Welcoming MPA’s New Faculty And Staff

MPA is very happy to introduce new faculty and staff to the MPA community! Please note: Some of these individuals are familiar faces who have been with us this year in temporary positions. They applied to continue at MPA, completed the application and interview process, and we are so very grateful to re-welcome them to the community long-term.


Keith Braafladt

What position will you be holding at MPA?
Part-Time Technology and Innovation Teacher

From what school/organization are you coming?
Most recently I worked as a consultant developing educational materials and activities for museums and educational organizations and before that I worked at the Science Museum of Minnesota

Tell us a little bit about your education and past experience.
I’m an artist and educator. I led the Learning Technologies Center at the Science Museum of Minnesota for many years, developing curriculum, materials and experiences for learners of all ages. I am a graduate of the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. I’m also a good short order cook!

What did you find appealing about MPA during the interview process?
I really appreciate the efforts of MPA in supporting experiential learning, and supporting these efforts with the amazing maker space. I was very attracted to the ideas around collaboration and—as the mission states—of creating “a balance of academics, arts, and athletics” for the students so that these different aspects prepare you for self-growth, learning and engagement in community.

What’s your big dream? 
Contributing to equity and change in my community. I live just a few blocks from George Floyd square.

What are you (and/or your family) passionate about? 
I’m a life-long learner and really believe in supporting people of all ages begin and continue to see themselves as learners. I really appreciate the research and work of Carol Dweck on growth and fixed mindsets – that notion that everyone can learn and grow throughout your life.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know? 
I am an artist working with sculpture, photography, video, computer programming and most recently oil painting.

Chris Hopkins

Chris Hopkins
What position will you be holding at MPA?
Physical Education Teacher

From what school/organization are you coming?
Saint Agnes School

Tell us a little bit about your education and past experience.
I graduated with a Physical Education degree from SUNY Brockport and a Master’s Degree in General Professional Education from SUNY Potsdam. I have been teaching Physical Education for the last five years and taught college classes before that.

What did you find appealing about MPA during the interview process?
MPA is a diverse and inclusive community that I wanted to be a part of.

What’s your big dream? 
To be a Division One Basketball Coach (my wife is a Division One coach in cross country and track)

What are you (and/or your family) passionate about? 
We love heading to State Parks on the weekends, We love participating and watching sports.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know? 
This is my second stint at MPA, I coached track and field here from 2014 to 2016.

Sean RytherSean Ryther
What position will you be holding at MPA?
Physical Education/Health Teacher

From what school/organization are you coming?
Hilltop Primary School – Westonka Public Schools

Tell us a little bit about your education and past experience.
I have a Masters in Educational Leadership from the University of Northern Iowa and did my undergraduate studies at Minnesota State University, Mankato. I have 17 years of experience ranging from 10 years in Elk River, two years at an International School in South Korea, and five years at Hilltop Primary School. Prior to my formal teaching, I was Youth Development Coordinator for the YMCA. I was also an Activities Coordinator and Site Coordinator at the YWCA in Mankato. I have coached multiple sports allowing me to pour into students in their extracurricular activities.

What did you find appealing about MPA during the interview process?
The mission statement was discussed by every one of the committee members showing me that the mission isn’t something just on a website or a piece of paper. I had the opportunity to teach a lesson in front of the panel and showcase my passion. The chance to meet many different people allowed me to hear how great MPA was from others.

What’s your big dream?
My dream is that because of the interactions I had with other and the love I showed to others that their lives are truly changed for the better and they too can show that same kind of love to others.

What are you (and/or your family) passionate about?
I am passionate about family. Whether its riding bikes, building forts, playing board games, swimming, road tripping or just daily adventures, I love my time with my family. Fitness and being active is also a passion of mine.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
I swam in all the Great Lakes with three of my good friends in 16 hours and 26 minutes. Just one of my fun spontaneous adventures.

Liz SchwalenLiz Schwalen
What position will you be holding at MPA?
Upper School Learning Specialist

From what school/organization are you coming?
Totino-Grace High School

Tell us a little bit about your education and past experience.
I hold a Master’s in Special Education from Bethel University and a license in the area of Learning Disabilities. I have been serving a diverse population of students at Totino-Grace High School for 18 years. In addition, I bring with me a parent perspective as I personally have two children with dyslexia. I believe everyone is capable of learning; however, we learn in different ways. My commitment to my students is to challenge them by building on their strengths, encouraging them in a safe environment, and helping them become the best versions of themselves.

What did you find appealing about MPA during the interview process?
I was impressed by how comprehensive the interview process was, and I am grateful for the opportunity to explain in detail my skills, experiences, and traits within such a welcoming environment. The Administration and Search Committee were incredibly helpful and patiently answered all my questions. Even though I was a summer hire, I sensed the joy in learning and strong community connection through the Student Panel. I was touched that these students came to MPA on their summer break to connect with me.

What’s your big dream?
I dream of a time when all people can joyfully find their true selves and the world will adjust for the better.

What are you (and/or your family) passionate about?
I am passionate about spreading kindness, whether it be through a simple thank you, a listening ear, or in teaching my three kids to be friends to everyone. Some extracurriculars we enjoy doing as a family are messy art/science projects, biking, traveling, swimming, and soccer.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
I have been practicing yoga for over 18 years and hope to someday land a handstand.

Carlie ErdahlCarlie Erdahl
What position will you be holding at MPA?
Preschool Assistant Teacher

From what school/organization are you coming?

Tell us a little bit about your education and past experience.
I graduated from California State University Fullerton in 2017. While my major was in Cinema and Television Arts, spending the last six months working at MPA as a Lower School assistant has inspired me to pursue a Masters in Teaching beginning this fall. Outside of the academic setting, I work as a Girl’s soccer coach for Minneapolis United Soccer Club. Prior to moving back to Minnesota in 2020, I was a Technical Operations Assistant for CNN in Atlanta, Georgia.

What did you find appealing about MPA during the interview process?
From the minute you enter the building, it’s clear that MPA radiates joy, promotes passion for learning, and prioritizes acceptance for everyone. Perhaps the most inspiring part of the interview process was hearing the teachers talk about the preschool program and what it means to them. Their excitement and passion is contagious and further solidified my decision to pursue a career in education.

What’s your big dream?
Someday I hope to have my own classroom with my own collection of school supplies and teacher trinkets.

What are you (and/or your family) passionate about?
Sports are a major passion of mine. I’m a huge advocate for getting more girls into organized sports. As a soccer coach, I’m able to see their pride, excitement and confidence grow as they improve and master new skills. As a soccer player, being able to hold my own, work as a team and have fun is something that I hope to pass onto my students and my future children.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
I’ve been playing soccer since preschool! I played for high school, college and most recently a minor league team in Atlanta. I currently coach for Minneapolis United!

Genevievre ColianniGenevievre Colianni
What position will you be holding at MPA?
Third Grade teacher

From what school/organization are you coming?
St. John Paul II Catholic School

Tell us a little bit about your education and past experience.
I have a Bachelors in Architecture and Sociology from Connecticut College and an MAT in Childhood Education from Manhattanville College. Over the course of the past decade, I’ve honed my classroom teaching practice at multiple grade levels in various school settings. (That sounds very dry, but I promise I am fun!)

What did you find appealing about MPA during the interview process?
What I found most appealing about MPA during the interview process was that the community was so genuine and inviting. Each person I spoke with had something unique to share with me about MPA, but the underlying message was the same: “We are a family.”

What’s your big dream?
Not to sound cheesy, but I am living it. Teaching is one of my longtime joys and I am so looking forward to getting back to the classroom! As far a larger dreams dreams go, I hope to reduce carbon emissions.

What are you (and/or your family) passionate about?
In our family, we believe in the power of kindness, the magic in reading, and the wisdom nature holds.

What’s a fun fact about you that our community would love to know?
My husband and I just bought our first house! We are very much looking forward to making it ours, and enjoying the new backyard with our 9 month old daughter and Labrador puppy. Read More

A College Choice Day Unlike Any Other

Isak Dai '21by Dr. Bill Hudson, head of school

I remember sitting in the bleachers in the upper level of Jenison Fieldhouse at Michigan State University to witness the graduation of my father. At five years old, I had no appreciation for the sacrifice he and my mother made for that to happen. I didn’t know that my dad joined the Navy after high school to help support his family and that afterwards, he worked full time to put his younger brother and sister through college. I didn’t know that over the course of seven years he drove 80 miles round trip to attend classes at Michigan State all the while working a full-time job, leaving my mother to care for three small children. I didn’t know any of that, sitting in the bleachers that hot May afternoon in 1969. But I did know how important college was as I spotted my dad cross the stage to receive his diploma.

MPA seniors, together with the entire MPA community, will celebrate College Choice Day this coming Monday, May 10. Sporting their chosen college apparel, seniors will gather in and around the Upper School Commons to create their college pennants and feast on individually pre-packaged cookies and beverages. “This class has my heart,” says director of college counseling, Lisa Pederson. “The pandemic literally shut down campuses last spring break as many were arriving to tour campuses. They rebounded and conducted the rest of their college search almost entirely online, demonstrating an amazing degree of resilience, imagination, determination, optimism, and support of each other.” Read More

The MPA Spring Auction Is Tomorrow!

Spring Auction time is one of our favorites every year! We feel the excitement every day, from gathering donations from those within our very own community who want to share their time and talents, to the local businesses that have partnered with us for many years, to all of our new donors– the energy is palpable. With more than 200 items to bid on and a special Fund-A-Need, we are excited for you to participate in whatever way is right for you. You won’t want to miss out!  Because this is a virtual event, when you join our live Zoom program Friday evening at 6:30 PM, be ready for our very own MPA student co-emcees, some amazing guest speakers, and live performances that are sure to impress. This event is open to all whether near or far, so be sure to share an invite for this once-a-year fundraiser within your network of family and friends! The more the merrier as we build community to fund important needs for our students, faculty and staff, and incredible school. We can’t do what we are able to without your unbelievable support and the love we share for MPA.

Thank you,
The MPA Development Team

Meet Margaret Lee ’14

Margaret Lee HeadshotMargaret Lee ’14 works as a Production Assistant at The Film Posse, a documentary production company based in Middletown, CT. They are premiering a 2-hour program, American Oz, on PBS for the series American Experience on April 19, 2021 at 8PM CST.

What are you currently doing, professionally and/or personally?
I am currently working in the documentary production field. I live in New Haven, Connecticut, but will be moving to New York City in the next couple months to pursue other documentary film or TV work there.

How did you get there? Where did you attend college? Are there some career moves or other key experiences or relationships that have inspired you?
I attended Yale University, where I majored in Film & Media studies and graduated in 2019. I initially started the major intending to work in academia. My junior year, I took a screenwriting class which drew me to the more creative side of film. My screenwriting professor was a huge inspiration in choosing that path; he was extremely honest and blunt (something I was not used to as a Minnesotan!), but made each of his students feel like we mattered and that he only wanted us to be excellent, as he knew we could be. Taking four semesters of classes with him not only thickened my skin as a writer, but pushed me to rethink the ways in which stories could be told. This is why I pursue filmmaking and writing now. Read More

MPA Speech Named Section 4A Champions, 15 Students State-bound

MPA Speech Winning SectionsMounds Park Academy Speech is the Section 4A Champion and sending 15 students to State!

The team was named the overall section team champion, and eight students are individual champions. Congratulations, Panthers!

Advancing to state:
Sana Punjani-CHAMPION in Discussion
Charlotte Bergh-CHAMPION in Ex. Reading
Salmah Elmasry-CHAMPION in Ex Speaking
Isak Dai-CHAMPION in Great Speeches
Ryan Ghose-CHAMPION in Humorous
Emma Cohen-CHAMPION in Original Oratory
Livia Wooldridge-CHAMPION in Poetry
Anna Gaudio-CHAMPION in Prose
Kensi Binstadt-RUNNER UP in Discussion
Garrett Hollihan/Lilly Gasterland-Gustafsson-RUNNER UP in Duo
Hana Miller-RUNNER UP in Humorous
Pahwa Yang-RUNNER UP in Prose
Rohit Iyer-THIRD in Ex Speaking
Lucy Schwieger-THIRD in Poetry Read More

The Best Is Truly Yet To Come

choir singing for the first time on campus this yearby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I’m generally not a competitive person—unless it is a board game or cards. So much so that my family will no longer let me play Sorry or Uno with them. They say I turn aggressive and vindictive, like Inigo Montoya in the “Princess Bride,” intent on exacting vengeance on someone for having played a “Draw Four” card. Auctions bring out my competitive side as well, and I find myself throwing reason to the wind as I get caught up in a bidding war, much to the chagrin of my husband Ross. For the last several years, I’ve tried repeatedly to “win” a piece of artwork from alumni parent Heidi McKeown whose art I deeply admire and appreciate. Repeatedly, I fail. Fortunately, I will have another chance in just a few days.

Yes, it is that time of year with the annual MPA Spring Auction just a little more than a week away. On Friday, April 16, we will gather virtually from around the Twin Cities, the nation, and perhaps even the globe for our premier auction. More than just a fundraising event, the MPA Spring Auction is about celebrating our community, joining together to build relationships, and honoring every member of our community. There is so much to celebrate after a very trying and difficult year. A year ago, I promised that if we joined together and drew upon our MPA can-do spirit, we would emerge stronger and more resilient. As the end of the pandemic draws near and our school and society open up again, we know for certain that “The Best is Yet to Come.” Read More

The MPA Virtual Spring Auction Is Coming Up!

The MPA Virtual Spring Auction: The Best is Yet to Come is a fun-filled opportunity for the community to celebrate everything we’ve accomplished together this year, and all of the continued joy just around the corner. Register today > 

Get Your Golden Ticket Today!
Back by popular demand, we are thrilled to offer our Golden Ticket raffle again this year! Ticket holders purchase a 1 in 100 opportunity to win the Live Auction item of their choice. The drawing will be held during our live MPA Virtual Spring Auction: The Best is Yet to Come on Friday, April 16 at 6:30 PM. Purchase and win a dream package for just $150 per ticket. Thank you for your support!  Purchase your golden ticket >

Premier Auction Preview
If you purchase a Golden Ticket, you are entered to win the fabulous premier auction package of your choice! All other Premier Auction items will be available to bid and win beginning on April 16. Below are previews of two amazing packages that could be yours! Read More

Meet David Slade ’01

David Slade and familyWhat are you currently doing, professionally and/or personally?

I am currently an assistant professor of Infectious Diseases at Loyola University Medical Center in the Chicago area. The COVID-19 pandemic has been central to our efforts over this past year, and we have been working hard to stay abreast of the latest treatment options and infection control measures. I have a background in law and my academic interest is primarily in that of health care policy. My hobbies these days are cycling, running, learning Italian, and cooking.

How did you get there? Where did you attend college? Are there some career moves or other key experiences or relationships that have inspired you?

I attending college at the University of St. Thomas, and enrolled in the MD/JD program at Southern Illinois University after college. I’ve had the chance along the way to learn about many fascinating aspects of law, health policy, and bioethics. During training, I completed an internship at the National Institutes of Health in health policy which inspired me and has continued to define my career interests in this area. Read More

Registration For Spring Auction Bidding Is Open!

Registration for bidding is now open for the MPA Virtual Spring Auction: The Best is Yet to Come! Bidding opens on April 14. The Spring Auction is an annual, fun-filled opportunity for the community to celebrate everything we’ve accomplished together this year, and all of the continued joy just around the corner. Register today!

Don’t miss your chance to purchase a Golden Ticket! Back by popular demand, we are thrilled to offer our Golden Ticket raffle again this year! Ticket holders purchase a 1 in 100 opportunity to win the Live Auction item of their choice. The drawing will be held during our live MPA Virtual Spring Auction: The Best is Yet to Come on Friday, April 16 at 6:30 PM. Purchase and win a dream package for just $150 per ticket. Thank you for your support!

Finding Solace In A Challenging Week

a tree blooming on campusby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I’m particularly thankful to have our students back on campus this week. The positive energy radiating from their return has uplifted our entire community and helped us find joy in an otherwise tragic week of national headlines. From Atlanta, to Philadelphia, to Boulder, gun violence and hate have dominated the news and taken the lives of far too many, while altering the lives of countless more.

Though much is still being uncovered about each of these devastating events, I’d like to share my thoughts on the broader narrative that has emerged from the March 16 Atlanta area spa shootings. At the time of this writing, these shootings have not officially been designated a hate crime, but the fact that six of the eight victims were Asian Americans brings up an important point that all of us must reckon with: egged on by the dangerous, false ideals of white supremacy, anti-Asian hate is far more prevalent than many have previously acknowledged.

I’d like to pause here and affirm that MPA firmly stands with our Asian, Asian American, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander students, parents, alumni, and community members. We wholeheartedly condemn anti-Asian racism, hate, and violence in all forms. To our international students from China and South Korea, we value the experiences and perspectives that you bring to our community and we recognize the particular challenges you have faced throughout the pandemic. Read More