Middle School Division News October 13, 2022

from Jenn Milam, Middle School director

Well into week seven of school, we are nearing the end of quarter one. This is a notable benchmark in our school year as it means we’ve mostly settled into our routines and relationships and are cruising along well and happy. Please try to check in with your students and ensure they are doing their best, completing assignments on time, and aren’t falling behind. One of our core values in Middle School is that we focus on the learning journey, not just the outcome – and while this is always true, we use the end of quarters as benchmarks to check-in on progress, reflect, and chart a path forward. So, these next couple of weeks will help us to know how to improve and refocus for the next quarter.

If your student is having issues completing homework, feeling lost, or needs support, please help them communicate that with their teachers. Teaching self-advocacy is a primary goal at MPA, and we all stand ready and willing to assist where needed!

NOTE: The end of the quarter is Friday, October 28. Any assignments, assessments, or projects that are due in quarter one that have not been submitted by that date will not be assessed during this quarter. Deadlines help us all to stay organized and limit overwhelm.

iTERM Forms Are Due Friday

Parents were emailed iTERM details and a link to the iTERM 2023 online brochure late last week and posted to Schoology groups this week. iTERM Course Selection forms are due to the office, by email or in hard copy, by Friday, October 14, 3 PM.

You can review the iTERM booklet here

If your student is selecting an international travel opportunity, it is imperative that we have this information by the end of the day on Friday. There are no late additions to the trips after Friday, as we will work with travel agencies to plan and reserve spots beginning on Monday morning. Read More

Upper School Division News October 13, 2022

from Mark Segal, Upper School director

I have learned over the past 28 years that October can be one of “those” months. Days become shorter, summer turns to fall (and even winter at times in Minnesota), and the first quarter of the school year rapidly is drawing to a close. This is the time of year where professional journals dedicate sections to self-care and discussion about employee morale is frequent. As I was researching items to write about, I came across an article in Time Magazine entitled, “This Professor Teaches a Class on ‘Doing Nothing.'” It’s the Most Popular One on Campus. As you may imagine, it caught my eye. The author introduces readers to Dr. Constance Kassor, an associate professor of religious studies at Lawrence University, who shares that more than 50 undergraduate students have enrolled in this course which teaches students to “relax and unplug.” Kassor suggests that “students are seeking out skills that can help them combat stress in the face of mental health challenges and a growing pressure to be productive.”

As much as I would like to believe that this and other similar issues only exist in post-secondary institutions, I know well that our students are also experiencing stress and pressure to be productive. The looming end of the quarter, college applications, social relationships, and the fear of another Covid wave has put students (and the adults in their lives) on edge.

The Journal of Affective Disorders surveyed more than 350,000 college students on 373 campuses and found that 60% of students met the criteria for one or more mental health problems, a nearly 50% increase from 2013. Previously, one of the suggestions to address mental health concerns was to find ways to connect with friends or engage in more activities. However, the Pew Research Center found that adolescents are connecting with one another and that, “nearly half (46%) of teens say they are online “almost constantly,” compared to just 24% seven years ago.” Dr. Kassor shared that during her class she asks her students to leave their cell phones outside of the classroom and to engage with their peers genuinely and authentically…without interruption. Read More

Parents Association News & Events October 13, 2022

Thank You!
The PA wishes to thank all the families who donated and volunteered for this fall’s Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week, THANK YOU! We kicked off the weeklong event by making s’mores for all Staff at lunch, celebrated all things 1982 and returned to in-person dinners for all staff that stayed to conference on each Thursday evening. Thanks again to all families who participated, Chef Chris and his Sage staff for the dinners, and the Maintenance staff for keeping the Teaching Kitchen clean!

Halloween Will Soon Be Here
October 28, 8:30-2:20pm
Our annual Halloween Party is back! Please contact Jasmin Stees at jasminstees@yahoo.com if you have any questions or would like to volunteer. You can volunteer through SignUp Genius. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050a4ca5a72aa1f49-mpalower

Save The Date!
Watch for more details on these upcoming PA events.

  • December 3, 8-10 PM: Parent Dinner during Winter Semi-Formal at the India Palace
  • Jan. 21, 6 PM: Snowshoe event at 7 Vines Vineyard, $55.00

Save the Date for Book Festival
December 5-11

Book Festival has moved from April to December. Just in time for holiday gifts or Winter Break reading. More information is coming soon!

Wednesday Morning Walks Through the Farmers Market
Wednesdays at 8:15 AM

The Parents Association invites parents and guardians to get together Wednesday mornings after drop off with Michelle Mick. We’ll meet at the Farmers Market at 1850 White Bear Avenue, near the Aldrich Arena. There are just a few weeks left to enjoy this lovely market. We can stroll through the market followed by a longer walk if desired. LS, MS and US families are welcome. Chat with new parents and connect with friends. Younger children are welcome to walk with us. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at mwesselyPA@moundsparkacademy.org.

Essential Arts Education

from Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

One of my favorite times of the year is early fall, when the first round of student artwork is displayed throughout the school. Bare walls come alive with beauty, creativity, and splashes of color. With just a few weeks of the semester to cultivate ideas and build skills, I am astounded by students’ accomplishments. This year is no exception. A quick walk about the school will be rewarded with marvelous displays of shape, lines, textures, shading, and values.

I am sometimes asked why MPA considers the arts an integral part of our academic program. Shouldn’t a college-prep school focus solely on subjects such as math, science, and English? The arts are considered electives or optional in many schools, but not at MPA. Unfortunately, many schools are forced to cut art education to free up funding and make time for standardized assessments. In contrast, we firmly believe that art education is essential to developing skills, mindsets, and attributes in the whole person both during their time at MPA and throughout their lives.

Many of us are familiar with the term growth mindset. A growth mindset is a belief about the malleability of intelligence and is associated with a wide variety of positive academic outcomes, including curiosity, resilience, and improved achievement. Guided by their teachers, students see that there is more than one way to approach a problem and that every solution, when well executed, offers a unique perspective. As a result, they learn that instead of mistakes being a failure to replicate an ideal, they are opportunities to expand ideas and use the process as an opportunity to creatively problem solve. “I love the process of designing a visual challenge,” says Middle and Upper School art teacher Renee Sonka. “Preparing students to meet that challenge, and then stepping back to see the incredible variety of beautiful solutions that result from that process.” Read More

Parents Association News & Events October 6, 2022

Fall Parent Brunch
October 12, 10AM-12 PM
Parents, please join us for a morning meet-up at Churchill Street in Shoreview. Now that school is back in session, parents deserve a mid-morning break. Head over to this great community gathering spot to meet, connect, and chat with other MPA parents. The PA is covering the cost of the private dining room for the morning, and parents can order what they like and pay for it at the counter. Churchill Street is at 4606 Churchill Street, in Shoreview, MN! Preschool-aged siblings are welcome.

It’s not too late to attend. Email Staci Banks at sbanksPA@moundsparkacademy.org.

Halloween Will Soon Be Here
October 28, 8:30 AM-2:20 PM
Our annual Halloween Party is back! Please contact Jasmin Stees at jasminstees@yahoo.com if you have any questions or would like to volunteer. We’ll have a SignUp Genius coming soon. Read More

One Space, Infinite Possibilities

MPA’s Makerspace intentionally provides students with opportunities to construct meaning through making with practical, hands-on, interdisciplinary, problem-based projects. In this space, students of all ages use design thinking to develop empathy with individuals and design creative solutions to problems through an iterative process involving brainstorming, prototyping, and testing. The Makerspace allows for the blend of technical and creative skills conducive to developing a well-rounded individual.

Kindergarteners are experiencing the immersive magic that occurs daily in our Makerspace. For one of their first projects of the year, the eager students gathered around Mr. Braafladt, the Makerspace technology and innovation teacher. They watched in wonder as he carefully demonstrated their tasks and introduced the letter block activity.

The first letters that children learn are most often the ones in their names. In early kindergarten, names are used to practice letter recognition, syllables, counting, and so much more. In this project, Ms. Santiago’s class leveraged the Makerspace to take this foundational literacy work to a more creative and hands-on level.

For this experiential learning activity, kindergarteners were given small blocks of wood with the letters of their names outlined on them. Their challenge was to glue different materials over these outlined letters, producing unique and personalized art pieces.

Ms. Santiago explains, “Even though this project gave each student a beautiful end product, it is a prime example of a process-driven Makerspace experience for the students. Mr. Braafladt and I offered a wide variety of materials and intentionally left the rest up to the kids. They had to decide which material to use, how to best attach the material to their letters, and how to troubleshoot the problems that came up as they worked. Process-driven learning fosters creativity, independence, and perseverance.”

According to a Philly Art Center article on the importance of process-driven art for children, “If we show them an example and proceed to teach them exactly how to make their project the same as ours, we have only given students one answer to one question and both came from us. But if we instead give them materials and demonstrate the many ways they can use that material, we are posing questions and teaching them to find their own solutions in a world of possibility.” The Makerspace letter block project is an instrumental activity in developing autonomy for young MPA learners!

Welcome to MPA, Jodi Hurley!

What position will you be holding at MPA?
School Counselor

From what school/organization are you coming?
District 622 employee – was at Hill-Murray last 15 years

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I have a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice and a Masters Degree in Counseling and Education. I began my career as a counselor for at-risk youth at St. Joseph’s Home for Children. I then moved to the school setting and worked with middle and high school students. For the last fifteen years, I have been working at Hill-Murray as a Licensed Counselor, led the Peer Listening Program, and was the Head Boys’ and Girls’ Track and Field Coach.

What did you find appealing about MPA?
I wanted to become a member of the MPA community as I found it to be a very welcoming atmosphere. I heard about the emphasis on high academics and support for every student to strive for excellence.

What’s your big dream?
Someday I hope to move to Alaska and live off the grid.

What are you (and your family, if you so choose) passionate about?
I am married and have three grown boys (ages 23, 21, and 18). We are always up for a challenging hike, playing any sport, and enjoy being out in nature. We value spending time together and ending the day with a great meal.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
We have a Sun Conure Parrot named Oscar and we let him fly freely in the backyard (weather permitting). When he is ready to come inside he will fly to a branch near our window and chirp until we open it and put him back in his cage.

Supporting Autonomy

from Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

Is there a cliff involved? It’s a question I frequently ask myself or my husband Ross. It comes from MPA’s former school psychologist, Steve Kahn, and is one of the best pieces of parenting advice I have ever received. In fact, it came up over this past weekend when Ross had reached a point of frustration with our 16-year-old daughter. He was venting over her making time for soccer, friends, and her boyfriend but not for her behind-the-wheel driving experience. “At this rate, she’s never going to get her license!” he exclaimed. Calmly, I looked at him and said, “Is there a cliff involved?”

My article last week focused on forging a strong parent-school partnership and I wrote about parenting being demanding, lonely, and hard. It’s hard to find the balance between allowing our children to have agency and to make their own choices without overparenting, micromanaging them, or preventing them from failing. This is particularly difficult when it comes to school. Many of us have a hard time keeping school performance and homework in perspective.

You’ve heard me say a number of times that parental engagement plays an important role in academic success. Researchers Wendy Grolnick (Clark University) and Eva Pomerantz (University of Illinois/Urbana-Champaign) analyzed decades of research on parent involvement and found that it is “an important and necessary ingredient in children’s academic adjustment” and can contribute to student motivation, engagement, and learning. Studies have found that this is especially true when parents’ role is affectively positive (showing joy, love, and satisfaction helping their children) and when it promotes children’s autonomy.

Many years ago, when I was conducting research for my dissertation and when learning management systems such as Schoology were first introduced, I interviewed a ninth grader who bemoaned the fact that his parents often knew before he got home for school that he didn’t turn in an assignment or was called to the principal’s office. “Geez,” he said, “I don’t even get a chance to take care of it myself before I get in trouble at home.” Sound familiar?! Read More

Lower School Division News September 29, 2022

from Dr. Ann Jurewicz, Lower School director 

We are very excited to welcome parents for the first round of conferences today. After five weeks in school, our teachers are excited to share how they have gotten to know students and share with parents their ideas for student learning goals.

Individualizing Learning for every MPA Student
MPA has a new program called Fastbridge we are using to help us understand where students are at in reading and math so we can best meet their individual learning needs going forward. This is not a standardized assessment for final measurement of learning, but a way to plan for learning as we move forward through the school year. You will be receiving more information on this program from your homeroom teacher by the end of October.

Learning Support in the Lower School
Research shows that students needing extra support do best when they remain in the classroom and the support teacher “pushes in” to work with students. This also allows support teacher to integrate extra help within the lessons taught by the main classroom teacher. Students form small groups in the classroom and learn with peers. From the information support teachers glean from the classroom environment, “pull out” sessions (i.e. math or reading clubs) can be determined when needed.

CHAMP and Core Values Language
This year the Lower School is working to include Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging into its CHAMP assemblies and activities. Teachers collaborated on combining the CHAMP attributes into five core values we will address as the year unfolds. We strive to educate all MPA Lower School students work “Together” to be:

  • Respectful (Inclusiveness/Respect/Integrity)
  • Mindful (Mindfulness/self-control)
  • Gritty (Perseverance/Courage)
  • Empathetic (Friendship/Compassion)

Collaborative (Cooperation/Responsibility/Accountability)

Halloween Is Coming
Thanks to the Parent Association, the Lower School students will be enjoying 30 minutes of games and activities at grade level staggered throughout the day. We plan to have a Halloween Parade to finish off the day in celebration. Students are allowed to wear costumes to school, but we respectfully request they are culturally respectful and that we do not have masks, weapons, blood or other excessively scary costumes. Grades 3 and 4 may wear their masks for the parade at the end of the day. More information coming soon!

Panther Club Afterschool Program
Mr. Purdy is highlighting “Lights On After School” with a visit from the Raptor Center. A number of very cool enrichment activities have also been announced including chess club, fencing and more. Students received a pamphlet at school about the variety of choices, so please ask your children about their interest in participating. Here is the link to sign up for afterschool enrichment classes. Karate class is currently full.

Warmly, Dr. Ann Jurewicz

Important Dates Ahead

Wednesday, October 12: 8:15-8:55 AM—CHAMP Assembly – RESPECTFUL
Tuesday, October 18: 6-7 PM—Lights On After School – Raptor Center Presentation
Wednesday, Oct. 19, 8:15-11:30 AM—Grandparents and Special Friends Day
Friday, October 28: Halloween Celebrations!

Middle School Division News September 29, 2022

from Dr. Jenn Milam, Middle School director

As we find ourselves in Week 5 together, we are learning more about each other and our needs, limits, and boundaries. As I have shared with all of you, it is important that middle schoolers feel safe to push boundaries and test limits (it often feels like it’s their job most days!) and it’s also important for them to realize that their actions, words, and habits impact those around them. This year, our Middle School faculty and staff spent some time reflecting on our mission to develop our new MPA Middle School Community Expectations. We have been teaching these, explicitly and implicitly, in all we do daily to help our young people find their way in relation to one another and to themselves.

Our MPA Middle School Community Expectations

Demonstrate care, compassion, and appreciation for self and others.

Bring all the necessary materials to class and a brain ready to learn.

Learning is about taking risks, trying new things, and connecting with others. It’s okay to fail or make mistakes – we all do!

Choose your words carefully. Use language that is affirming, kind, and supportive to yourself and others.

Be inclusive and seek to honor the goodness in all humans.

Of course, we’ve all been through a tumultuous time the last two and half years and we are all so grateful to be back together in what feels as close to a typical school year as we’ve had since 2019! I hope my sharing these expectations with you helps you to see see and feel even more deeply our commitment to developing thoughtful, caring, emotionally intelligent, bright young people!

Space Princess Warrior—Congratulations To Our Cast and Crew!
We are delighted to begin rehearsals for our Middle School show and congratulate all who were selected as cast and crew members. Please work with your student to know the rehearsal schedule (available on Schoology), note it in their planners, prepare and have a plan for pick-up, and communication. Just like sports, students are responsible for arranging transportation, pick-up, and snacks with parents.

If you have questions or need information, please email Ms. Mastel (hmastel@moundsparkacademy.org) or have your student stop by to see her in her class.

Planners—Use Them—Check Them—Be Accountable!
Student planners were distributed last week, and we have been working diligently and learning to use them consistently, productively, and in a way that supports self-regulation, executive functioning, organization, and success. Please ask your student about their planner, ask them to show you their progress, and remember that their planner is their first line of organizational super-power!

Snacks—Please Send Them!
Middle Schoolers are always hungry. ALWAYS! And each day, most teachers take time, either during advisory or Block 3, to offer a snack time. For obvious reasons, we cannot provide snacks for all students (allergies, preference, preparation, etc.) but we welcome you to coordinate with your student a snack they can bring to school to give them just enough to make it to lunch.

On this note, eating breakfast is often hard for Middle Schoolers – they are tired, not awake enough to eat, are using every minute to sleep/snooze before coming to school. Especially if your student is not eating breakfast, their snack is ESSENTIAL!

Excellent ideas for snacks include, but are not limited to:

  • Carrots and hummus
  • String Cheese and Crackers
  • Goldfish or pretzels
  • Yogurt tube and fruit (already cut and prepared)
  • Sliced apple and sunflower butter (no peanuts/tree nut butters)
  • Celery and ranch dip
  • Small half sandwich

On a related note, if your student is staying after school for sports practice, they also NEED an after-school snack that they may eat in preparation for an hour and a half of activity. NO ONE likes a “hangry” (pre)teen…it would be wonderful if students came prepared for their day not just academically, but nutritionally, as well.

We Do Recess! Dress for the Weather!
As the weather turns cooler, it’s important that your student dresses to go outside for recess. Unless it is raining or –11 degrees or colder, all Middle School students are expected to go outside at recess. Time outside, in the fresh air and sunshine, is great for mental health and well-being, especially in the colder months and the activity is important for growing bodies and brains!

Please take some time to sort through mittens, gloves, hats, headbands, and coats as the leaves start to turn and the cooler weather is upon us – it’ll be snowing before we all know it! It’s cool to be warm!

Parent Connection Opportunities—Coming Soon
We’ve had quite a full start to the new year with Curriculum Night, New Parent Dinner and now Fall Conferences. For most of us, this is in addition to already managing a very full family life, sports practices, private lessons, tutors, and social lives. I am working with our Parents’ Association representatives to schedule some informal gatherings of Middle School Parents, including but not limited to parent coffees, lunch break conversations, and possibly even a book study! If you have a particular interest or suggestion, I am happy to hear from you! I look forward to connecting with you all in a variety of ways!

Conferences begin TOMORROW!
We are really excited to welcome you to campus for our Fall Conferences beginning tomorrow, Thursday, September 29. Middle School students are expected and invited to participate as active members of the conference team. As a reminder, each conference is scheduled for 10 minutes, and we ask that you do your best to help us stay on schedule, recognizing that most teachers are scheduled back-to-back for several hours, and all MPA families are making their way through conferences.

Please be on time for your scheduled conferences and know that teachers have been asked to set a timer to help guide their use of time and maintain the flow of their schedule. If you have not scheduled a conference, please do not “drop-in” on a teacher as they have not prepared for your conference and have other families who are likely waiting. Please reach out to teachers, individually, to schedule a time either during or after the conference times, if you have not scheduled through Pick-A-Time.

Finally, once you begin your conference, if you find that you will need additional time to discuss your concerns or work through an issue, we ask you to schedule another time to continue that conversation outside of the conference window.

Be well and take care of each other!


September 29: All School Conferences (3:30-7pm)
October 6: All School Conferences (3:30-8pm)
October 7: All School Conferences (8am-4pm) – no classes
October 19: GPSF Day (morning), 11:30am early dismissal
October 20-21: Fall Break – no classes
5/6 Halloween Carnival (3:30-4:45pm)
7/8 Dance (7-9pm)
November 4: ISACS Conference—No Classes