Fall Campaign Kick-Off

Don’t Miss This Year’s MPA Fall Campaign Kick-Off

November 5, 2-4 PM under the tent in the West Parking Lot.

The MPA Fall Campaign volunteer committee invites you to attend a family gathering to celebrate MPA and the start of this year’s fundraising drive. Join us before, during and after drop off and bring your students along! We will gather to enjoy popcorn, cider, music, conversation and simply being together as an MPA community.

Learn more about the Fall Campaign and how the community joins together to bridge the gap between the cost of an MPA education and tuition.

Thank you to our volunteer parent committee members: Christine Larson (Chair), Heidi Baldwin, Jenn Gatti, Clarence Knox, Barry Madore, Bridget Mayer, Brett Schreiber, and Eric Whittington.

Searching For A Second Home

from Natalie Waters Seum, Director of Admission and Communication

Once per month throughout the school year, a member of the Institutional Advancement team will be writing a guest Head’s Message in place of Dr. Bill Hudson’s. We hope these articles provide families with additional perspectives from throughout the MPA administrative team.

If you’ve been through the admission process in recent years, you’ll recognize this question: “What drew you to MPA? What do you want out of a partnership with a school that will help your child grow and learn?” In short, we’re asking families what they are searching for in a new school community.

In my (brief) time in admission, I’ve come to realize there are three relatively simple things that most families seek. They want their child to be:

  • known and understood—not just a number;
  • loved for who they are—not who others thing they should be; and
  • challenged, appropriately—not too much and not too little.

When we searched for a kindergarten for my now-junior, Henry, we were looking for those very same things. My mother-in-law, Robbie Seum, was the Upper School director at the time and it was generally assumed that MPA would be the perfect fit for our family. The sticker shock spurred us to cast a wider net and I brought her with me to every open house in the east metro. Afterward, I wallpapered my dining room walls with Post-it flip charts that detailed the pros and the cons of every school we explored. In the end, it was her wisdom—the wisdom of a trusted friend—that truly helped us make the right decision. As friends, and family in this case, our values were aligned. She knew that we were searching for Henry to be known, understood, loved for who he is, and challenged appropriately and she knew that’s what MPA offered.

Fast forward to this week and I have the privilege of thanking 33 “Robbies” for recommending MPA to a friend, family member, or colleague who completed the application process and perhaps enrolled. Along with the thank you notes are either tuition credits or refunds that range from $125 to $1,000. I’m only able to thank the current families whom we are aware of—there are so many more of you recommending MPA in your networks that we’ll never be able to properly thank, so please consider this a personal note of thanks to you.

Both internal MPA data and external research show the importance and power of these community member referrals. Internally, it continues to be the most important way families come to MPA and the primary indicator that a family will eventually enroll. Why? It is all about aligning values. People in your network have similar values as you—you are searching for similar things—and they trust your recommendation as someone who has found what they are searching for. Nielsen data shows that “92% of respondents trusted referrals from people they knew.” None of this is news to me and it’s likely not news to you either because you very likely came to MPA due to a community member referral, just like we did.

The families of our 138 new students this year are having an incredible experience according to the New Family Survey. On a scale of 1-5, they rate their transition a 4.7 on average. They rate their experience with the admission process a 5.0. On that same survey, they named 40 faculty and staff who have been particularly helpful and 30 students—what an incredibly warm and welcoming community we have!

If you would like to share MPA in your network and perhaps receive a tuition credit next year at this time, please learn how here. Or, simply reach out to me at nwatersseum@moundsparkacademy.org. Sharing your love of MPA with people who are searching is, by nature, a generous act of kindness—you are trying to help the prospective family find a wonderful school community and a second home. And I promise we will take exceptionally good care of them.

Live Performance At MPA

Having our students engaged in visual and performing arts isn’t just about fostering an appreciation of the arts, rather it is about helping students develop the ability to practice perseverance, develop ingenuity, and understand that ideas can be expressed in more than just words. Through authentic experiences as musicians, performers, and artists each student has the ability to maximize their artistic potential, build confidence, and create beauty.

True hallmarks of Mounds Park Academy are the live performances where instrumental and choral students share their work with the broader MPA community. It is hard to believe that due to the pandemic the last live concerts held on campus were more than 19 months ago. We are thrilled to share that at this time we are not only holding in person performances, but that guests are invited to attend either in person or virtually. View the MPA calendar and add the upcoming performances to your calendars including the Upper School Instrumental Concert on Wednesday, November 3 at 7:30 PM.

To maintain alignment with the MPA health and safety protocols, each guest who plans to attend the live performances will be required to pre-register and provide proof of their COVID-19 vaccination (a picture or scan of their vaccination card) via email to covid@moundsparkacademy.org by 7 PM the night prior to the scheduled concert. If your vaccination card is already on file at MPA through athletics or other events, you do not need to send it again. If you have a medical or religious exception, please contact covid@moundsparkacademy.org with those details as we will provide information and work with you to obtain a clearance COVID-19 test so you may attend. Masking is required on campus.

All pre-registered guests will enter and exit through the Gallery on the south side of campus (door #3) and go directly to their seats in the Nicholson Center where the performances are held.

For the convenience and safety of our community, all performances will also be live streamed at the link below. Regardless of how you view the events, we are excited for you to enjoy the wonderful talent of our students.

Password: 2051
There will not be a recording distributed afterward due to licensing restrictions.


Please note that even though health and safety protocols are in place, band and choir performances are highly aerosolized activities. If any attendee develops symptoms within 48 hours of the performance, please contact covid@moundsparkacademy.org for guidance.

COVID-19 is a highly contagious and potentially life-threatening disease declared by the World Health Organization to be a global pandemic. Information about COVID-19 is continually evolving and subject to change. COVID-19’s highly contagious nature means that contact with others or contact with surfaces that have been exposed to the virus, can lead to infection. Additionally, individuals who may be infected with COVID-19, whether vaccinated or not, may be asymptomatic for a period of time or may never become symptomatic.

Aware of the foregoing, I am voluntarily attending the in person performance at Mounds Park Academy. To attend these concerts, I acknowledge and understand:

  • Given the many unknowns relating to COVID-19, it is not possible to fully identify or list each and every individual risk of contracting COVID-19;
  • MPA cannot limit all potential sources of COVID-19 infection.

Connect With The PA This October!

Lower School Halloween Party

We are so excited to be able to host a Halloween party again this year! Weather permitting, we are planning an outdoor party. We are happy to share that we can have parent volunteers again this year! We are in need of volunteers to help with setup, the individual parties, and/or clean up.

Masks are required for all visitors. Vaccinated and unvaccinated visitors need to stay home and not come to campus if experiencing covid symptoms as detailed in the screening app. Guests should maintain 3-6 ft. physical distancing when possible. Visitors must also report any symptoms 48 hours after being on campus for symptom response protocols.

Sign Up Here

Help Create This Year’s Middle School Café

The Parents Association invites you to envision the MS Café. This is a remarkable opportunity to help host the event at school, get into the building to catch a glimpse of your kid and meet new parents! The MS Café is a program aimed at building community within the Middle School and is anticipated the week of January 24 this coming year.

We’re forming the MS Café planning committee now which will brainstorm ways to use the $3,000 budget allocated by the PA Board. The planning committee will meet weekly from November 8- January 14 to brainstorm the Café theme and organize the plan to deliver the Café. During the week of January 17 the committee and volunteers will create the Café. Volunteers will also be asked to host the event and debrief during the week of January 24.

If you’re interested in being on the MS Café planning committee please email Christine Larson, PA MS Co-Lead at chrisandmatt1289@gmail.com. If you can’t commit to the committee, no worries, there will be advertised opportunities closer to the Café.

Save the Date for another Spruce Up!

If you enjoyed the last Spruce Up, we have another planned for November, to help Mr. Thomsen’s area. It will involve more tidying up, removing weeds, saplings, and helping to improve the access for students to learn and enjoy. Saturday, November 13, 2-4 PM, meeting near the Upper School entrance. If you have any questions, do send me an email at michelle_wessely@yahoo.com.

Remember to bring a mask to all events! Hope to see you there!

Lower School Division News

from Renee Wright, Lower School Director

End of Trimester 1 Report Cards
It is hard to believe that we are approaching the end of Lower School Trimester #1. The first trimester of the school year ends November 12. Teachers have been reflecting on your child’s progress and will begin putting together a written report to summarize that progress based on your child’s individual needs, the goals discussed at the October conferences, and grade level expectations and outcomes. It is important to remember that we don’t expect skill mastery at this point in the school year and believe it is important to acknowledge effort and the progress your child is making academically, socially, and emotionally. These reports will be sent out to parents for review via email on November 22, 2021. Make sure to take time to read the report card to get a good understanding of your child’s progress. Share all or part of the report card with your child in a developmentally appropriate manner. Remember to praise your child for their hard work and accomplishments. Engage your child in a conversation about school and share highlights from each subject area. Let your child know that school is important, and the key things leading to success are putting forth strong effort, persisting through challenges, making responsible choices, and making steady progress.

CHAMP Assembly
Kindergarteners and their teachers will host a virtual CHAMP Assembly on Wednesday, November 10. The focus of the assembly will be on respect and how it relates to accountability. Teaching students to show respect is essential to being a contributing member of our classrooms, school, home, community, and world. Kindergarten students will play an important role in delivering the message about respect at the assembly. Classroom activities and discussions will follow the assembly. The integration of CHAMP into classroom work increases engagement, helps students make connections, and encourages students to apply these skills in the global world.

How can parents teach and reinforce respect at home?

  1. Have rules in your home about respect.
  2. Give children a voice in decision making.
  3. Speak politely to your children.
  4. Give your children your full attention.
  5. Discipline your children with respect.
  6. Teach children manners.
  7. Try to understand why your child is being disrespectful or behaving in a disrespectful manner.
    *See the full article on respect at parents.com.

Halloween In Lower School
Halloween is a magical time in Lower School and promotes imagination, playfulness, and connection. Halloween will be celebrated at MPA on Friday, October 29. Students are encouraged to wear costumes. They must be non-violent, cannot include items that are made in the likeness of weapons, and must be respectful and non-offensive to culture, gender, and stereotypes. The Parent Association will host Halloween parties outdoors (weather permitting) for every Lower School grade level. Volunteer parents will help with the festive parties. Students will enjoy Halloween treats and Halloween games. Later in the day students will parade in costume for their family and friends on the outside sidewalk to spread some Halloween cheer. Family members and friends are welcome to join us for the parade at 2:30 PM that afternoon.

National Lights On Afterschool Event
In connection with the Works Museum our Panther Club staff will host a virtual family engineering night on October 28 at 6:30–7:30 PM. The focus of this event is a Creative Cardboard Challenge in honor of the National Lights on Afterschool initiative. Families can gather creative supplies from their home, use their imagination, and build innovative things out of cardboard. The ZOOM link for the event can be found on the MPA calendar.

Birthdays in Lower School
We continue to celebrate the birthdays of Lower School students. All students are allowed to have a non-uniform day on their birthday or half-birthday as a special privilege and treat. Each student is presented with a special gift from Mrs. Wright for their birthday to make them feel appreciated and special. Our Lower School birthday bulletin board is a way to share with our community the birthdays each month. This board is designed and displayed by our wonderful Lower School parent volunteers each month.

No Classes Monday, November 1
There are NO classes on Monday, November 1 due to a “grading day” for all faculty. PreK Panther and Panther Club will be open that day but note that pre-registration is required. Please contact the Lower School Office or Russ Purdy if you wish to register. Late registration fees may apply.

Dates to Remember

  • October 28: Family Engineering Night with the Works Museum at 6:30 – 7:30pm
  • October 29: Halloween Festivities and 2:30pm Parade
  • November 1: No Classes
  • November 24, 25, 26: Thanksgiving Break/NO CLASSES
  • November 29 – December 2: SPORTS WEEK in Lower School. (More information to follow)

Middle School Division News

from Dr. Jenn Milam, Middle School Director

Happy Fall, Y’all
I do hope each of you are well and were able to enjoy our extended Fall Break! Returning after some rest and relaxation has helped to bring everyone’s disposition to a place of greater balance and calm.

Our Parent’s Association is thrilled to be hosting some FALL GATHERINGS for families! I hope you’ll take the opportunity to be engaged, meet new people, and begin to build your parent network all while having a little fun!

Class of 2026 – 8th Grade Family Night
Karen Weiss and Sally Doherty are hosting 8th grade families at Little Foot Farm (13575 40th Street South – Afton, MN 55001) on Friday, October 29th from 6-8PM. Join for hot dogs, s’mores and beverages. Dress for the weather and come for some fun! The kindness of your RSVP is requested, and questions can be sent to Christine Larson (chrisandmatt@hotmail.com).

Class of 2028 – 6th Grade Family Night
A “more fun than fright night” is being held on Saturday, October 30th from 3-5PM at Como Regional Park (1340 Como Avenue – St. Paul). Come for yard games and s’mores and dress for the weather! RSVP is gratefully accepted to Christine Larson (chrisandmatt@hotmail.com).

If your class isn’t having a get together yet, don’t fret! Reach out to your grade level representatives and plan something fun!

IMPORTANT: COVID Protocols and Symptom Response
Just a reminder that any/all symptoms through our AUXS app and/or via email to COVID@moundsparkacademy.org.

Please do not email your divisional offices, directors, or teachers of an absence due to symptoms. It is important that all notifications are sent to Jennifer Rogers-Petitt, our COVID Health and Safety lead, so that you can be supported and informed of possible next steps including, but not limited to, the need to remain home, secure a negative test prior to return, and/or quarantine per CDC guidance.

iTERM Registration Starts Now!
Registration forms have been handed out and emailed to parents. Please read it carefully, review the online iTERM brochure, and return the form with your student’s three top choices to the Middle School office no later than Friday, November 5. Students who do not return the form will be placed into an iTERM course based on space availability at my discretion.

If you have already signed up for the trip to Puerto Rico or Quebec, you do not need to return an iTERM course form.

Halloween at MPA
As we look forward to celebrating Halloween at MPA together, it is important that we adhere to our MPA community expectations and guidelines regarding costumes, discourse, and representation. Halloween can be a magical time for imagination, playfulness, and connection. Middle School students are invited to wear their Halloween costumes to school on Friday, October 29.

The following are guidelines for Halloween costumes at MPA:

  • Weapons or items that are made in the likeness to represent weapons, are not allowed. These can include, but are not limited to, guns, swords, pitchforks, knives, pocketknives, and/or spears.
  • Masks that completely cover a student’s face and head are not allowed. A student needs to be able to be recognized at school, participate in classes throughout the day, and not have their identity obscured by their costume.
  • Symbols, words, or other representations that are currently, or have been historically used to trigger and/or discount others’ identities are not allowed. These can include, but are not limited to symbols of white supremacy, gang affiliation, racial or ethnic tokenism, homophobia or transphobia, and ableism.
  • Middle School costumes must also adhere to the dress code expectations that all “personal body parts” are covered, regardless of a student’s gender identify or gender presentation.

#IAmNotACostume: A Note about Cultural Appropriation
As our young people begin selecting costumes, it is important that we are sensitive to issues of cultural appropriation. “Cultural Appropriation is the act of taking significant elements (symbols, dress, words, practices, etc.) from a culture that is not your own and removing all original context or meaning, usually with the goal of using these elements for entertainment, marketing, or exploitation.” (https://www.lspirg.org/costumes) When selecting a costume for Halloween, I would ask that you engage your student in a conversation about the purpose of their costume (Is it just for fun? Or is there an underlying message behind it?), ask them to consider if anyone may take offense to their costume and the representation it suggests (Is it possible that others may view the costume as a mockery of a particular culture? Does the costume seek to make a token of traditional cultural symbols not held by your family culture?) and encourage them to reflect upon the way that their costume may be experienced by those around them, thus seeking to build empathy and critical thinking – two values we hold dear here at MPA.

We want Halloween to be a fun, imaginative, and magical celebration of the fall season in a way that not only values the childhood experience but, so too, those cultures, (re)presentations, symbols, and traditions deeply held and honored by each of us in our unique lived experiences.

For more information on cultural appropriate and Halloween costumes, you might find some of these links helpful:

Laurier Students’ Public Interest Research Group

• NPR/MPR News

• National Geographic

NOTE: MPA faculty, staff, and administration reserve the right to ask a student to remove items/costumes if they are deemed inappropriate, offensive, or otherwise not in line with the spirit of fun and celebration.

Halloween Carnival—GRADES 5 + 6
The 5/6 grade Student Council has been busy planning for the annual Halloween Carnival. The carnival is for 5th and 6th grade students and is held immediately after school on Friday, October 29, from 3-4:30 PM. Cost to attend the event is $10 and is required the day of the event – please . The fee covers pizza, snacks, drinks, and goodie bags for attendees.

If you would like to donate items, snacks, or perhaps volunteer (limited volunteers are invited), please email Jess Powell, Student Council faculty advisor, at jpowell@moundsparkacademy.org.

NOTE: The 7/8 Dance is not being held on Friday, October 29. We are hoping to hold our winter dance in December and continue to watch COVID case numbers and work toward ensuring that we can hold a dance safely together. Stay tuned!

End of Quarter 1–Friday, October 29
Friday is the end of first quarter. Your student’s advisor will be working with them to ensure that all assignments are submitted, and they finish strong. Please take a moment in the coming week to check-in with your student to ensure they are following up, asking for clarification, and seeking support where needed. Any assignments not submitted by Friday, will not be accepted.

No Classes Monday, November 1–Grading Day
At the end of each quarter, you’ll notice on the calendar there is a GRADING DAY—this allows teachers to finalize grades and prepare for the next quarter. Please make note on your calendars that there are no classes on Monday, November 1. We will warmly welcome students after the long weekend on Tuesday, November 2 for the start of Quarter 2.

Colder Weather is Upon Us!
A hallmark of the MPA experience is that we go outside to recess every day that the weather is above -15 degrees. We are also fortunate enough to have an amazing sledding hill once the snow falls. Please begin encouraging your Middle Schooler to dress appropriately for the weather, wear a coat, bring mittens/gloves/hat, and if they’d like, bring snow boots and snow pants when the time comes.

Recess is an important part of our day – it’s good for the brain, body, and soul! Students are not allowed to stay indoors for recess – so having cold weather gear is important and makes for happier kiddos!

Planners! Use Them, Check Them, Be Accountable
Student planners were distributed last week, and we have been working diligently on learning to use them consistently, productively, and in a way that supports self-regulation and success. Please ask your student about their planner, ask them to show you their progress, and remember that their planner is their first line of organizational super-power!

If your student continuously shares that their planner is “missing”, we need to know that as it is an essential part of our teaching effective executive function and self-management strategies – we will happily provide them another planner!

Water Bottles—A Necessity!
A full day of learning is a full day that requires water – PE, academic classes, arts classes, lots of movement and activity! Students need water bottles, and they need to drink water consistently. Please send a water bottle, that can be kept at school, labeled with your student’s name, with them each day. We do not have cups, disposable water bottles, or any other way for student to remain hydrated!

More Middle School Parent Chats
We had so much fun at the last two and enjoyed the time to be together, let’s do some more!

    1. Wednesday, November 10, 8:15-9:30AM
      • On campus at MPA! Bring your coffee/tea and your wonderings! We can even take a spin through the building and peek in our kids!
    2. Thursday, November 11, 5:30-7PM
      • Off-Campus Social! Place to be determined – hoping to catch those who can’t sneak away during the day!
    3. Friday, November 19, 11:30-1PM
        • Let’s meet for lunch at Panera Bread in Maplewood!

      It’s always fun to get together and chat with some awesome MPA Parents! Hope to see you there!

      Important Dates

        1. Oct 29: End of Quarter 1—All Assignments and Assessments Due
          • HALLOWEEN @ MPA, Students are invited to wear costumes to school!
          • 5-6 HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL, 3-4:30 PM, Cost is $10!
        2. Nov 1 GRADING DAY – NO CLASSES
        3. Nov 2 Quarter 2 Begins
        4. Nov 19-21 Middle School Show

Upper School Division News

from Mark Segal, Upper School Director

When I started at MPA six years ago, one of my main goals was to get to know the upper school students. It would have been easy to ignore the seniors as their days on campus were numbered and only focus on the subsequent classes. As I thought about it, however, there was also great value in getting to know the Class of 2017 as they had every reason to provide candid feedback about their upper school experience from which I could learn. To achieve this, I proposed to Dr. Hudson that he and I schedule small group lunches with members of the senior class to get to know them better. That decision six years ago was one of the best choices I could have made as I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with members of each graduating class. During each lunch Dr. Hudson and I ask the students to tell us when they came to MPA, what they are thinking about for plans after graduation, and to share their “MPA Moment” – a memory or interaction from school that they will carry with them.

Last week, Dr. Hudson and I held the first of five senior lunches. The nine students who attended represented students who have been at MPA since pre-kindergarten to someone who joined the Class of 2022 as an 11th grader. More than half of those who attended joined the community as upper school students and I still remember the first time I met them during their initial admission interview. Their MPA Moments ranged from a recent special on campus celebration of their 18th birthday to celebrating as a team upon learning the Robotics Team qualified for an international competition. Each attendee smiled and nodded, affirming the storyteller of their moment. Each student then shared their thoughts for after graduation. Some were specific (i.e.: studying environmental science at the University of Oregon or pursuing an EMT license while taking classes in premed or biology) and others were more general (i.e.: looking into policy and economics programs on the East coast or pursuing a degree in aerospace engineering).

I share this as most members of the Class of 2022 spent the recent Fall Break visiting schools or diligently working on their college applications. As you may imagine, the stress level within the class is high. It is, however, wonderful to see them (safely) gather around a computer screen reading personal essays and making thoughtful suggestions that will highlight each other’s candidacies to their chosen colleges and universities.

It is hard to believe that we are already thinking about and preparing for the Class of 2022’s next adventure. Watching them develop and mature over the past number of years tells me that they are ready for the next step. Although the next seven months will go extremely quickly, I am thrilled that our community continues to get the chance to be with and celebrate them.

I look forward to seeing you on campus soon,

Important Information

  1. The end of quarter 1 is Friday, October 29. Please help your child(ren) complete their assignments and assessments before the end of the day on Friday. There is no school on Monday (11/1) as teachers close their grade books and prepare for the start of quarter 2 on Tuesday, November 2.
  2. As we continue to navigate the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, we ask for your diligence in working with our Covid-19 symptom response and contact tracing team. At the first sign of symptoms, parents should complete the daily AUXS app symptom screening and/or email covid@moundsparkacademy.org. This should happen BEFORE seeking a Covid -19 test. When a negative Covid-19 test is required for student clearance, results must be provided prior to the student’s return. All symptomatic community members, regardless of vaccination status must remain at home pending those results. Thank you for your partnership. For any questions, please contact Jennifer Rogers-Petitt at jrogers@moundsparkacademy.org.
  3. The Mock and Pre-ACT exams will be held on Monday, 11/1. These are not official ACT products, but tests designed to give students a testing experience in anticipation of taking the actual ACT exam in the spring of junior year. All tenth and eleventh grade students should plan to take the Pre and Mock ACT and please find below some important testing logistics:
    • The Mock ACT for eleventh graders will start at 8:30 AM, so students should report to school no later than 8:15 AM that day.
    • The Pre- ACT for tenth graders will start at 9:00 AM, so students should report to school no later than 8:45 AM that day.
    • Report to door 7 to enter the Lansing Center Lobby
    • Every student needs to do the AUXS safety app the morning of the test
    • BRING A Calculator and several sharpened pencils
    • Students will directed to the main testing room or the extended time rooms.
    • Regular time testing should last 3 hours and 15 minutes
    • Extended testing time will vary for when they will end
    • Please reach out to Director of guidance, Randy Comfort (rcomfort@moundsparkacademy.org) with any questions.

Looking Ahead

  1. Fri, 10/29: Last Day of Quarter 1,
    • Senior Retreat, 8:00-6:30 PM, Camp St. Croix and MPA
  2. Mon, 11/1: No Classes, Grading Day
    • 10th Grade Pre-ACT Testing, 9:00 AM-12:15 PM, MPA Campus
    • 11th Grade Mock ACT Testing, 8:30-11:45 AM, MPA Campus
  3. Tues, 11/2: First Day of Quarter 2
  4. Wed, 11/3: US Instrumental Concert, 7:30-9:00 PM, Nicholson Center
  5. Sun, 11/7: Virtual MPA PK-12 Admission Preview, 2-4 PM, Online
  6. Wed, 11/10: US Vocal Concert, 7:30-9 PM, Nicholson Center
  7. Fri, 11/12: Senior Performances, 8:00-9:15 AM, via Zoom
  8. Thurs, 11/18: Give to the Max Day

Congratulations MPA Volleyball Conference Champs!

MPA is acknowledging the volleyball team’s overwhelming success this year, finishing 18-3 overall, and undefeated in the IMAC conference! This is the second time in three years that we have swept the conference without losing a single set. Good luck tonight against SPA! We will be celebrating our seniors Kaija, Jenna Sherwood, Maddie Black, and Vienna Schreifels.

Congratulations to all of the players and coaches, go Panthers!

Great job to our stat leaders from this season:

Kills–Kaija Kunze-Hoeg with 248 and Lola Pilon with 227
Aces–Else Kunze-Hoeg with 73, second in the state.
Assists–Else with 580, currently fifth in the state
Digs–Kaija with 236, Lola with 197, and Violette Cammack with 175

Connect With MPA Parents This October

from the MPA Parents Association,


Sip Coffee and Relax by the River
Wednesday, October 20 at 9 AM. Celebrate the start of MEA weekend with a relaxing morning in Stillwater. Bring your chairs and meet at the parking lot by River Market, 221 North Main Street, Stillwater, Minnesota. From there, you can sit by the river with a coffee, take a walk across the lift bridge, ride the Brown’s Creek trail, or head to a nearby park to play.

LS Halloween Party

We are so excited to be able to host a Halloween party again this year! Weather permitting, we are planning an outdoor party. We are happy to share that we can have parent volunteers again this year!  We are in need of volunteers to help with set up, the individual parties, and/or clean up.

Masks are required for all visitors. Vaccinated and unvaccinated visitors need to stay home and not come to campus if experiencing covid symptoms as detailed in the screening app. Guests should maintain 3-6 ft. physical distancing when possible. Visitors must also report any symptoms 48 hours after being on campus for symptom response protocols.

Sign up herehttps://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F084DACA622A5FB6-lower1

Thank You!
The MPA Parents Association would like to thank everyone who participated in and donated to the recent Fall 2021 Faculty/Staff Appreciation Week! Trying to hold a “traditional” Appreciation week during still unsettled times was quite a feat. We are so grateful for the amazing response from families that helped us feed and hydrate all staff during the week. Teachers were also able to get dinner to go or eat on campus on the Thursday evenings before conferences. Special thanks to Chef Chris and everyone at Sage who helped with the dinners. The MPA PA would also like to thank Angie in Development and Cherie in Administration for being our people on the inside and setting everything up for us.

Thank you again to our wonderful community, Tara Lafferty, Shari Jacobus and the MPA PA.

Thank You to Our Gardeners!
Thank you to all those students and families who helped with the Spruce Up on Saturday of last week at the Larpenteur retention pond. Thanks to the massive help and pure commitment we were able to remove much of the blockage in the pond—with the most revolting of smells wafting around as a result! We cleaned up around the pond, removing both trash and many volunteer saplings. We continue to work on this area, with some more tidying up to do, and will be spreading native seed soon, in the hope that we can all benefit from this lovely space!

Thank you again! Michelle Mick and the MPA PA.

Parents Connect

Wednesday Morning Walks
Since there is no school this coming Wednesday, the Parents Association invites parents and guardians to attend our event in Stillwater next Wednesday morning. After MEA, our Wednesday morning walks will resume depending on weather and interest.

Save the Date!
If you enjoyed the last Spruce Up, we have another planned for November, to help Mr. Thomsen’s area. It will involve more tidying up, removing weeds, saplings, and helping to improve the access for students to learn and enjoy. Saturday, November 13th, 2-4 PM, meeting near the US entrance. If you have any questions, do send me an email at michelle_wessely@yahoo.com.

Remember to bring a mask to all events! Hope to see you there!

Middle School Division News

from Dr. Jenn Milam, Middle School Director

Conferences, Quarter 1, and Partnership

This note marks our progress through the seventh week of school—it’s hard to believe that the weeks are speeding by as they are! We are sharing learnings, successes, and challenges with you via parent conferences, which we hope you find helpful and insightful as you peek into the school-life of your students. Without a doubt, a return to school, routine, high expectations, and full schedules has been an adjustment for all of us—parents, families, teachers, and students alike.

At the end of this news and notes, I will offer some insight into what school leaders and researchers are finding just below the surface of the daily interactions between students and teachers and, in the general milieu of the school days that is reflecting some stress and overwhelm for students and teachers, alike. I will also invite you to attend one of my series of parent coffees where I hope to solidify your partnership with me, the MPA faculty and staff, and your family to help our young people be their healthy, compassionate, and respectful selves in such a way that honors both your family values and those we hold at MPA.

The benefit and advantage of selecting an independent school for your young person’s education is that you choose it based not only on exceptional educational outcomes, but also on shared investments and ways of being in the world. If our young people are going to keep their love for learning, their success in the school setting, a healthy mental-social-academic balance, we will need to all work in partnership. This is my hope for all of them … and for us, as their parents. I hope you’ll join us at a conversation in the coming weeks.

IMPORTANT: COVID Protocols and Symptom Response

Just a reminder that any/all symptoms through our AUXS app and/or via email to covid@moundsparkacademy.org. Please do not email your divisional offices, directors, or teachers of an absence due to symptoms. It is important that all notifications are sent to Jennifer Rogers-Petitt, our COVID Health and Safety lead, so that you can be supported and informed of possible next steps including, but not limited to, the need to remain home, secure a negative test prior to return, and/or quarantine per CDC guidance.

Parent-Teacher Conferences Continue This Week

• Thursday, October 7, 3:30-8PM
• Friday, October 8, 8AM-4PM (NO CLASSES)

All conferences are being held via ZOOM and each family is offered the opportunity to sign-up for up to five, 10-minute conferences with their student’s teachers. I sent a list of ZOOM links for conferences via email last week, as well as posting on Schoology. If you need assistance, please let us know. Read More