pass knowledge and encouragement along to our students.  In addition, this fall an MPA alumnus – who now lives in Colorado and works for Lockheed Martin – happened to see something about the Robotics team on MPA’s web site, and contacted the school to see how he can mentor the students from afar.  This is great; and, yet, we know that that there are many other alumni and parents who would equally enjoy the opportunity to stay engaged with MPA or help the school through their existing connections in the greater community.   It goes beyond mentoring students through MPA’s growing STEM initiatives, too.  Many of you would enjoy attending exceptional performances by our talented students, taking in Panther sporting events, keeping tabs on high-level school updates, networking with others for professional reasons or gathering for purely social activities.  This pipeline will give you a convenient new way to stay in touch with the school and with each other.

It’s also a way to announce opportunities that may interest other MPA community members.  “As I hear of job openings, internships, or interesting community events, I’d like to share them with other parents and alumni,” explains Dana Boyle, Vice President of Community Engagement at Twin Cities-based LifeScience Alley.  “Or when we are looking for speakers to come address MPA’s parent or student community, it would be helpful to have an existing network that we can tap into with a special request.  Someone is sure to know of just the right contact, if only we can get the word out.”

Why LinkedIn?

Panther Post is the weekly e-newsletter that focuses mainly on current school-related areas of interest.  What we’re introducing with the LinkedIn group is more about connecting community members with each other.  And, while Facebook is still a great social media platform that MPA actively uses, LinkedIn tends to reach professionals more effectively, serving a slightly different purpose.  It also tracks work and volunteer experiences – both past and present.  LinkedIn makes it easy to perform a search to identify connections that people in the network have within the larger community.  Thus, for example, if MPA were to seek a relationship with a particular arts organization, a simple search would reveal who in our existing network might be a Board member or employee there, giving us a much more effective way to gain traction than going in with no initial connection.  Best of all – we get to know each other better.  And, a good network is worth its weight in gold on many levels!

How To Engage in the MPA LinkedIn Group

  • Create a LinkedIn profile if you don’t already have one (it’s very easy and you don’t need to be employed to take advantage of this opportunity) Go to:
  •  Under the “Groups” tab, search Mounds Park Academy Connections and ask to join the group by clicking the button
  • As you see discussions that interest you, add to the conversation or provide additional information that will automatically be shared with the group
  • Post your own news, ideas, interesting links, questions and opportunities – having multiple voices posting to the site is the only way to make it a vibrant network
  • Remember, the focus is on Community Engagement and this is not a replacement for discussions that should otherwise be directed to the school

Ultimately, our goal is to have a more connected and multi-generational community where the common ground is our passion for Mounds Park Academy.  This is your invitation to join in!

Best of MPA Party and Event Openings

The events that have taken place through the Best of MPA have been a whirlwind of fun. There are more coming up and each has a few openings left so if you are still interested please let Nansee Greeley know of your interest.
There is one spot open in the Home Beer Brewing party hosted by Peter Dahlberg on January 23. Cost-$50
Scott Peeler will stimulate your brain with a lecture series on the Harlem Renaissance. The lectures are on Wednesdays, February 6th, 13th and 20th from 6:30-7:30 and the cost is $50.
There are a few more spots open for the Sledding party at the Larson’s on February 9. The cost is $25.
Catherine Nicholson has graciously agreed to host as many of us as want to attend her “Spring is Calling – Time to Renew Yourself.” This is an all day event for women – drop off your kids and head over to Catherine’s home where the Nordic ski team moms have a plethora of things that will renew your spirit. This takes place on March 1st and the cost is $125.
We only have three more spots available for the Berning’s Casino Royale Night. Gambling with play money but win real prizes. March 2 – $125 per person.
The Badminton Blitz for any level of play is offered by Sue Samuelson. Two hours of sheer fun right after school on March 13th. $25 per child.
Maureen Conway’s lecture series is technically full but she has agreed to squeeze in a few more. The series begins on April 10th and continues through the 24th. 6:00-8:00 each night. her topic this year is the Vietnam War. $75 per person.
Don’t forget the Texas Hold’em and Chili Party hosted by the McElvain’s on April 27th at 7:oo PM. A terrific trophy can be taken home by the winnerJ $50 per person.
Four spots are open for the Hidden Bog Tour led by Dana Boyle on May 18th. Go as a family or one adult and a few children. $10 a person.
Contact Nansee Greeley –  if you want to join in any of the fun!

MPA Blood Drive

The 5th Annual Mounds Park Academy Upper School Student Council Blood Drive will be held on January 15, 2013 in the Nicholson Gallery from 12 p.m.-6 p.m. Please consider donating blood for this important effort. You can also help by volunteering that day with the student council.

Donation Appointments can be made by clicking here. Enter sponsor code: 0173345
If you are still thinking about donating or know someone else who could donate, please know that there are still available spots (and walk-ins are always welcome). You may sign-up by going online to  

Below is a list of frequently asked questions and answers.  

What are the basic requirements for donation?
You must be at least 17 years of age, weigh a minimum of 110 lbs., be in general good health, and have at least 55 days between donations.

Do I need to bring any information to help me fill out the paperwork?
Donors will be asked for their social security number, verification of birth date (driver’s license or other picture ID), and the name of any prescription medication you have taken in the last month.

How long will it take?  
You will be asked to fill out paperwork before giving blood.  There will be some wait time with this.  Giving blood takes between 5 and 15 minutes.  You will also be asked to rest before you leave. The entire process will take approximately one hour.

Can I resume normal activities after giving blood?  
Yes, provided you feel well.

Is there anything I can do before I donate?
• get a good night’s sleep
• eat well, especially the day of – including eating foods high in iron: red meat, fish, poultry, beans and peas, breads and cereals, and dried fruit.
• drink plenty of fluids the day before and the day of your donation

Thank you again for helping to make the Blood Drive a success!  
Remember: Each pint of blood collected can help save 3 lives!

Middle School Quiz Bowl Teams Qualify for Nationals


On December 8th, MPA Middle School Quiz Bowl Teams finished in 1st and Second Place out of 18 teams at the LARGESSE Tournament at Minnetonka High School. Based on this finish, both teams qualified for The NAQT Middle School National Championship in Chicago (April 26-28, 2013).

Team Members were Cole Staples (2017), Jack Indritz (2017), William Amendola Bye (2017), Aiden Opatz (2017), Charlie Kramer (2017), Kate Van Hecke (2018), Amanda Baumgart (2017), Ryan Guggenheim (2018), Nick Samsel (2017), Theo Janke-Furman (2017),and Teja Upadhyaya (2017).

In addition, there were some great Individual Performances (out of 79 players)- Trophy Winners were: 3rd Place- Pranay Somayajula (2018), 4th Place- Kate Van Hecke (2018), and 8th Place- Cole Staples (2017)