We Want Your Opinion! Attend an MPA Marketing Focus Group Session

Mounds Park Academy’s marketing department is working on updating admission materials and advertisements. We now have several themes identified and will present these themes and mock-ups of admission materials and ads in several MPA Community focus groups. All MPA parents, alumni/ae, parents of alumni/ae, Upper School students, faculty, staff, coaches, volunteers and friends are invited to attend one of the following focus group sessions:

Wednesday, May 2: 8:30-9:00 a.m. – Porter Conference Room
Wednesday, May 2: 11:00-11:30 a.m. – Porter Conference Room
Wednesday, May 2: 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. – Porter Conference Room
Monday, May 7: 2:30-3:00 p.m. – Recital Hall
Tuesday, May 8: 7:45-8:15 a.m. – Recital Hall
Tuesday, May 8: 5:30-6:00 p.m. – Porter Conference Room
We appreciate your time and input! Please contact Colleen Winters if you have any questions.

MPA Math Club Achieves Gold Level Status

Mounds Park Academy was recently named one of only 266 school nationwide to achieve Gold Level Status in the 2012 MATHCOUNTS Club Program. The MATHCOUNTS Club Program is a middle school math enrichment program designed to “inspire excellence, confidence, and curiosity in U.S. middle school students.” 

In a congratulatory letter to MPA, MATHCOUNTS Deputy Director Kristen Chandler wrote, “Achieving Gold Level Status is an impressive accomplishment requiring hard work and dedication; the students at Mounds Park Academy math club successfully completed a total of six rigorous math challenges throughout the school year.”
Chandler also praised the dedication of MPA’s MATHCOUNTS coach, Dan Ethier. “Coaching a MATHCOUNTS math club requires that a teacher put in significant time above and beyond regular classroom responsibilities.”
Mounds Park Academy was presented with a Gold Level trophy and banner in recognition of this accomplishment. Congratulations to Mr. Ethier and the MPA MATHCOUNTS team!

MS Quiz Bowl Teams Compete at Nationals


Two Middle School Quiz Bowl Teams, coached by Wade Peterson, represented Mounds Park Academy at the National Middle School Quiz Bowl Championships held April 21-22 in Chicago. Congratulations to the Middle School teams for an amazing season! Here are the results from Nationals:

A Team – 32nd out of 72

B Team – 54th out of 72

Individuals (out of 366 students)

Cole Staples – 54th

Emily Ghose – 56th

Will Amendola Bye – 66th

Kate Van Hecke – 85th

Jack Indritz – 153rd

Ryan Guggenheim – 280th

Aiden Opatz – 325th

Nick Samsel – 332nd

MPA Students Shine at State Speech Tourney

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Congratulations to all of the Mounds Park Academy Upper School students who competed in the Minnesota State High School League 2012 State Speech Tournament on Saturday, April 21. Below are the MPA students who placed in the tournament. For full results, click here. To view photos from the tournament, click here.

Duo Interpretation: 5th place, Andrew Grant (9) and Shailagh Lannon (10)

Humorous Interpretation : 2nd place, Emma Stacy (9)

Original Oratory: 1st place, Aniket Naravane (10)

Serious Interpretation of Poetry: 6th place, Munira Khalif (9)

Serious Interpretation of Prose: 3rd place, Yulie Qiao (12) – 4th place, Amanda Magistad (12)

Additional MPA Students who competed at the State Speech Tournament:

Hena Vadher (11) – Dramatic Interpretation
Matt Ehren (9) – Extemporaneous Speaking
Lizzy Ehren (10) – Humorous Interpretation
Kip Hathaway (11) – Creative
Lydia Xiong (9) – Informative
John Dietman (12) – Discussion
Brian Lichtor (11) – Serious Interpretation of Prose
Allison Leopold (8) – Storytelling

Grants Available for Summer@MPA Classes

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MPA students who are planning to take Summer@MPA classes may be eligible for a grant of up to $1,000 to assist with class fees. The grants are available through the Minnesota Office of Higher Education 2012 Summer Academic Enrichment Program! This program is made possible by the Federal College Access Challenge Grant Program.

The Summer Academic Enrichment program will provide stipends on a first-come, first-serve basis, to cover all or a portion of the direct cost for students in grades 3-11 to attend eligible summer academic enrichment programs during the summer of 2012. A list of eligible programs for summer 2012 will be available February 7, 2012.

Who is eligible?

  • If you are a MN resident attending an eligible summer enrichment program, and
  • You are eligible for free or reduced priced lunches*, and
  • You are currently in grades 3-11, and
  • If you are in grades 7-11 you must either have an overall “C” average or its equivalent for the most recently recorded academic term in the subject area applicable to the summer program you wish to attend*, and
  • Funds are still available.

What is the amount of stipend?

The Summer Enrichment stipend will cover the cost of the summer program up to a maximum amount of $1,000. Students will only be able to receive one stipend.

What is the deadline date?

The deadline date is established by the summer program until all funds have been awarded out to students.

How will I know if I was approved?

The summer program will notify you of your eligibility for an award from the Summer Academic Enrichment Program.

What is the Application Process?

You should apply directly to the eligible summer program. The summer program will complete the online application for a stipend from the Summer Academic Enrichment Program. Funds will be processed and will go directly to the eligible summer program.

*Documentation Needed.

You will need to provide the summer program with documentation from a school official that you are eligible for free or reduced price lunches. And if you are in grades 7-11 you will need to provide the summer program with documentation that you have either an overall “C” average or its equivalent for the most recently recorded academic term in the subject area applicable to the summer program you wish to attend.

MPA’s Robotics Team Wins “Rookie Inspiration Award”

Minneapolis, March 30, 2012 – On day one of their rookie FIRST Robotics Regionals competition at Mariucci Arena, the MPArors were awarded the “Rookie Inspiration Award”. According to FIRST, this award “celebrates a rookie team for outstanding effort as a FIRST team in community outreach and recruiting students to engineering.” Congratulations to the MPArors on this outstanding achievement and their impressive level of sportsmanship, teamwork, and creativity on the first day of competition and the many days of hard work leading up to it. The FIRST Robotics Regionals continues today at Mariucci Arena. The MPArors have matches at 9:24 a.m., 9:54 a.m., and 10:48 a.m. The Final Rounds are from 1:30-4:30 p.m., and the Awards Ceremony immediately follows. The event is free and open to the public. Go MPArors!


Breakthrough Saint Paul Graduation Dinner

Celebrate the successes of the Breakthrough Class of 2012, share a meal with program partners and supporters, and give the seniors a joyful send-off to college at the 2012 Breakthrough Saint Paul Graduation Dinner!

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Soap and Shampoo Drive

For the past nine years, several MPA families have packed personal care kits to distribute at the Loaves and Fishes food program in St. Paul, and this year we also have the third graders helping us to get the word out!  For those in the MPA community who would like to help, please place donations in the large box in the cafeteria by April 16th.  We are collecting travel size soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste and deodorant, as well as razors, washcloths and toothbrushes.  Due to the large number of children that we see, we are also asking for donations of small toys.  Anything the size of a Beanie Baby or smaller would be fine.  The toys do not need to be new, but they should be in excellent condition.  New or gently used socks for adults and children are also much appreciated.  Toys and socks may also be placed in the box in the cafeteria.
Thank you to all who participated last year.  Due to your generosity, we were able to pack and distribute over 200 kits that were gratefully received, and the need is still very great this year.  If you have any questions, please contact Deb Wineman (former MPA parent) at dwineman@q.com.

Calling all artists! Art needed for MPA’s Art of Wine

The annual MPA Art of Wine event is on April 19 and we need your help! The Art of Wine is an exciting event where the community gathers to socialize, taste a variety of wines (provided by the Wine Thief) and bid on a variety of art pieces, all in support of the MPA Annual Fund and Financial Aid program.  The collection of art being auctioned at the event is quite varied, including student art from all grades, faculty art, pieces from alumni and alumni parents and work donated by local artists. All art pieces will be on display at the event and will be auctioned off at the end of the night.  We love having a variety of art medium – painting, pottery, photography, screen prints, fiber – so please consider a donation. All donations of art are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
If you are interested in donating a piece of art to the event, contact Bry Nagan at 651-748-5530 or bnagan@moundsparkacademy.org.