Help Make Dreams Come True By October 1

upper school track runnersIf you haven’t already, now is the time to support Together, We Dream: The Campaign For MPA. Help us reach the $5 million goal by October 1 so we can fully fund each priority and finish the campaign strong. Thank you!

“The endowment is important for future students to have the opportunity to access a welcoming environment of learning regardless of socioeconomic class. This is vital for all in the community.” – Nancy and Dominick Driano, current parents

“The outdoor track will show MPA’s dedication to sports as well as academics. Our alumni daughter participated in track and our alumni son participated in soccer. The fields and track are in desperate need of renovation.” – Dan and Elizabeth Esch, current parents Read More

Come Home To MPA

upper school students cheering during homecoming week spirit daysby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I am a sap when it comes to commercials around the holidays. I may be showing my age but some of you probably remember the Folgers Coffee commercial when the son surprises his mother by coming home from college unexpectedly, making a fresh pot of Folgers that awakens his mother. Tears, every time. There is something about coming home—feelings of love, safety, and acceptance—that stirs our emotions.

Our identities emerge in the midst of community, molded and shaped by our experiences. Our family, religious beliefs, neighborhoods, and schools are all important in introducing and reinforcing a shared set of values that nurture our identities. Schools in particular have a lasting impact not only on our academic development, but our social and emotional development in our most formative years. Read More

Happy Homecoming, Panthers!

fans line up for high fives at homecomingHomecoming 2019 is here! Did you see the Homecoming chalk art at the north and south entrances on Monday? Thank you to the Upper School Student Council for kicking off the week of festivities!

We have been dreaming, playing, and sharing all week. We hope you can come celebrate with us at the All-School Pep Rally on Friday at 2:20 PM in the Lansing Center.

Please also join us for a day of fun on Saturday! It will be a perfect fall day for catching up with friends, watching a game or match, grabbing a bite to eat, and warming your hands by the fire. Read More

An MPA Education In A Rapidly Changing World

middle schools students use design thinking to problem solveby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

This summer, I attended a meeting of independent school heads at Stanford University and spent a few days in the San Francisco Bay Area. My custom has been to visit with alumni when I travel and I had the opportunity to connect with David Siegel ’04. David is a techie, philosopher, and creative thinker. Blending his love of technology with a sensitivity to human flourishing, he is driven to understand how technology affects people. He recently launched his own start-up, Glide, which enables users to create an app that turns Google spreadsheets into beautiful, easy-to-use apps, without code.

During his years at MPA, David gravitated mostly toward Spanish, film, writing, and critical thinking. When I asked him what class or experience at MPA he attributes to his success, without hesitation he said, “photography class.” Through photography he learned perspective, empathy, problem-solving, and iteration, all necessary for innovation. When asked for his advice to MPA students he said, “Develop your own theories about problems that interest you, seek out people working on those problems, and explain your ideas to them. View professional challenges as opportunities for creative thinking and devise your own solutions to these problems, rather than succumbing to pressure to behave uniformly.” Read More

Hands-On Opportunities In The Makerspace

middle School students at work in the makerspaceThere are so many opportunities to get creative in the MPA Makerspace this year! We hope to see you bringing your ideas to life at the gatherings and events below.

Fiber Friends will meet every Friday from 11 AM-12:30 PM. This group of knitters, crocheters, seamstresses, and textile gurus is open to all faculty, staff, parents, alum, grandparents, and students. Beginners are always welcome! Upper and Middle School students may come in during their lunch and recess time.

Makerspace Mondays are open for Middle and Upper School students. They may use the Makerspace on Mondays for projects from 3-5 PM. There will be a clipboard to sign-in. If Middle School students are not picked up by 5 PM, they will go to Panther Club.

University of St. Thomas STEM Lunch Discussions occur once a month. Engineering students from UST will be on campus to share their inspiring stories and chat with students about careers in STEM related fields. Faculty and staff are invited to join in the discussion as well. The students will be on campus during the lunch hour on the following dates: October 10, November 7, December 5, February 13, March 5, April 2, and May 7.

Lower School STEAM club will begin in January and meet after school on Thursdays. We will have a winter and spring session. Registration will come out at the end of November.

MPA Maker Fest 2020 will take place on February 22 from 1-4 PM! This free, community event is the perfect place and time to showcase a project or hobby you are passionate about. All are welcome to host a table or attend. Last year we had students of all ages, parents, alumni, faculty and staff, and grandparents participate.

If you have items that you would like to donate or upcycle to the Makerspace, please drop them by anytime! We appreciate all objects to tinker with. There will be a bin outside the Makerspace for donated supplies. Please put your name on the donation or fill out a donation slip (located on the bin) and give it to the Development Office. Please do not donate any items that have been in contact with tree nuts, peanuts, or dairy.

Together, We Can Finish Strong By October 1

students with their teacher in the classroomTogether, We Dream: The Campaign for MPA is helping our school accomplish a number of key priorities. We’ve already witnessed the impact of our community’s generosity in our beautiful new Family Commons, and we will soon in our new library.

An additional key priority for the school is securing our future through a strong endowment. A strong endowment ensures our programs continue to be of the highest quality. It allows us to make an MPA education more accessible to more families. Your gift in support of our school’s endowment will leave a lasting impact in the following ways:

  • greater access to an MPA education through financial assistance;
  • enhanced classroom experiences for students through professional development opportunities for our faculty and staff; and
  • supported learning beyond the classroom through experiential education, travel, and enhanced curricular opportunities.

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Homecoming 2019: Dream. Play. Share.

homecoming 2018 soccer playersCome dream, play, and share with us at Homecoming 2019! Students will be celebrating on campus the week of September 23. Families, please join us for the annual Homecoming Pep Rally at 2:20 PM on Friday, September 27 in the Lansing Sports Center.

Saturday, September 28 features a day full of Homecoming activities on and off campus for every member of the community! Check out the full week’s schedule of events in the Homecoming brochure mailed to your home or follow this link.

Sign up to volunteer at MPA’s Homecoming 2019! We need your support to make this exciting event succeed. This fun-filled celebration has so many activities going on including fun runs, inflatables, lawn games, athletic competitions, alumni events, and much more. This incredible weekend for every member of our community would not be possible without the generosity of volunteers who give of their time on Saturday, September 28. If you have an hour or two to spare, volunteering is a great way to get involved with the event and MPA! Click here to sign up. Read More

Seeing The Library Of Our Dreams Come True

A&P measuring the library rugThanks to the generosity of hundreds of MPA families and supporters, Together, We Dream: The Campaign For MPA is making a big impact in our new commons, cafeteria, and kitchen and will very soon in our brand new library. Construction is progressing on schedule and we hope to unveil some sneak peeks soon of this beautiful new space.

On Tuesday, Conan Young, the construction supervisor who has overseen our projects with A&P Construction, got out his measuring tape during Ms. Lage’s reading circle to make sure there will be plenty of space for classes to circle up and hear a great book in the new Lower School library area. There will be many special features including flexible seating, quiet study spaces, collaborative areas, and a beautiful fireside seating area for students and groups to gather. Ms. Lage, MPA’s librarian shares, “The new space is being designed with many of the crucial 21st century skills in mind–critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration–that will enable students to co-create new knowledge, not simply be passive consumers of existing information.” Read More

Priority Report: Enhancing Social Environments

Together, We Dream is a unique philanthropic campaign supporting several key milestones with four distinct priorities. The first of these priorities was the completion of our school’s commons, cafeteria, and kitchen which students, faculty and staff, and community members are already enjoying. Thanks to your generosity, we are excited to share with you the impact of these new spaces. In the coming months, we will be sharing additional stories of impact and how Together, We Dream is helping to enhance social environments, create new learning spaces, secure our future, and advance athletics and Panther pride. On behalf of students, faculty, and staff, thank you.

The spaces we share matter. It’s where memories are created, learning is fostered, and our community is built.

“My son Henry LOVES the upgraded booth seating in his new cafeteria! Sitting at a booth for lunch was one of the highlights of his first day of school. He shared with me that he feels ‘lucky’ to have such a nice space for lunch,” said Suzanne Schwartz, MPA Parent. Read More

Connect With The MPA Parents Of Alumni

POA summer gatheringThe MPA Parents of Alumni (POA) organization has been active since 2011. A group of parents wanted to stay connected to the friends they had made through the years their children were at MPA. Eight years later, the POA has a few annual traditions established with opportunities to add more events throughout each school year. The events are varied and invitations are issued through the MPA Development Office. The POA follows a flexible strategy that focuses our social events between May and November when parents of alumni are likely more available. The MPA POA Executive Board consists of Mary Jo Thrane, Jeanne Danaher, Chris Levesque, Amanda Campbell, Carey Ide, and Karla Myers. Each are members of the POA with alum from the graduating classes 2009–2018.

Recent Social Event
A few months ago, over 65 POA members gathered at the home of Peter and Mary Jo Thrane. The POA Summer Social and Annual Meeting is, “one of our favorite POA events,” said Mary Jo Thrane, current POA President. “Parents attended whose kids had graduated a decade ago, along with those whose students were in the class of 2019.” Events like the Summer Social are a wonderful time to connect with the incredible MPA community of parents. Read More