Invite A Friend To Discover Something Remarkable

Invite a friend to join us and experience the joy at MPA’s largest PreK-12 admission event, the MPA Preview! Held on Sunday, November 6 at 2 PM, this event will be a structured program that will allow prospective students and parents to get a sense of what makes MPA an exceptional place to learn and grow.

Our visitors will rotate among several lessons taught by expert faculty. These will be hands-on, experiential lessons that are abbreviated versions of the original, modified to be appropriate for all ages. Between lessons, they will have an opportunity to see our state-of-the-art facilities.

Kindly invite your friends and neighbors to RSVP in advance for this engaging program below. If you have any questions, contact the Office of Admission at 651-748-5577 or We can’t wait to meet them!

Picture Day Reminder

Picture day is approaching! Our vendor is Jostens and you should have received a flyer from school this week with information about how to order your pictures online.

Picture day is Monday, September 12

Retake day is Tuesday, October 11

Note that all sixth graders will have their photos taken on retake day due to the Eagle Bluff retreat. All students should be in school uniform or dress code. Jostens asks that your child avoids wearing the color green. Learn more at the link below and if you have any questions, please contact Sara Mohn, yearbook advisor, at

Never Resting On Our Laurels

from Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

Institutions, like individuals or families, evolve. It is a natural part of life but it can sometimes be challenging and disconcerting. When my legs ached as an eleven-year-old, my father told me to “Walk it off. It’s just growing pains.” This has evolved into my doctor telling me to walk it off, but instead he’s referring to the extra weight I am carrying!

Our society has experienced a great deal of disruption over the last several years. A public health crisis, racial reckoning, political discord, and an uncertain economy coupled with confusion about what is going to happen moment to moment, day to day, week to week, has caused many to feel anxious and stressed. Our amygdala takes over in these times and the prefrontal cortex—the part that learns and plans and creates—isn’t fully engaged. Too much disruption in a short period of time can intensify negative feelings and it is well documented that this has been the case in recent times.

In times of disruption, schools must evolve to meet changing needs. At MPA, this evolution takes shape through a new strategic plan, some new leaders and employees, many new students and families, and some new curricular experiences. These are all good things for an institution because they are opportunities for growth and the results of continuous improvement. As an institution, we have always been committed to growth and improvement—never resting on our laurels—so this is not new or different at MPA. Read More

Welcome to MPA, Gareth Mulraney!

What position will you be holding at MPA?
Lower School administrative assistant.

From what school/organization are you coming? 
Mitchell Hamline School of Law

Tell us about your education and past experience.
I have a bachelor of arts in Irish heritage studies and history. I also have a diploma in the business of travel and tourism. I have certificates in information technology. I’ve worked as an administrative assistant for nearly 20 years. I was a successful soccer coach and obtained many licenses through that.

What did you find appealing about MPA? 
The people, culture, and the community and being part of all of that again after my wife, Kirsten Mulraney, worked here previously.

What’s your big dream?
To own a bed and breakfast in Co. Wexford, Ireland.

What are you (and your family, if you so choose) passionate about?
We are big soccer family and Liverpool is our team. We love to travel and spend time exploring and taking in the culture of the places we visit. We like to support our community and are allies for BLM, LBGTQ+ and any marginalized group that needs the support of their communities.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know? 
When I was in high school our career counselor had me complete a questionnaire about what career path best suited me. My result was priest or religious leader and I contemplated it!

Lower School Division News September 1, 2022

from Dr. Ann Jurewicz, Lower School division director

CKLA Message from Dr. J.
Thank you to all the LS parents who joined me Wednesday for the Core Knowledge Language Arts overview and Q&A. If you were not able to make it, you can access the recording of the presentation here. We are really excited to be using the scientifically demonstrated best practices for literacy acquisition of CKLA. At the same time, we are honoring the creative units and input from our teachers in the content knowledge for students. This includes novel studies and the interdisciplinary units MPA teachers have developed. The CKLA curriculum is also designed to provide opportunities for expanded interdisciplinary learning, such as project-based learning and integration of the MakerSpace and design thinking principles.

CHAMP Theme for 2022-23–TOGETHER
Our kick-off CHAMP assembly will take place on Wednesday, September 7. Dr. J will be joined by Mr. Lamar Shingles, Director of Equity and Belonging, and Ms. Samantha Sanchez, Assistant Director of Equity and Belonging.

What does this year’s theme of TOGETHER look like at MPA? Students connecting with students across all grade levels and all divisions. New and old, students and staff, we are all MPA. All CHAMP attributes at MPA bring us closer together for social justice, belonging, and equity. Read More

BOLD: Building Opportunities for Learning Distinction

from Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

Several years ago, I remember learning from one of our MPA parents about the new 3M research and development lab built along McKnight Road on the 3M campus. Its design was intentional, bringing together scientists from a number of divisions in a space that spurred collaboration and innovation. In addition, 3M has a long-standing practice that allows scientists to spend 15% of their time on a project of their choice. 3M knows that innovation requires time to create, space (physical and figuratively) to collaborate, and resources for implementation.

Tomorrow is the first of four BOLD days that will occur throughout the school year. BOLD stands for Building Opportunities for Learning Distinction and flows directly from 2024ward, our strategic plan. Priority One of 2024ward boldly calls for us to “create custom and personalized pathways of learning for students oriented towards achieving mastery through curricular innovation and by leveraging advances in educational technology.” I get a lot of grief for using the word “bold” as an anachronym, but I like it because it conveys urgency, courage, and confidence to meet the new and emerging needs of our students. Read More

Middle School Division News September 1, 2022

from Dr. Jenn Milam, Middle School division director

Welcome to the 2022-2023 School Year!
Every other week the Middle School News and Notes will come to you in the Panther Post with highlights of upcoming events, information about what’s happening in our neck of the woods, the all-important list of dates for your family calendar, and usually a little about what I’m thinking about or what may be helpful to you as you move through this parenting-of-middle-schoolers journey together. I hope you’ll look for them each week and that they are helpful!

Study Hall and Panther Den
A few years ago, now we began offering a one-hour study hall immediately after school (3:10-4 PM). It was a huge success as it offers students a quiet, structured, and monitored place to get some work done before heading home for the evening. I have seen happy parents with less homework to manage at night and have heard students gleefully share the list of assignments or tasks they were able to finish in just the short 50 minutes with real focus and attention.

For study hall to be productive and helpful, we share the following expectations with students:

  1. No cell phones are allowed. The same rules that apply during the regular school day apply in study hall. Cell phones should be “off-and-away”.
  2. No earbuds/listening to music while working. I have explained to students that research and science on the brain and learning teaches us that when we focus on fewer things, even one at a time, we work more efficiently and more successfully. Music is a distraction to manage and 45 minutes with no music or distraction can make for a much more productive time.
  3. Games or videos on school computers are also not allowed – this is a quiet time to get homework finished or to read a book. The teachers supervising study hall can direct computers be put away completely if needed.
  4. Collaborative/group work is not ideal for this setting and students should be encouraged to work on independent tasks as much as is possible.
  5. Students may bring a quiet and not-messy snack to study hall, if they’d like.

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Upper School Division News September 1, 2022

from Mark Segal, Upper School division director

I can’t express the pure joy and excitement felt last Wednesday when almost 240 upper school students descended on the MPA campus for the first day of school. Like most students, and many parents I am sure, I found it challenging to get a good night’s sleep as I kept running through my figurative and literal “to do” list hoping that everything that needed to get done was done. Adding to my angst was the fear that all students will be where they need to be and that their first day schedules were correct. It is hard to believe, but between the day that student schedules became available and this afternoon, more than 500 (not a typo) schedule changes were made. This equates to more than two changes per student. Thankfully, the students and their parents showed patience with me as I learned the “behind the curtain” nuances of the scheduling system and did my best to meet their scheduling requests.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have enjoyed spending time with the new and returning upper school students and families. Hearing about summer journeys, seeing students return for the start of athletics and classes, hosting the upper school Back to School Nights and new family/peer leader BBQ, and planning for the Upper School State Fair field trip has energized me for the 2022-2023 school year and the return to “normalcy” and routine.

I look forward to seeing you on campus soon. Read More

Parents Association News & Events September 8, 2022

Wednesday Morning Walks
Wednesdays at 8 AM
The Parents Association invites parents and guardians to get together Wednesday mornings after drop-off with Michelle Mick. We’ll meet at the flagpole near the Lower School entrance. Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School families are welcome. Chat with new parents and connect with friends. Younger children are welcome to walk with us. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at

Gardening at MPA: Harvest Days
Saturday, September 10 and Saturday, October 1, 9-11 AM
This Saturday, September 10th will be a gardening day from 9 – 11am. We’ll be harvesting what we’ve grown in the garden along with continuing upkeep. All families are welcome. The second harvest day happens on October 1 from 9 – 11am. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at

Gardening at MPA
Thursdays at 8 AM
Enjoy the Monarch butterflies filling up before their long migration down to Mexico — pop into the Library gardens after drop-off and see them flitting around the Liatris (long purple flower). In addition, we are calling all those who want to spend some time outside at MPA in the gardens! You’re invited to spend time tidying up, building, sowing, and spuddling around in the dirt surrounded by beautiful flowers and greenery. Come for a few minutes or stay for an hour or two.

All are most welcome including friends and family. We’ll meet outside under the flagpole at the LS entrance, with gardening tools in hand! No gardening experience is necessary. Questions? Contact Michelle Mick at Read More

Only At MPA

from Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I was taken aback yesterday morning when I drove into the north parking lot at 6:10 AM and saw it was filled with cars. I am used to being the first one at school in the morning and was completely disoriented. Then I remembered that this year’s senior class began a new tradition, gathering in the Benz Courtyard together at sunrise to launch their senior year. My first reaction was, “Only at MPA!.” This new tradition, initiated by the seniors, is a wonderful example of what makes MPA such a special school.

I want to officially welcome you to a new school year! I especially welcome our new families who have recently joined the MPA family. It was wonderful to meet and greet so many of you at the Back To School and New Family Orientation event. The deep-seated spirit of joyfulness and community was palpable, and although I was exhausted, it was hard for me to fall asleep Monday night. After two years of health and safety restrictions, it was gratifying to be back together and in person.

In my welcoming remarks to new families, I spoke of the strong partnership between parents and the school. In many independent schools, this special relationship tends to be transactional, built upon the expectation of reciprocity, of both parties getting what they want from one another. I have long felt that the relationship between MPA parents and school is more transformational. In a transformational relationship, there exists a mutual trust built upon shared values and a belief that an MPA education is a partnership in our children’s ongoing growth and development.

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