Lower School Division News

LS News
from Renee Wright, Lower School Director

Our first CHAMP assembly took place on Wednesday, September 8. I am excited to share that our focus for this school year will be on ACCOUNTABILITY.  Students will practice using CHAMP character traits to be the best version of themselves on campus, at home, and in their community. They will learn the importance of making good choices and take responsibility for their words and actions. At our assembly we were all inspired by the book, “I Am Human…A Book of Empathy,” by Susan Verde and illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds. Being human means we are full of possibility.  We learn, dream big, and wonder. At times we make mistakes but learn from them. We mindfully strive to act with compassion and empathy to others and ourselves.

As a follow-up to the CHAMP assembly teachers led a community circle in the classroom to talk about being responsible. Students shared their thoughts and ideas to the following questions:

  • What does it mean to you to be responsible?
  • What have you done in the past week that shows responsibility?

Encourage your child to be responsible at home. Being responsible is an important quality for school success. You can help your child develop these qualities by establishing reasonable rules and procedures in your home and reinforcing them consistently. Expecting your child to complete simple tasks or chores is important to building responsibility. Break jobs down into smaller steps and praise your child’s efforts. Children feel good about being contributing members of the family.

Parent and School Partnership
Mark your calendar for parent/teacher conferences. Please see the dates below when conference times will be offered.

  • Thursday, September 30–3:30-7 PM
  • Thursday, October 7–3:30-8 PM
  • Friday, October 8–8 AM-4 PM (No Classes)

You will receive a communication soon from the Lower School Office with information on how to sign up for a conference. Please make attending conferences a priority. Conferences are extremely important and provide teachers the opportunity to team with parents to help students be successful.  Lower School homeroom conferences are scheduled for 25 minutes and specialists conferences are scheduled for 10 minutes.

After-school Pick-up Name Request
If you pick-up your child in the drive-up lane after school it would be helpful if you would place a sign with your last name on the dash, so it is visible in the window on the right side of your vehicle. This will help speed up pick-up procedures. Thank you in advance for your attention to this new procedure!

Dates to Remember 

  • Monday, September  13: Picture Day
  • September 27-October 2: Homecoming Week
  • October 20-22: No Classes/Fall Break

Middle School Division News

from Jenn Milam, Middle School Director

We are officially 10 days into school by your reading of this issue of News & Notes and we’re all settling in a bit more each day. We’re experiencing new routines, meeting new people, and re-learning what it means to be in school full-time, all of us together. We have new students who were virtual the entirety of the 2020-2021 school year and some, like us, who experienced the crazy, rollercoaster ride of hybrid learning. Each of us bring our experiences, perspectives, wishes, hopes, hurts, and dreams to school with us each day and that makes Middle School both beautiful and brutal–all at once!

The faculty and I are working diligently and firmly to establish expectations and guidelines for our work together this year and to begin to set into motion our quest to build independent, creative, compassionate, and brilliant dreamers and doers!

Study Hall and Panther Den
Study Hall is a popular choice and will continue to be so as we turn the dial up a bit toward more rigor and deeper learning. Please know that your student is always welcome to attend study hall so long as they are working hard, remain focused, and are being the best version of themselves possible.

Study Hall begins promptly at 3:15 PM students are not allowed to move between Study Hall and Panther Den–they must make a choice after the school day ends. Study hall is not a place to play games, watch videos, or visit with friends.

As a reminder, I ask your support in sharing the following expectations with students so they may use their time well:

  1. No cell phones are allowed. The same rules that apply during the regular school day apply in study hall. Cell phones should be “off-and-away”.
  2. No earbuds/listening to music while working. I have explained to students that research and science on the brain and learning teaches us that when we focus on fewer things, even one at a time, we work more efficiently and more successfully. Music is a distraction to manage and 45 minutes with no music or distraction can make for a much more productive time.
  3. Games or videos on school computers are also not allowed–this is a quiet time to get homework finished or to read a book. The teachers supervising study hall can direct computers be put away completely if needed.
  4. Collaborative/group work is not ideal for this setting and students should be encouraged to work on independent tasks as much as is possible.
  5. Students may bring a quiet and not-messy snack to study hall, if they’d like.

Finally, you may pick-up your student at any door to the school. If your student is in Study Hall and you cannot reach them or have not made arrangements for pick-up, please call the PANTHER CLUB/DEN phone number and they will give a call to the room to you’re your student out.

Panther Club/Den Phone Number: (651) 748-5571
Please remember that any student not picked up promptly by 4 PM, will be sent to Panther Den and charged for after-school care. Students are absolutely not permitted to “hang-out” in the North Lobby, or any other areas of the building, unattended. This is for their safety and that of their schoolmates.

Middle School Dismissal
I am, so far, grateful for the ease and efficiency with which we are dismissing at 3 PM in the West Lot. A few reminders to keep us moving and allow all of us to get to our next destination safely, and in a timely way:

  • Please do not stop along the curb near the busses to allow your student to enter the car. I ask that you pull around to the curb close to the building to keep cars from backing-up on Larpenteur and/or in the driveway.
  • I am always, very lovingly, encouraging your students to “hustle” to get into the car and keep things moving. I don’t do this to be hurtful, but rather because I realize that many times folks are on their way to the next thing and we need to keep the line moving.
  • I also appreciate everyone staying in the car line (unless parking and waiting outside the door, which you are welcome to do!) and not “leap-frogging” or “budging” ahead in the line.

Finally, while I know there can occasionally be issues that hold us up as parents and we get to school a bit late, we are beginning the practice this week of taking all students not picked up by 3:15 PM upstairs to either Study Hall or Panther Den. Our dismissal staff and faculty have meetings after school and cannot be downstairs waiting indefinitely. We also cannot leave your Middle School student outside to “wait” for you without an adult. Please make every effort to be on time unless you have previously determined that your student is going to Study Hall, Athletics, or Panther Den.

If you run into an issue and cannot make pick-up time, please call the office and let us know and we will send your student to Study Hall or Panther Den.

Mrs. Lassonde and the Middle School Office
Mrs. Lassonde is our Middle School Assistant–otherwise known as co-pilot, queen, or all-knowing-wonder-working-unicorn! Please get to know her and her contact information.

Mrs. Lassonde (pronounced “La-ssone”) is available by email at jlassonde@moundsparkacademy.org and by phone at (651) 748-5565. We need to hear from you if you need an early dismissal or late arrival for an appointment, an absence from classes, or have any other question or concern, please reach out.

Schoology Bootcamp and Parent Troubleshooting
As we scale up and get more engaged in the academic program, there will be an increased wish for you to be connected in Schoology! As new parents, and maybe even for those of you who are returning, Schoology can be a big virtual web of “stuff” that doesn’t make much sense. I invite you to join me for a virtual session to learn more about the structure and function of the learning management system and how you can best engage with it to support your student.

Please join us at one of the following sessions to learn more:

  • Thursday, September 9 @ 4 PM
  • Tuesday, September 14 @ 6 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 996 7989 0943
Password: Schoology
Password: 526951313

Middle School Show Auditions Are Here
Staring next week, students can audition for our Middle School show. This is an exceptional opportunity to explore theater, meet new people, and be involved in an incredible tradition in the Middle School. Ms. Mastel has asked students to select times for auditions and to sign-up ahead of time. Additionally, there is a great opportunity to work behind the stage as a member of “Crew”! Applications for crew are due next Friday, September 17.

SIGN-UP HERE: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/409044faca92ca0f49-auditions1

For more details and information, please email Ms. Mastel (hmastel@moundsparkacademy.org) or have your student stop by to see her in her classroom.

Parent/Teacher Conferences—Save the Dates
On Monday, all Middle School parents will receive an email from me with instructions on how to register with Pick-A-Time and schedule parent-teacher conferences. Conferences are being held on the following dates/times:

  • Thursday, September 30, 3:30-7 PM
  • Thursday, October 7, 3:30-8 PM
  • Friday, October 8, 8AM-4 PM (NO CLASSES)

All Conferences Are Being Held Via Zoom
Each family is offered the opportunity to sign-up for up to five, 10-minute conferences with their student’s teachers. Conferences are scheduled on a first-come, first-scheduled basis. Please keep an eye out on Monday for the email with detailed instructions, dates to schedule, and more!

Overnight Class Trips and Travel
Given where we are currently with COVID-19 and our youngest Middle School students not yet eligible for vaccinations, we have postponed all overnight class trips and travel to the spring. We are considering some class bonding day-trips for the fall and will keep you posted as we make those determinations. Thank you, for your support and patience, as we do our best to make wise and decisions that keep everyone healthy!

We are nearly done with our i-Term programming brochure and will share that very soon! We are excited to have two opportunities for international travel and a variety of passion-driven courses that include Woodworking, Strategy Games, the Art of Baking, and SIR Boxing. Mark your calendars now for the i-Term Share Fair on Friday, March 4, from 2-3 PM–you won’t want to miss this celebration of learning!

MPA COVID-19 Symptom Response Protocol–Important Reminders
As we continue to navigate the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, we ask for your diligence in working with our COVID-19 symptom response and contact tracing team. At the first sign of symptoms, parents should complete the daily AUXS app symptom screening and/or email covid@moundsparkacademy.org. When a negative COVID-19 test is required for student clearance, results must be provided prior to the student’s return. All symptomatic community members, regardless of vaccination status must remain at home pending those results. Thank you for your partnership. For any questions, please contact Jennifer Rogers-Petitt at jrogers@moundsparkacademy.org.

Mark Your Calendars

  • Sept 9 Schoology Bootcamp for Parents #2, 4 PM
  • Sept 13 MPA All-School Picture Day
  • Sept 13-14 Middle School Show Auditions
  • Sept 14 Schoology Bootcamp for Parents #3, 6 PM
  • Sept. 16 Middle School Show CALLBACKS
  • Sept 30 All School Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3:30-7 PM
  • Oct 7 All School Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3:30-8 PM
  • Oct 8 All School Parent-Teacher Conferences, 8 AM-4 PM, NO CLASSES
  • Oct 20-22 Fall Break–NO CLASSES

Be A Part Of The Middle School Play

students in the black boxAuditions are open for the Middle School Play! This year, the play is a series of Middle School One Acts, titled, “The Internet is Distract–OH LOOK A KITTEN!” and “Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Middle School (but were too busy being stuffed in a locker to ask)!” Sign up audition to here!

All Middle School students in grades 5-8 are invited to audition. Auditions are held Monday, September 13 to Tuesday, September 14 at 3:15-4:15 PM or 4:15-5:15 PM. Thursday, September 16 will be callbacks from 3:15-4:30 PM.

Upper School students are involved in the Middle School play too! Upper Schoolers take on more of the advanced technical aspects, along with taking on leadership and mentoring roles.

Auditions will take place in the Black Box (Room #30, by door #4). You MUST sign up for one audition spot via Schoology. For specific information on rehearsals and time commitment, please visit the “MPA Theatre Info” Schoology page (access code KNJ7K-BF6D9).

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact Ms. Mastel at hmastel@moundsparkacademy.org or by stopping by her room (#21). Be sure to check out the crew opportunities, if you are interested on working backstage!

Guidelines For Bus And Traffic Safety

bus pulling up to MPAIt is MPA’s number one priority to provide the safest campus environment possible for you and your children. Please share this information with all of the drivers in your home, in addition to others who may provide transportation for you. Thank you very much in advance for your cooperation and understanding.

COVID-19 Bus Precautions
We have implemented these strategies to prioritize health and safety on MPA buses:

  1. Masks worn by all on board.
  2. One student per seat whenever possible (siblings may sit together).
  3. A seating chart for any bus with more than 22 students (there are 22 seats on a bus.)
  4. Four windows open one inch: the two in the last row on each side of the aisle and two in the front row on each side of the aisle.

Distracted Driving
Parents and students are asked to refrain from using cell phones (hands free or otherwise) while driving on campus, especially when children are present. This helps us all to be aware of the children moving around us and keep the traffic flow steady and uncongested. Read More

Connect With The MPA Parents Association This School Year

Parents Connect: Wednesday Morning WalksPA Photo
The Parents Association invites parents and guardians to get together Wednesday mornings after drop off. Mark your calendars, it will be fun! Wednesday, September 1 we’ll have a 30 minute walk with Michelle Mick. We’ll meet at the flagpole near the Lower School entrance. Lower School, Middle School and Upper School families are welcome. This week’s walk will include strolling through some of the grounds on MPA, including the prairie area. Chat with new parents and connect with friends. Younger children are welcome to walk with us.
After that walk if parents are interested, we can head over to the Farmer’s Market at Aldrich Arena, a short walk from MPA. They have a large variety of great produce and you’ll be supporting local farmers.
Remember to bring a mask to all events! Hope to see you there!
Monday and Thursday Mornings in the Garden
Get your hands dirty Monday and Thursday mornings after drop off, helping in MPA’s gardens. No experience necessary. Come and help weed, plant, dig, or sow, all are welcome. How long you stay is up to you. If Michelle Mick is not at the flagpole, go around the corner, in the Library gardens, next to Door #2.
Remember to bring a mask! Hope to see you there!

Picture Day Information For Families

Hello, families!picture day

Picture day is approaching! Our vendor is Jostens and you will receive flyers soon with information on how to order your pictures online.

Picture day is on:

Monday September 13

Retake day is on:

Monday, October 11

 All students should be in school uniform or dress code. Jostens asks that your child avoids wearing the color green!

Jostens, knows customers care deeply about privacy and data security. Customer trust is their top priority and maintaining this trust is an ongoing commitment. They strive to protect the privacy of customer data by the security policies, practices and technologies put in place. Jostens does not sell or rent directory information to third parties for any reason. Jostens does not use email addresses to market any other products or services.

Providing parent email addresses for each student is the best form of security. Student photos are automatically linked to their parent’s email address, and parents with multiple students will be able to see all of their students. If a parent’s email address is not provided, they must enter the school name, event code, exact spelling of the student’s name and another unique identifier (Student ID/Lunch ID/etc).

Parents will receive the following communications from Jostens:

  • Picture Day Is Coming–This will be a reminder email that is sent a few days before the scheduled Picture Day
  • Pictures Are Ready–This will notify parents that the photos have been uploaded and can be viewed on the website
  • Reminder Emails–If an order is not placed, we do send out one email per month letting them know the pictures are available

Jostens Condensed Privacy Policy >

Jostens Full Privacy Policy >

From your yearbook advisors,

Lauren Drake (ldrake@moundsparkacademy.org) and Sara Mohn (smohn@moundsparkacademy.org)

Accessing MPA’s Family Directory

DirectoryAs you make new connections at MPA, we warmly encourage families to connect with one another outside of school (safely, of course!). Here are instructions about how to access MPA’s community directory in Schoology.

On Desktop

  1. Visit https://app.schoology.com/login.
  2. Login to Schoology using your parent login.
  3. In the upper right-hand corner, using the drop down button, navigate to your parent profile. You are now viewing Schoology as yourself, not as your child.
  4. Along the top navigation bar, click on Resources (top) > Apps (left).
  5. Click Approve then refresh the page. This is only needed the first time you open MPA Resources.
  6. The MPA community directory should fill the screen and be usable.

On Mobile

  1. Download the Schoology app (if you haven’t already) in the Apple or Android App Store.
  2. Login to the app using your parent login.
  3. In the upper left-hand corner menu, select Resources > Resource Apps > MPA Resources.
  4. Click Approve then use the back button to get back to Resources. Click MPA Resources again.
  5. This is only needed the first time you open the MPA Resources app.
  6. The MPA community directory should fill the screen and be usable.

If you have any questions, please email Jay Springer, MPA webmaster, at webmaster@moundsparkacademy.org. If you have any changes to your directory listing, contact your division assistant:

Lower School: Denise Johnson, djohnson@moundsparkacademy.org

Middle School: Jolynn Lassonde, jlassonde@moundsparkacademy.org

Upper School: Jolynn Lassonde, jlassonde@moundsparkacademy.org (temporary)

Lower School Division News

Off to a Good Start!LS news story

Lower School had a perfect start to the 2021-2022 school year! It is energizing to have students back on campus! Students and teachers are experiencing the joy of learning in classrooms as they get to know each other and launch into learning new concepts and skills. A huge thank you to parents and teachers for helping with the transition back to school.

At the beginning of the school year teachers work hard to develop a positive, kind, inclusive classroom culture and set the tone for a respectful and engaging learning environment of trust. This year lower school teachers will be using Responsive Classroom Morning Meetings periodically throughout the week as a way to build that culture.

Students, and even teachers, crave a certain amount of predictability and routine in the school day, especially at the start of the year. Morning Meeting merges academic, social, and emotional learning. They also enhance the sense of significance and belonging and provides an opportunity to have fun.

Morning Meetings teach necessary competencies and abilities to communicate ideas and information clearly, to collaborate, and demonstrate innovation and flexible thinking. In addition, Monday Meeting will reinforce CHAMP concepts and teach responsible citizenship. Social emotional Learning skills will also be practiced helping children develop life-long skills such as recognizing and managing emotions, developing care and concern for others, establishing positive relationships, and handling challenges constructively. Morning Meeting components also offer students endless opportunities and practice and review academic skills.

When we start the school day together, face to face, welcoming each other, sharing news, listening to individual voices, and communicating as a caring group, we make a powerful statement. We say that all students matter! We say that we are a team working together! We say our classroom culture is one of friendliness and thoughtfulness! We say that we can accomplish hard work and make discoveries together.

Morning meetings help create connections among all members of the classroom community. Students learn details about each other and build common bonds. Students learn that each classroom is a community of unique students and families. Teachers can take advantage of the diversity of the group to teach cross-cultural understanding and acceptance. The connection between students and their teachers helps students feel comfortable taking risks when they know they will be respected and valued, no matter the outcome. Read More

Middle School Division News

WELCOME to the 2021-2022 School Year! MS news story

Every other week my newsletter will come to you with highlights of upcoming events, information about what’s happening in our neck of the woods, the all-important list of dates for your family calendar, and usually a little about what I’m thinking about or what may be helpful to you as we do this parenting-of-middle-schoolers journey together. I hope you’ll look forward to the Middle School News & Notes and find them helpful.

Remember that this newsletter will always be in the Panther Post, along with archived issues, for you to review. ?

A few years ago, now we began offering a one-hour study hall immediately after school (3:15-4 PM). It was a huge success as it offers students a quiet, structured, and monitored place to get some work done before heading home for the evening. I have seen happy parents with less homework to manage at night and have heard students gleefully share the list of assignments or tasks they were able to finish in just the short 45 minutes with real focus and attention.

For study hall to be productive and helpful, we share the following expectations with students:

  1. No cell phones are allowed. The same rules that apply during the regular school day apply in study hall. Cell phones should be “off-and-away”.
  2. No earbuds/listening to music while working. I have explained to students that research and science on the brain and learning teaches us that when we focus on fewer things, even one at a time, we work more efficiently and more successfully. Music is a distraction to manage and 45 minutes with no music or distraction can make for a much more productive time.
  3. Games or videos on school computers are also not allowed – this is a quiet time to get homework finished or to read a book. The teachers supervising study hall can direct computers be put away completely if needed.
  4. Collaborative/group work is not ideal for this setting and students should be encouraged to work on independent tasks as much as is possible.
  5. Students may bring a quiet and not-messy snack to study hall, if they’d like.

I want to thank you, in advance, for reinforcing these positive strategies at home. As a faculty in the Middle School, we want to support positive study and self-management practices as they will well serve the students for the many years of education ahead of them.

Finally, you may pick-up your student at any door to the school. Please make arrangements and plans with your student where they will meet you at 4pm. If they are going to be picked up before 4pm, please have them let the study hall teacher know so they can meet you at the agreed upon place.

Study Hall will begin next week, Monday, August 30! Please remember that any student not picked up by 4 PM, will be sent to Panther Den and charged for after-school care. Read More

Upper School Division News

US News StoryUpper School Living, Learning, Thriving

Recently, I have spent time reflecting about some of the things that matter most to me. I am unsure if this is due to me getting older, my parents getting older, the start of a new school year, or the ever changing landscape of the education profession. My guess is that all of these things (and more) play a role in my thought process. As I think about this, one thing that I have realized is that I am rejuvenated by the thought of the upcoming school year and reconnecting with students, parents, colleagues.

Over the past week I enjoyed spending time with many of the new and returning upper school families. Hearing about summer journeys, seeing students return for the start of athletics, and hosting the upper school Back to School Nights and new family/peer leader BBQ has provided me with a sense of excitement about the return to “normalcy” and routine.

At the recent upper school Back to School Nights I shared, a la David Letterman, my Top 11 list of things to know for the upcoming school year. Recognizing not everyone was able to make it to these events, please find the list below: Read More