Lower School Entrepreneurs Raise Funds for Jamaican Orphanage


Service learning is a theme that starts early and runs deep at Mounds
Park Academy. One of MPA’s Kindergarten teachers, Kristine Petersen, saw the
possibility of turning an upcoming trip to work at the Garland Hall Orphanage in Jamaica into an opportunity to share the joy of service learning with lower school students.

Petersen’s Recipe for Service Learning:

teaspoon of opportunity


2 cups of

tablespoons of inspiration

11/2 cups
of initiative

1 gallon
of cooperation

3 cups of

1 pint of


sprinkle of joy

A project
that now involves students from every grade level, this service learning
opportunity began humbly in one Kindergarten classroom where Petersen read two
Beatrice’s Goat, and Give a Goat to her class.  Both books shared similar messages and helped
her students understand the significance of giving a goat to a family anywhere
in the world. They learned that a family could sell the extra products made from
the goat to make money to send a child to school, or buy necessities for their
 She then shared with her
students that she was going to an orphanage who happened to be in need of a
goat, chickens, and school supplies.


After this
initial introduction, Petersen teamed up with 4
th grade classes, who
joined the kindergarteners and introduced the word “entrepreneurship.” They
learned the definition-both on a larger scale but also within the context of
service learning and their particular project. Before long the students were
suggesting ways that they could be entrepreneurs and raise enough money to give 
the gift of a goat to the orphanage in Jamaica.

pairing activities later the lower school entrepreneurial minds have handcrafted
blankets, greeting cards and rain sticks to sell. Though some are undeniably more
reliably constructed than others, the sentiment of philanthropy and service
learning runs much 


deeper than the cosmetic appearance of their creations. Some
students have even spent their nights and weekends creating their own
masterpieces at home, contributing Popsicle stick boxes and potholders to the
spread of items that will be for sale at the Baa Baa Boutique, open December 8
from 3:30-4:30.

So far, the students have far exceeded their goals and have raised money to allow Garland Hall Orphanage to purchase not one, but three, goats and many chickens! Raffle tickets to name the three goats are being sold on December 8. 

Now the students are raising money to ship the school supplies and many boxes of books 

IMG_0773.jpegthat were donated and purchased with the funds raised. Some books have already been shipped, and the orphanage sent Mrs. Petersen and the students these photos of the goats and chickens, as well as the children in Jamaica enjoying their new books. 

Find out more about the BaaBaa Boutique from some of our entrepreneurial fourth graders, and don’t miss your chance to shop today, December 8 from 3:30-4:40 p.m.:


Red Balloon’s Books for Schools

Help us earn free books for our school!

You can earn free books for our school with every purchase at The Red Balloon Bookshop during November and December. It’s The Red Balloon’s Books for Schools program.  The bookshop will credit Mounds Park Academy with 20% of purchases made by parents, grandparents, teachers and friends during the holidays. There’s no limit to how much we can benefit!

How Does the Receipt Redemption Process Work?
(It’s as easy as A, B, C!)

A – Ask The Red Balloon Bookshop bookseller to validate your receipt with the Books for Schools stamp.  Purchases of any store merchandise–books, cards, toys–qualify.  Purchases must be made November 1 through December 31, 2011. Purchases receiving educational, institutional, anniversary, Reader’s Reward Dollars, or any other discount are excluded.

B – Drop off all receipts at the Main Reception Office at the South Entrance by January 20, 2012.

C – Credit will be issued (20% of total before sales tax).  The 20% credit that the school will receive can be used for anything in the store, including gift certificates, which are great gifts for teachers, and incentives for students, or books for our classroom and library!

Supporting Mr. Meacock

Mike Downs writes: Founding Upper School English teacher Richard Meacock has been dealing
with a serious medical condition. With Richard’s permission, I am
sharing with the MPA community these details. Richard’s condition requires
that he receive a liver transplant and, as yet, no donor has been found.
Richard’s daughter has created a website that makes public the
need for a donor in hopes that someone may be identified as soon as
possible. I am including the link to the website for those interested in
direct information on how to help.

There are many ways to help and I know that Richard will value thoughts
and expressions of concern, while recognizing that he is working to keep
his day-to-day work life as normal as possible. If you have students
with questions, please let them know that Richard has good medical care
and that he would like them to continue to focus on the important
academic work he does with them.

Here is a link to the website that has been set up. As of this writing,
there are over 850 people who have “liked” the site and Richard reports
that the transplant center has been swamped with requests to be

I know the MPA community joins me in wishing Mr. Meacock a speedy recovery.

The Best of MPA Online Auction is now open!

Visit the online auction website to bid on over 40 fabulous auction items. Items include:

  • Hockey Tickets
  • Kids Items
  • Theater Tickets
  • Home Goods
  • “Unique to MPA” itemss
  • And much more!

You don’t want to miss it! The online auction closes at midnight the day after the Best of MPA.

A PDF of the Best of MPA auction catalog is also available on the site, so take a moment to peruse the items before the event on November 11.

If you can’t make it to the Best of MPA, but see an item you want to bid on, fill out the absentee bidder form (found on page 5 of the auction catalog) and an MPA volunteer will bid on the item at the event on your behalf.

We also have several exciting additions to the Live Auction, including:

A Penguin Encounter: Enjoy an up close and personal day with the Minnesota Zoo’s African Penguins! This certificate entitles 5 guests to a rare behind-the-scenes look at life at the Zoo. Learn about what makes penguins unique and meet their talented keepers who will answer any questions you may have about these intriguing animals.

Bon Voyage: Experience the beauty of France in this charming Provencal stone villa on a hillside with Mediterranean Sea views. This villa comfortably sleeps eight guests and includes a host of amenities including an outdoor kitchen, spacious living quarters, kitchen terraces and a stunning garden. Located a quick one hour drive from the Cannes/Nice airport.

Explore MPA at the November 19 Admission Open House

Open_House.jpgYou are invited to “Explore MPA” at our upcoming admission Open House event on November 19 from 1-3 p.m.

This unique, interactive experience will feature mini-lectures, hands-on activities, and a passport to track all that you see and do!

Get to know MPA faculty, students, and administration as you visit
classrooms and get your passport stamped. And don’t forget to collect
your prize at the end of your trip.

R.S.V.P. now and get ready to start exploring!

Order your 2011-2012 Yearbook by Nov. 30

The 2011-21012 MPA yearbook is already under construction. We hope to make this book a memorable one for all students, from PreK through 12th grade. Don’t miss your chance!

The cost of the 2011-2012 yearbook is $65 for all MPA students. You will notice on each child’s October billing statement a line item called “Yearbook”. Please consider this purchase with the knowledge that in previous years there have only been a handful of students who have chosen to opt out of yearbook purchasing. You have an option to accept or decline the yearbook offer.

  • If you wish to DECLINE the yearbook, simply contact Katie Kohler, Student Accounts Coordinator, at 651-777-2555 and ask to have the charge removed.
  • If you wish to ACCEPT the yearbook charge, payment MUST be received by Katie Kohler in the Business Office no later than Wednesday, November 30th.

** IMPORTANT: If payment or arrangement for payment is not received by this date, your yearbook charge will be automatically declined and you WILL NOT be able to purchase as a later date.

So reserve your yearbook now! This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate MPA and the memories your child will cherish!

On a separate note, the yearbook staff would love to see your pictures of MPA students, classes, and events — and possibly use them in this year’s book! Please feel free to burn copies onto a CD and put them in KaTrina’s Wentzel’s box, or email them to kwentzel@moundsparkacademy.org.