Meet Our New Lower School Assistant

Please welcome Holli Richgels to MPA. You may reach her for all of your Lower School needs at or 651-748-5562.

What position will you be holding at MPA?
Lower School Administrative Assistant

From what school/organization are you coming?
Nova Classical Academy

Tell us a little bit about your education and past experience.
I have a bachelor’s degree in musical theatre and performance from Minnesota State University, Moorhead. After graduating from college I have worked as a front desk receptionist or administrative assistant at various medical centers and schools. At my last job while being district receptionist I also worked closely with operations (transportation and technology), business office, HR and facilities taking on numerous tasks.

What did you find appealing about MPA during the interview process?
I loved how they said MPA is a big family. I also appreciated how respectful and cheerful everyone was. I also loved touring around the school and seeing all of the wonderful aspects of the school. It was amazing!

What’s your big dream?
To continue working at a school because I believe in helping our new generation be as successful as possible. Otherwise I dream to be involved in more musicals and start a family.

What are you (and your family, if you so choose) passionate about?
Theatre and dance have been in my life since I was two years old and I couldn’t imagine my life without it. To be able to get up on stage and portray different character or dance until I have no more breath is so gratifying for me. I am also passionate about my family. I love my family and am excited to continue to grow with my boyfriend and start our own family (he has two kids) with fun and adventurous traditions.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
Right now I am in the rehearsal process of the musical White Christmas at Lakeshore Players in White Bear Lake. It’s going to be a great show!!!

Parents Connect

Parents Connect

Spruce Up, Date Change
Saturday, November 20 from 2-4 PM is the new day and time to help spruce up Mr. Thomsen’s outdoor area. It will involve more tidying up, removing weeds, saplings, and helping to improve the access to MPA’s prairie and pond for students to learn and enjoy. Meet near the Upper School entrance. If you have any questions, please email Michelle Mick at

Saturday Morning Parent Meet Up!
Join us this Saturday, November 13 from 9-10:30 AM at Swede Hollow Cafe, 725 East 7th Street, St Paul, MN. Dropping Upper Schoolers off at debate or sports? Running errands during Saturday activities? Drop in and make some connections with other MPA parents. We will meet outside, weather permitting, or in the upper conference room. Email Staci Banks at with questions. Hope to see you there!

PA LS Co-Lead Position Open
The PA Board is looking for an additional member. The Lower School Co-Lead position is currently open. As a Lower School lead, you would be working in tandem with Michelle Mick to create community and connect people throughout MPA. Lower School Leads also attend and vote at monthly board meetings, oversee and support the Lower School Parents Association events, and serve as conduit between families and school administration. Contact Michelle Mick at if you are interested.

Help Create This Year’s Middle School Café
The PA invites you to envision the Middle School Café. This is a remarkable opportunity to help host the event at school, get into the building to catch a glimpse of your kid and meet new parents! The Middle School Café is a program aimed at building community within the Middle School and is anticipated the week of January 24 this coming year.

We’re forming the Middle School Café planning committee now which will brainstorm ways to use the $3,000 budget allocated by the PA Board. The planning committee will meet weekly from November 8-January 14 to brainstorm the Café theme and organize the plan to deliver the Café. During the week of January 17 the committee and volunteers will create the Café. Volunteers will also be asked to host the event and debrief during the week of January 24.

If you’re interested in being on the Middle School Café planning committee please email Christine Larson, PA MS Co-Lead at If you can’t commit to the committee, no worries, there will be advertised opportunities closer to the Café.

Microfunding Grants Available
Microfunding provides funds for projects and programs, existing or new. It is open to student organizations, teachers and parent volunteers. Requests must benefit the mission of the MPA PA. Requests that are recurring from year to year are discouraged. This program is supported by the Parents Association dues, which are paid by MPA families. The PA encourages student groups to use these funds. We look forward to supporting MPA student organizations, and classrooms for many years to come. Please fully review the procedure and application forms before submitting. Applications are available below here

Follow-Up Vaccination Clinic: November 29

MPA will be hosting a follow-up on-campus vaccination clinic on Monday, November 29 from 4-8 PM. We will be offering first or second Pfizer vaccinations for anyone age five or older (including adults), first or second Moderna vaccinations, as well as Pfizer or Moderna booster shots for those who are eligible.

In addition to welcoming MPA community members, this clinic will be open to anyone and is being offered in partnership with Health Care Strong. Please help us spread the word by sharing this page with your network. You do not have to have attended the first clinic to attend this clinic.




  • Please download above, print, complete, and bring the consent form for all those who will be receiving vaccinations. This will help the process move along more quickly and efficiently.
  • Bring your vaccination card (if applicable).
  • All injections will be provided by a highly-trained medical professional and the 15-minute observation period will be staffed by medical professionals as well.
  • Please enter at door 2, the Atrium, which is to the left of the flag pole near the south entrance.
  • COVID-19 vaccinations are free and do not require insurance.
  • Do not attend the clinic if anyone in your household has had COVID-19 within the past 14 days, has any symptoms of COVID-19, or is currently quarantining due to close contact exposure.


  • Any student or adult age five (on the day of the clinic) or older may be vaccinated at this event with their first or second vaccination.
  • Students to be vaccinated should wear short-sleeved shirts and be rested. They should have had something to eat prior to arriving.
  • Students younger than 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and must present a vaccination consent form (download above, print, complete, and bring).


  • Students 18 or older do not need parental consent to be vaccinated.
  • Click here to determine your eligibility for a booster.

We’re grateful to share that approximately 60% of our newly-eligible unvaccinated children received their first vaccination at the clinic on November 8. We strongly urge you to consider vaccinating your children so that they may remain healthy, safe, and happy on campus.

If you are unable to attend this clinic, please visit to learn more about other options and get information.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to should you have any questions or need any additional information or resources.

Meet Alumni Board Member Adi Boeder Risner ’02

Adi Boeder Risner ’02

For what grades did you attend MPA?
K-6 and 10-12 (relocated to Belgium 7-9)

Why did you choose to pursue a position on the Alumni Association Board?
Over the last year, my interest in the Alumni Association peaked as I noticed more and more alumni choosing Mounds Park Academy for their children. As a member of the Parents Association at MPA, connecting with all parents is a delightful part of my role, but I especially enjoy relating to other alumni parents given our shared experiences and values. Last year, the Kindergarten class was composed of 20% children of alumni! I pursued a position on the Alumni Association Board to better serve as a bridge between alumni and current and/or prospective parents.

In what ways do you see yourself as a supporter of MPA and its mission?
Well, I send my kids to MPA!

What are you currently doing, professionally and/or personally?
My husband and I were married in 2014 in Estes Park, CO, and we now have two sons and a bulldog together. We moved back to the Twin Cities from Denver in 2018 to be closer to family and for the boys’ education. I’m currently a Statistician at 3M. I recently re-entered the corporate workforce after staying home with my youngest son for 3 years. Fun fact, I also make soap – lots and lots of soap!

How did you get to where you are in your career? Did you attend college and if so, where? Are there some career moves or other key experiences or relationships that have inspired you?
After graduating from MPA in ’02, I received my bachelor’s at St. Olaf College in both mathematics and economics. I worked at an actuarial firm for several years before relocating to Denver in 2011, for the mountain lifestyle. Here, I completed my master’s in business intelligence at the University of Denver, Daniels College of Business. In the years to follow, I worked at a major healthcare company, building statistical models and training data scientists on predictive modeling techniques. I find that I’m most inspired when I accept the challenge to change perspective. For example, the best move that I ever made (both personally and professionally) was taking some time off to stay home and focus on family. The change was scary and uncertain, and no-one thought it was a suitable role for me, but ultimately taking that leap was an extremely gratifying decision that continues to provide benefits. Finding fulfillment at home changed my perspective of who I was and what I can contribute to the world. Not only did I soak up the quality time with my kids but I was also able to recalibrate my goals for the future. I think that anytime you allow yourself to change perspective you’re given the opportunity to grow.

How did your MPA experience prepare you for your life today? How did MPA help you dream big and do right?
At MPA I felt regularly encouraged, challenged, and respected in my approaches to problems, without fear, judgement, or social pressure. Most importantly, I think that MPA provided me with a safe environment to pursue a wide-range of multiple disciplines and to make balanced choices about my interests. The emphasis that I felt on exposure and balance over perfection prepared me for an evolving future full of choices that I didn’t yet know existed.

What’s next? Any aspirations—personal or professional—that you’d like to share?
I’m really excited to wear multiple hats this year – Alumni Board Member, Parent’s Association Grade Rep, MPA parent, and full-time working mom. Fun times!

Please share your favorite MPA story.
I vividly recall, as a high schooler, spending most of my free time in Ms. Buck’s classroom, working on my ceramics projects. There was always some detail that needed fine-tuning or some creative process to map out, or maybe I just loved the smell of the clay. Either way, her classroom was always open and I knew that I could expect her cheerful smile. This was my favorite part of the day.

Let’s Join Together

from Bill Hudson, Head of School

Helen Keller, one of the great American authors, activists, and advocates, said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” These are such simple, yet enlightened words, that illustrate the profound power of community collaboration. I believe, from the bottom of my heart, that schools should be epicenters of deep collaboration—among students, faculty, staff, families, alumni, and other community members.

Just this week on campus, students, faculty, and staff came together to do so very much:

  • Upper School physics students worked in small lab groups using a bicycle wheel to understand rotational motion by feeling it between their hands.
  • STEM Ed Club students created curriculum for and hosted a Nature Event for their Lower School friends.
  • Student Council members organized a Nitro-Ball Tournament to benefit future projects in a fun and joyful way.
  • Volleyball players rallied the student body to show up for them at sections and show their support in a huge way.
  • AP Spanish students worked in discussion groups, debating topics such as regional/cultural/religious differences, after having only been in class for two days.
  • Middle School students lined the hallways in small groups, using marshmallows and spoons to investigate math and science in a three-dimensional, dynamic way.
  • Lower School faculty Mari Espeland and Heather Mastel collaborated on their annual second grade production of “The Tales of Anansi the Spider” for the sixth year in a row.
  • Staff designed and implemented a COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic on campus in just 24 hours, benefitting the MPA community and beyond.
  • Faculty and staff brought concerts back to MPA with both a successful livestream and an in-person way to engage with the Instrumental Concert.
  • Eighth grade faculty collaborated on the Future City project, providing an interdisciplinary approach for students designing a waste-free city 100 years in the future utilizing a circular economy.

I could go on and on, but none of the above would be possible without collaboration, connectedness, and community.

Now, its our turn to come together—literally and figuratively—to show our support of MPA and the experiences created here each day. This year’s Fall Campaign, “Let’s Join Together,” launches November 8 and lasts until November 19, culminating with our Give to the Max Day of Giving on November 18. A very special, in-person kick off, will be held outdoors on Friday, November 5, from 2-4 PM. Come to campus, come together, and celebrate the start of this very special time at MPA.

This year’s Fall Campaign is particularly meaningful because it coincides with the 40th anniversary celebration of the founding of our school. Our goal this year is to raise $350,000 to support students, teachers, and to bridge the gap between tuition and the cost of an MPA education—tuition only covers approximately 80 percent of MPA’s expenses. Your gift will ensure students, faculty, and staff have the tools, resources, and support they need to come together today and tomorrow to do so much.

I want every family, especially our new families, to know that giving at MPA takes on many forms. Every gift is valued and participation at any level is deeply appreciated. Sentiment matters more than size and we encourage every family to give at the level that is right for them.

Joining together at MPA may look a little bit different for a little bit longer, but whether we’re together in spirit or in person, we can accomplish so much. You can learn more about the Fall Campaign and what the MPA Fund supports by visiting

Connecting With The Parents Association This November

Thank You!
The PA extends hearty thanks to Renee Roach and Leslie Todero for organizing a wonderful Lower School Halloween Party! Thanks, also, to all of you who helped Leslie and Renee organize the party and to all the party-day volunteers! So much goes into planning these events, and it is awesome to have such great help. Well done, all!

Spruce Up, This Saturday Afternoon
Help spruce up Mr. Thomsen’s outdoor area. Saturday will involve more tidying up, removing weeds, saplings, and helping to improve the access to MPA’s prairie and pond for students to learn and enjoy. Saturday, November 13, 2-4 PM, meeting near the Upper School entrance. If you have any questions, please email Michelle Mick at

Saturday Morning Parent Meet Up!
Join us Saturday, November 13 from 9:00-10:30 AM at Swede Hollow Cafe, 725 East 7th Street, St Paul, MN. Dropping Upper Schoolers off at debate or sports? Running errands during Saturday activities? Drop in and make some connections with other MPA parents. We will meet outside, weather permitting, or in the upper conference room. Hope to see you there!

Help Create This Year’s Middle School Café
The Parents Association invites you to envision the Middle School Café. This is a remarkable opportunity to help host the event at school, get into the building to catch a glimpse of your kid and meet new parents! The Middle School Café is a program aimed at building community within the Middle School and is anticipated the week of January 24 this coming year.

We’re forming the Middle School Café planning committee now which will brainstorm ways to use the $3,000 budget allocated by the PA Board. The planning committee will meet weekly from November 8-January 14 to brainstorm the Café theme and organize the plan to deliver the Café. During the week of January 17 the committee and volunteers will create the Café. Volunteers will also be asked to host the event and debrief during the week of January 24.

If you’re interested in being on the Middle School Café planning committee please email Christine Larson, PA Middle School Co-Lead at If you can’t commit to the committee, no worries, there will be advertised opportunities closer to the Café.

PA LS Co-Lead Position Open
The PA Board is looking for an additional member. The Lower School Co-Lead position is currently open. As a Lower School lead, you would be working in tandem with Michelle Mick to create community and connect people throughout MPA. Lower School Leads also attend and vote at monthly board meetings, oversee and support the Lower School PA events, and serve as conduit between families and school administration. Contact Michelle Mick at if you are interested.

Microfunding Grants Available
Microfunding provides funds for projects and programs, existing or new. It is open to student organizations, teachers and parent volunteers. Requests must benefit the mission of the MPA PA. Requests that are recurring from year to year are discouraged. This program is supported by the Parents Association dues, which are paid by MPA families. The PA encourages student groups to use these funds. We look forward to supporting MPA student organizations, and classrooms for many years to come. Please fully review the procedure and application forms before submitting. Applications are available here.

Congratulations, National Merit Scholars!

National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists and Commended Students

MPA is celebrating our talented and bright students! Elissa Frankel and Leo Yu have been confirmed as National Merit Semifinalists, and MPA also has 4 National Merit Commended students (Skyler Burnett, Rohit Iyer, Kaija Kunze-Hoeg, Ruby Schwieger). The semifinalist status is chosen from top 50,000 scorers in the country then the top 16,000 of those move forward as Semifinalists. The Commended students are acknowledged for their exceptional academic promise as demonstrated by their outstanding performance on the PSAT/National Merit Qualifying exam. Congrats Panthers!

Meet Retired Faculty Member Mary Beggin

Mary Beggin

Position while at MPA
Teacher of second, third, and fourth grade

How many years did you work at MPA?

What do you miss most about MPA?
I miss the children with their laughter, hugs, and their excitement that they showed each day! I also miss my colleagues and our chats each morning.

What have you been up to since leaving MPA?
I love my retirement! I am able to travel to see my children and grandchildren. I am sleeping in, staying up late, reading lots of books and making cards. I am finally able to get back to spending time with my husband and friends and enjoying outings. I am able to walk and exercise each day and feel so relaxed and happy. I also have been able to sub and do what I loved-just teach!

Vaccination Clinic At MPA Monday

Given the FDA authorization of COVID-19 vaccinations for children age 5 and older, MPA will be hosting an on-campus vaccination clinic on Monday, November 8 from 4-8 PM.

In addition to welcoming MPA community members, this clinic will be open to anyone and is being offered in partnership with Health Care Strong. Please help us spread the word by sharing this page with your network.

We will be offering Pfizer vaccinations for anyone age five or older (including adults) as well as Pfizer or Moderna booster shots for those who are eligible.



  • The vaccination clinic will be led by Health Care Strong, with assistance from members of the MPA community who are medical professionals. All injections will be provided by a highly-trained medical professional and the 15-minute observation period will be staffed by medical professionals as well.
  • Please enter at door 2, the Atrium, which is to the left of the flag pole near the south entrance.
  • COVID-19 vaccinations are free and do not require insurance.
  • Do not attend the clinic if anyone in your household has had COVID-19 within the past 14 days, has any symptoms of COVID-19, or is currently quarantining due to close contact exposure.


  • Any student or adult age five (on the day of the clinic) or older may be vaccinated at this event.
  • The second dose of this two-dose series will be administered on campus on Monday, November 29, 4-8 PM.
  • Students to be vaccinated should wear short-sleeved shirts and be rested. They should have had something to eat prior to arriving.
  • Students younger than 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and must present a vaccination consent form (print above and bring or sign at the clinic).


  • Students 18 or older do not need parental consent to be vaccinated.
  • Click here to determine your eligibility for a booster.

We’re grateful to share that 97% of our eligible students are vaccinated and 98% of our faculty and staff. That level of vaccination has contributed to our ability to keep the MPA community healthy, safe, and happy on campus. Just as we have with our families with older children, we strongly urge you to consider vaccinating your younger children at this time.

If you are unable to attend on Monday, please visit to learn more about other options and get information. We hope to offer future opportunities on campus as well.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to should you have any questions or need any additional information or resources.

Cross Country State Bound!

MPA’s Athletics are having a great year so far. Today we celebrate the fact that we have three Panthers who have qualified for State!

Isak Nightingale placed fourth in Section 4A
Margo Nightingale placed tenth in Section 4A
Teagan O’Keefe place ninth in Section 4A

MPA Boys 5th Place Section 4A & MPA Girls 6th Place Section 4A

Sections advances the top two teams plus the next ten individuals. Sections took place at Highland 9 Golf Course and the State race will be November 6 at St. Olaf College. This season the MSHSL has moved to 3 classes for Cross Country running. AAA–Largest, AA–Middle, A–Smallest. MPA athletes will run Boys at 12 PM, Girls at 1 PM and Awards at 1:45 PM!