Coming Together With Kindness, Generosity, And Community

MPA's development and community engagement team providing an update on the spring auction. from Ashley Goetzke, director of development and community engagement

Editor’s Note: Periodically, you will find a guest Head’s Message here from members of the administrative team. We hope you will enjoy reading their thoughts and reflections about life at MPA.

When I started at Mounds Park Academy, it was the week of the 2016 MPA Spring Auction: Night at the Museum. I was immediately immersed in the energy and excitement of this incredible event. The development office buzzed with anticipation, but more than anything, I felt a profound sense of togetherness, the kind that defines MPA.

Experiencing my first Spring Auction was unlike anything I had been part of before. I was thrown into the whirlwind of planning, met incredible people, and saw firsthand what makes MPA so special. That night, I went home to my husband, Matt, and told him, “This is where I want to be.” That feeling of warmth, generosity, and joy has stayed with me ever since.

For me, the Spring Auction is, above all, about community. It is an evening where parents, alumni, employees, grandparents, and friends come together in celebration and support of our students and the future of MPA. It is a night filled with laughter, generosity, and the shared love we all have for this school. Read More

Then & Now: The MPA Theater Department’s Growth

The MPA theater department's performance of The Wizard of Oz in 2015from Sarah Ley ’18

“There’s no place like home” is a quote you may recognize from the 1939 classic “The Wizard of Oz.” Dorothy, the story’s protagonist, discovers that “home” isn’t so much a place as it is the people and experiences that bring her feelings of belonging and comfort. MPA often acted as a second “home” for us, thanks to wonderful faculty and staff, unique courses, and cherished friendships.

When I was a student, I found a home in the theater department. Thinking back on my favorite memories, many are defined by the musicals I acted in during Upper School. In Spring 2015, the first was “The Wizard of Oz,” directed by Elizabeth Seal. Opening after the retirement of beloved longtime theater director Barb Bradley, Oz marked a new era in the department. With a cast and crew of 60+ (no small feat considering graduating classes of ~50 students), the show drew veteran actors, newbies excited to explore theater, and, as munchkins, roughly 20 Lower and Middle Schoolers.

Since then, the theater department has continued to grow and adapt. Despite smaller cast and crew numbers following the pandemic, Middle and Upper School drama teacher and director James Lekatz shares that interest increases every year. In fact, the 2025 musical’s cast size will be double last year’s. Audiences have also returned en force, with several performances of the Winter Show selling out. Heather Mastel, Lower and Middle School drama teacher and director sees similar growth: this year’s Middle School Show, “Little Women,” boasted a cast of 25 and sold out all shows.

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Golden Tickets Available Now—Get Yours Before They Are Gone!

The Gala of Gratitude is just around the corner, and we are excited to announce that Golden Tickets are now available. With only 100 Golden Tickets available at $150 each, you have the chance to win any live auction item of your choice, from an unforgettable Bali getaway to an exclusive private chef experience in your home. Read More

A Message From Alumni Board Member George Mills ’04

Alumni board member George Mills '04. I hope this message finds you well and continuing to make a meaningful impact in the world! As you may know, each spring, MPA hosts its signature fundraising event—the annual Spring Auction. However, this year’s celebration will be unlike any other.

This year, we come together for a truly special occasion: the 2025 Spring Auction: Gala of Gratitude, an evening dedicated not only to supporting MPA but also to honoring the incredible legacy of Dr. Bill Hudson as he bids farewell as head of school. This will be his final auction, marking the culmination of his years of leadership, his dedication to education, and the profound impact he has made on our community.

In recognition of Dr. Hudson’s commitment to MPA and its students, we are proud to introduce The Hudson Fund for Resilient Students. This newly established endowment will provide crucial support to students facing unforeseen challenges, ensuring they have the resources they need to thrive no matter what obstacles arise. This year’s Fund A Need portion of the auction will be dedicated to growing this vital fund—an opportunity for all of us to contribute to Dr. Hudson’s enduring legacy.

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Navigating an Uncertain Future: Preparing Our Students to Thrive in a Changing World

Upper School students watch on during Physics bridge testing. from Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

As we step into 2025, we do so in a world of increasing complexity and uncertainty. The latest World Economic Forum Global Risks Report paints a sobering picture of the challenges ahead—rising geopolitical tensions, rapid technological disruptions, environmental instability, and a growing crisis of misinformation. For us as educators and parents, this begs an essential question: How do we best prepare our children not only to navigate this landscape but to flourish within it?

At MPA, we believe that preparing students for the future is not about predicting what’s to come but about equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and resilience to adapt, innovate, and lead with purpose. It is about fostering critical thinkers, compassionate citizens, and confident problem solvers—young people who are ready to embrace the world rather than retreat from it.

In an age where misinformation spreads faster than truth, helping our students develop critical thinking and media literacy is one of the most important responsibilities we have. Today’s children are bombarded with information from countless sources—social media, news outlets, influencers, and AI-generated content. Learning to question, analyze, and discern fact from fiction is a fundamental skill they will need for life. Read More

One Teacher, One Conversation, One Opportunity

MPA student Wyatt Srsen '25 working on art. from Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

Delivering a senior performance is a graduation requirement at MPA that I treasure. Each one is unique, thoughtful, and deeply personal. While this tradition is a valuable exercise in public speaking, it is, more importantly, a pivotal opportunity for self-reflection. Throughout their preparations, students confront their own growth, challenges, and transformations, fostering a deeper sense of self-awareness and often realizing how much they have changed along the way.

Senior performances don’t just impact the students delivering them—they resonate throughout the entire community. They strengthen school culture by reinforcing values, traditions, and a sense of belonging. They inspire younger students by putting growth, confidence, and resilience on full display. They foster empathy and compassion as teachers, peers, leaders, and families gain a deeper understanding of each student’s unique experiences and perspectives. They also serve as reminders that growth is often uncomfortable and that meaningful change happens when students are held to high standards in a supportive environment. I try to attend every senior performance, and one delivered recently by Wyatt Srsen ’25 profoundly illustrates the journey of self-discovery and transformation that can happen in a positive school community.

With his permission, I am sharing his performance, in its entirety, below. Spoiler alert: grab a tissue!

Growing up, I was a persistent student who found school simple and straightforward. Elementary school came and went without a challenge, and then came middle school, which was more of the same. Despite a few hiccups here and there, middle school passed me by quickly and without any real problems. I had an abundance of friends and good grades, and I never struggled in school. This was all true until COVID-19 hit. I lost connections with friends; my grades struggled more than ever as I struggled to find motivation while being stuck at home with no real human interaction. Seeing this, my parents decided it was time for a change. The public school system wasn’t supportive or challenging, so they thought that private school was the best route for me to become a better student. Despite my efforts to stay with my friends and continue on the same education path, my family ended up deciding that Mounds Park Academy was the place for me. Read More

The Power of Hopeful Skepticism: Preparing Students, and Ourselves, for a Complex World

Lower School teacher interacts with a student. from Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

Over my 30+ years in education, I’ve been called many things, some of which I can’t repeat here. Most often, I’ve been called naïve or an optimist, most of the time meant as a criticism. Truth be told, I’d rather be naïve than a cynic, believing people are generally selfish and untrustworthy. I’d rather be an optimist rather than have a negative outlook on life and expect the worst from people and from life.

After reading “Hope for Cynics” by Jamil Zaki, Stanford University professor and director of the Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab, I can now proudly say I am a hopeful skeptic. A hopeful skeptic is someone who balances optimism with critical thinking. They are open to possibilities and potential but also approach claims, ideas, and situations with a questioning mindset. This person is not cynical or dismissive but instead seeks evidence, logic, and reason while maintaining a belief in positive outcomes.

Zaki writes about a test by psychologists Walter Cook and Donald Medley devised to identify good teachers. They asked hundreds of teachers whether they agreed with these three questions (and 47 others):

  1. No one cares much what happens to you.
  2. Most people dislike helping others.
  3. Most people are honest chiefly through fear of getting caught.

According to Cook and Medley’s research, the more a teacher agreed with these statements, the worse their rapport with students. Out of curiosity, but knowing the probable outcome, I did a snap poll of MPA teachers. The vast majority disagreed with all three statements with a small handful agreeing with only one. It didn’t surprise me that 97% of our teachers are low or low-medium in cynicism. Read More

Coaching Q&A With Nate Bander ’09

Coach Nate Bander '09 posing with students. Why did you decide to return to MPA as a coach?

I returned to MPA as a coach in the fall of 2015 during a time of transition in my life. I was considering looking for a new job and sought direction in reconnecting with folks at MPA, a familiar community full of people who had positively impacted my life. I reached out to former head cross-country coach Dan Ethier to see if the team needed an assistant coach.

Thankfully, they did. I ended up coaching three sports—cross country, basketball, and track and field—and working in admissions and marketing for six years. Deep down, I decided to return to coach at MPA to continue to be part of a community that I knew and loved.

What does it mean to you to have mentored the next generation of students?

Coaching and mentoring the next generation of student-athletes at MPA was the honor of a lifetime. It meant everything to me. I am incredibly proud of creating connections with those students that continue today, more than three years after I coached my last game for the Panthers.

It meant so much to me to mentor/coach the student-athletes on my teams in many different aspects of life, from shooting free throws and practicing handoffs to being a good teammate and developing into a leader. I loved hearing them talk about their classes and seeing how incredibly smart and sophisticated they were. Mentoring these student-athletes meant connecting with them not just through athletics but through academics, leadership, and joy. Read More

A Message From Cooper Olson ’16 On Why He Joined The Alumni Board

Alumni Cooper Olson coaching basketball.Whenever I’m asked about MPA, the first word that comes to mind is “community.” There aren’t many places with a more unique blend of different ages and experiences under one roof. On one walk through the hallways, you’ll have a chance to experience the curiosity of preschoolers, the angst of middle schoolers, and the optimism of high schoolers, not to mention the enthusiasm of staff you’re bound to bump into along the way.

While all those groups may be unlikely to interact with each other outside of MPA’s walls, inside MPA they mingle to create the welcoming community so many of us have been grateful to call a home.

If you can’t tell from that relatively sappy introduction, I have a deep-seated appreciation for MPA. My appreciation had always been there, but as I left for college and then started my professional career, I realized the impact MPA had on my development. Not only did the lessons I learned at MPA prepare me for the academic and professional challenges that came next, but perhaps even more importantly, the relationships that began at MPA have helped me find and establish new communities that have become some of the most important in my life today. Read More

Remaining A Beacon Of Inclusivity, Integrity, and Courage

Lower School students celebrate with their hands up in the air. from Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

Our values endure. Our resolve is unshakable.

Transitions, whether personal, institutional, or societal, bring both challenge and opportunity. They disrupt routines and ask us to think critically, act courageously, and reaffirm what truly matters. In moments of change—whether in our school, our communities, or on a global scale—we are called to return to our values and remain steadfast. At Mounds Park Academy, we want to be clear: our commitment to our mission and values is unwavering.

MPA is, and will always be, a place where students, families, and educators feel seen, valued, and supported. We are deeply committed to fostering an inclusive, just, and equitable environment where every child can learn, grow, and thrive. Our mission calls us to nurture critical thinkers, compassionate leaders, and engaged citizens who have the courage to shape a better world. That mission remains steadfast.

In the recent community survey, MPA students consistently highlighted the welcoming, inclusive, and supportive environment. They report strong bonds between the students, teachers, and staff, noting that the result is a close-knit, respectful culture. One student wrote, “I think the school is really good at making sure that every student feels valued and important and in accepting each person’s different situations and how that can affect their learning or experience. People here are very understanding and friendly and create an environment where you don’t feel scared to speak up.” Read More