Parents Association News And Events October 24, 2024

PAWPCall for Volunteers: Lower School Halloween Party!

The PA is seeking volunteers to help out during the Lower School Halloween Party in the Lansing Center on Thursday, October 31. Kids will enjoy games, crafts, activities, and an obstacle course during their P.E. time. Join us for part of the day or the whole day! The Lower School Halloween parade will follow the party at 2:30 PM. Sign-up here!

Dr. Hudson’s Book Club Returns Next Month!

All book lovers are invited to join us on November 19 at 6:30 PM in the Martin Lenz Harrison Library for Dr. Hudson’s Book Club. We will be discussing “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig. If interested, please RSVP here.

Upcoming MPA PA Events

  • October 31: PA Lower School Grade Level Halloween Parties, 8:30 AM-2:20 PM
  • Friday, November 8: College Admissions Staff Appreciation hosted by MPA PA
  • Saturday, November 16: LS Rainbow Club Family Fun Day, 2-4 PM, Lakewood Hills Park (White Bear Lake)
  • Tuesday, November 19: Dr. Hudson’s Book Club, 6:30 PM, Martin Lenz Harrison Library

Your Involvement In Accreditation Is Essential

Headsmessagefrom Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

I am still on a high from last week’s Grandparents and Special Friends Day. It was a joyful event, and I enjoyed the many conversations I had with our guests. To see the pride our students have in their school and the delight in the eyes of their grandparents and special friends warmed my heart. I heard over and over what a wonderful school we are and how special MPA is. One parent shared that their dad never quite understood the value of the school given the cost until he witnessed the extraordinary teachers and warmth of the culture. “His experience was life-giving,” said the parent.

Events like Grandparents and Special Friends Day can serve as a mirror to reflect the school’s mission and values in action and to affirm whether we really are who we say we are. At MPA, we don’t take that for granted and strive to hold ourselves accountable to our mission and values. Our accountability extends to all members of our community: students and their families, faculty and staff, alumni, trustees, and benefactors.

I want to share with you an important process that underscores Mounds Park Academy’s commitment to accountability, improvement, and excellence: our participation in the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS) accreditation process. As you may know, Mounds Park Academy is a proud member of ISACS, an organization whose mission is to promote the development of strong learning communities characterized by high academic achievement, social responsibility, and independent governance. ISACS was founded in 1908 and serves more than 240 member schools in 13 states.

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Discover The PreK-12 MPA Preview Sessions

Upper School students working in chemistry togetherThe MPA Preview on November 3, 12:30-2 PM, is a signature PreK-12 event designed to introduce prospective families to the faculty, students, and families who make MPA the exceptional learning community it is. You’ll hear from a variety of perspectives, engage in conversation with academic leaders, experience mini-lessons taught by expert teachers, and leave with a much better understanding of the MPA way.

Explore the mini-lesson sessions at each division level that will be taught! Read More

A Message From Kethan Dahlberg ’14

KethanSchool is back in session, students are back in classrooms, and it’s the perfect season to reflect as a community on how the time we spent on campus led us to where we are today. As MPA alum, we have experienced firsthand the power of a faculty, staff, and community dedicated to helping students discover and develop their passions and dreams.

It is in this spirit that you are invited to join us for the 2024 MPA Fall Campaign: Igniting Dreams, One Gift at a Time. With your support, we can ensure faculty and staff have the tools and resources they need to ensure students keep dreaming.

As I’m starting out my new career in law, I am constantly reminded of the impact MPA had on my dream to one day join the legal profession. There are the social studies and history classes—from the Parade of States to Ms. Conway’s famous lectures on Civil Rights and the Cold War—that sparked my interest in American government, politics, and foreign affairs. There are the speeches and projects—from Chaucer recitations to mock oral arguments at the Minnesota Supreme Court—that helped me hone my research and public speaking skills and develop a curiosity for constitutional interpretation. And there are the early mornings and late nights—from chamber choir rehearsals to meets running past midnight out on the track—that taught me the importance of teamwork, perseverance, and the benefit of having caring peers who are just as focused on pursuing their dreams as they are in supporting you achieving yours. At work, while helping clients achieve their goals and navigate novel legal challenges, I find myself drawing upon my experience as a panther and am always grateful to MPA for its role in igniting my dream from an early age. Read More

Parents Association News And Events October 10, 2024

PAWPOur call to action is simple: be a part of the MPA school community! The goal of the Parents Association is to provide clear, accessible ways for parents/guardians to be active participants in the quality of community that surrounds the student body collectively. Efforts are being made each month to invite you in to learn, support, and lead in partnership with faculty and staff in a variety of ways. Check out what’s coming up this month! Let us know if you see new or different ways to strengthen our efforts by emailing

Panther Sports Committee Kickoff Meeting!
Saturday, October 12, from 10 AM-12 PM
Porter Conference Room

Everyone is welcome! The PA is actively seeking new members for the Panther Sports Committee.
Please contact Christine Larson at Panther Sports Committee is hoping for your input if you are passionate about athletics at MPA.

If you have a sporty Lower School student and see MPA athletics in your future this is a great place to join the team! If you have a Middle School student who plays club sports and you’re not sure how that translates to MPA sports, this is the spot for you. If you have an Upper School athlete who is hoping to play their sport in college, we may be able to connect you with like-minded families. The Panther Sports Committee will determine topics of interest and work closely with Dan Haase, athletic director to support MPA athletics. Read More

Ms. Sonka’s Passion For Sumi-e Sparks Lessons

SonkaWhen Renee Sonka, Middle and Upper School visual arts teacher, first started work on her painting “Dancing Flower Collage,” a Sumi-e styled piece, she wasn’t sure how she felt about it.

“I painted the flowers a couple of years ago, and I was unhappy with them, actually. I put them in the cabinet for a long time,” Sonka said before looking at the piece with fresh eyes recently and touching up the piece. “The collage turned it from an okay painting into a more than okay painting.”

Revisiting the artwork proved to be a worthwhile decision as once Sonka was pleased with the piece, it proved to be a winner. “Dancing Flower Collage” was awarded the National Capital Area Chapter Award in the 61st Annual Juried Exhibition, presented by the Sumi-e Society of America.

“Most years, I will get a piece in, but not every year. To get in is an honor, and to get an award beyond getting in is a huge honor,” Sonka said on the achievement, netting her the first National Capital Area Chapter Award of her career. Read More

Upper School Division News October 10, 2024

US Division Newsfrom Mark Segal, Upper School director 

Mark Your Calendars

  • Friday, October 11: No Classes, All School Conferences, 8 AM-5 PM
  • Monday, October 14: No Classes, Indigenous Peoples Day
  • Tuesday, October 15: Election 2024 Through Civil Discourse: A Sample Lesson for MS/US Parents, 6-7 PM, PCR, register here >
  • Wednesday, October 16: US G12 No Classes
  • Wednesday, October 16: US G10/11 Pre-ACT & Mock ACT Practice Tests, 8 AM-12 PM (Early Dismissal)
  • Wednesday, October 16: US G9 Special Programming, 8 AM-3 PM, Off-Campus
  • Wednesday, October 16: US G10/11 Early Dismissal
  • Thursday, October 17-Friday, October 18: No Classes, Fall Break
  • Thursday, October 24: LS/US Blood Drive, 12-6 PM, Gallery
  • Friday, October 25: G1-9 Bring a Friend to MPA Day, 8 AM-3 PM
  • Friday, October 25: US Senior Retreat, 8 AM-5 PM, Camp St. Croix
  • Friday, October 25: US Senior Retreat Dinner, 5-7 PM, US Commons
  • Wednesday, October 30: US Instrument Concert, 7:30-9 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Thursday, October 31: End of Quarter 1
  • Friday, November 1: No Classes, Grading Day

In 2001, I returned to my alma mater to serve as the assistant director of the middle school. For me, my middle school experience was one that I would have much rather forgotten. I was “that kid.” The one who was often moved to the front row from the back of the room as I was busy serving as the class clown and disrupting the learning of myself and others. My relationship with my teachers was, to say the least, strained and my parents and I could have been on a first-name basis with my school administrator. It was extremely ironic that for my first school administrative role, I served on the other side of the figurative and literal desk.

Thankfully, my parents, teachers, and administrators worked in partnership to support me. A similar partnership is also available and strong at MPA. Parent/teacher conferences play a pivotal role in fostering effective communication and collaboration between educators and parents, forming an important relationship in a student’s educational journey. According to, “Conferences help students reach their full potential by providing a space for open dialog, collaboration, and support.” They also provide a dedicated space for parents to gain insight into their child’s academic progress, social development, and progress within the school environment. Read More

Middle School Division News October 10, 2024

MS Division Newsfrom Paul Errickson, Middle School director

Mark Your Calendars 

  • Friday, October 11: No Classes, All School Conferences, 8 AM-5 PM, Panther Care >
  • Monday, October 14: No Classes, Indigenous Peoples Day
  • Tuesday, October 15: Election 2024 Through Civil Discourse: A Sample Lesson for MS/US Parents, 6-7 PM, PCR, register here >
  • Wednesday, October 16: LS/MS Grandparents and Special Friends Day, 8 AM-3 PM, information here >
  • Wednesday, October 16: LS/MS Grandparents and Special Friends Day Performance, 11 AM-12 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Thursday, October 17-Friday, October 18: No Classes, Fall Break, Panther Care >
  • Friday, October 25: Bring a Friend to MPA Day, 8 AM-3 PM
  • Friday, October 25: MS G5/6 Halloween Party, 3:15-4:30 PM, Family Commons
  • Friday, October 25: MS G7/8 Dance, 6-8 PM, Family Commons
  • Thursday, October 31: End of Quarter 1
  • Friday, November 1: No Classes, Grading Day

Greetings from Middle School. It is hard to believe that we are already moving into the middle of October with family conferences this week, our Fall Break next week, and the end of our first quarter of school coming up at the end of the month! I hope to see most of you with your child(ren) in here to partner with their teachers and talk about what they’ve learned, what is working well with their learning, and what areas might need a bit more support or attention to get the most out of them as learners. If you were unable to sign up for conferences, please write to any of your child’s teachers to see if they are available to meet.

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Lower School Division News October 10, 2024

LS Division Newsfrom Jennifer Le Varge, Lower School director 

Mark Your Calendars

  • Friday, October 11: No Classes, All School Conferences, 8 AM-5 PM, Panther Care >
  • Monday, October 14: No Classes, Indigenous Peoples Day
  • Wednesday, October 16: LS/MS Grandparents and Special Friends Day, 8 AM-3 PM, information here >
  • Wednesday, October 16: LS/MS Grandparents and Special Friends Day Performance, 11 AM-12 PM, Nicholson Center
  • Wednesday, October 16: LS PA Rainbow Club, 6-8 PM, Martin Lenz Harrison Library
  • Thursday, October 17-Friday, October 18: No Classes, Fall Break, Panther Care >
  • Tuesday, October 22: LS Duty-Free Lunch with Parent Volunteers, 11:40 AM-12:40 PM, Playground and Family Commons
  • Thursday, October 24: LS/US Blood Drive, 12-6 PM, Gallery
  • Friday, October 25: Bring a Friend to MPA Day, 8 AM-3 PM
  • Wednesday, October 30: LS CHAMP Assembly, 8:15-8:45 AM, Family Commons
  • Thursday, October 31: End of Quarter 1
  • Thursday, October 31: MPA PA LS Halloween Parties, 8:30 AM-2:30 PM, Lansing Sports Center
  • Thursday, October 31: LS Halloween Parade, 2:30-3 PM, Hallways
  • Friday, November 1: No Classes, Grading Day

We are excited to welcome parents to campus for our Fall Conferences this week to celebrate all the learning and growth that the children have experienced since the start of the academic year. As you prepare for these conferences, the following questions highlighted by Harvard’s Making Caring Common article, “15 Questions to Ask Your Child’s Teacher That Aren’t About Grades” may be helpful:

  • Can you tell me about a time my child showed empathy or helped another student?
  • How does my child resolve conflict with their peers? Do they communicate effectively?
  • Is my child comfortable participating in group activities and collaborating with others?
  • How does my child react when they make mistakes? Do they check in and take responsibility?
  • Are there any areas where I can support my child’s social-emotional development at home?

Reminder that the following days are non-school days: Monday, October 14 (Indigenous Peoples Day); Thursday and Friday, October 17-18 (Fall Break). Please read on for more updates! Read More

Commemorating Indigenous Peoples Day

Headsmessagefrom Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

“Makhoche kin de dakhota thamakhoche.” (Maw-ko-chay keen day dah-ko-tah tah-mah-ko-chay) This is the land of the friendly people, the Dakota.

You may be noticing the school calendar over the next week or so is a bit wonky. This is true for several different reasons, including parent-teacher conferences and the long-standing tradition of taking “MEA days” as a fall break. This year, we are also commemorating Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday, October 14.

As we recognize Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday, we have a unique opportunity to reflect on the profound impact that Native cultures, histories, and contributions have had—and continue to have—on our country. This day calls on us to honor the rich heritage of Indigenous peoples while also acknowledging the struggles they have faced throughout history.

Mounds Park Academy acknowledges the language and history of the Wahpekute and the larger Očhéthi Šakówin nation and its connection to these cultures through the land on which the school resides. Mounds Park Academy acknowledges that our school rests on Dakota homeland and that Indigenous Peoples have the longest relationship to this land. Read More