Pa Chia Thao ’13 Speaks At Booyah Bash 2019

Pa Chia Thao '13 speaking at the Booyah Bash galaMPA alum Pa Chia Thao ’13 was a featured speaker at this year’s Breakthrough Twin Cities annual gala, the Booyah Bash. Pa Chia is a Mount Holyoke College Class of 2017 alumna majoring in astronomy and physics. She shared about the impact of Breakthrough Twin Cities and Mounds Park Academy during her remarks.

This fall, Pa Chia will be pursuing a Ph.D. in Astrophysics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, and a Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Scholar. Her current research is in understanding how planets beyond our own solar system formed and evolved throughout their lifetime. Congrats to Pa Chia as she continues to make an impact on the world through her studies and research! Read Pa Chia’s full speech here.

Class of 2019: Aneesh Syal, North Oaks

Aneesh SyalAs the 2018–19 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2019!

In what grade did you come to MPA? 
I came to MPA in Kindergarten. My sister was in third grade when I enrolled, so my family was familiar with the school. My parents wanted to provide me an education that they never had the opportunity to have, a place where both intellect and character and valued and developed equally.

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
After touring numerous colleges, Washington University in St. Louis remained on my mind for many months. I enjoyed the resources of the institution, the strong emphasis on science and humanities. However, what ended up causing me to apply Early Decision to WashU were the people. I visited the college twice and the students were incredibly kind and reminded me of MPA students. I remember talking to one current student, and she said that everyone here works together because we acknowledge that collaboration fosters stronger solutions. Read More

Thank You For Your Impact And Support

MPA parents and board members at the auction Thank you to our entire community for helping to make the 2019 Spring Auction – Once Upon a Time a big success. Together, current parents, alumni families, grandparents, faculty and staff, and friends raised a grand total of $200,584!

Our community also ensured that this year’s Fund A Need project, Together We Dream of High Tech Spaces, was fully funded. By raising their paddles and generously supporting the Fund A Need, MPA will be able to provide the best technology and tools in our newly renovated commons and library next year. Thank you to everyone who donated to this very special project. Read More

Carrying On The MPA Tradition Of Excellence

Ms. Rossbach's group hug at the lower school art and music showby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

It is hard to put into words how I feel about coming to school each day. I am incredibly fortunate to work with amazing people who inspire me by their professionalism and by their character. They are kind and caring people who love their area of expertise, their craft, and most certainly, the children they teach. MPA English teachers indeed love literature, but they also love engaging students in the exploration of the most fundamental questions about humanity and meaning. Our math teachers undoubtedly enjoy the intricacies of the relationships of numbers, but they also love awakening the curiosity and problem-solving abilities of their students. The very best teachers do not teach math, or science, or art. They teach students.

Whether by retirement or life changes, we will say goodbye to several of these remarkable MPA educators in a few short weeks. Most of us have left jobs behind because we were dissatisfied with working conditions, or because we were bored or underappreciated. Rather than leave MPA behind, these educators move toward new chapters in their lives. While it is difficult to bid farewell to them, I do so with gratitude for the mark they have had on this community and with joy for what lies ahead of them.

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Class of 2019: Henry Peterson, Stillwater

Henry PetersonAs the 2018–19 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2019!

In what grade did you come to MPA?
I came to MPA in third grade.

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
I grew up knowing I wanted to attend a small college. Both of my parents attended liberal arts colleges for their undergraduate education and loved it. Looking for a liberal arts college with nice weather narrowed my field of options drastically, and Pomona was the first college where I felt at home during my visit—it became my first choice very quickly.

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?
I am most excited to live away from home, meet new people with different backgrounds from my own, and learn about topics I haven’t yet had the opportunity to study in an academic setting.

What did you appreciate most about the college counseling process at MPA?
As I reflect on my college process, I believe my letters of recommendation may have been the strongest part of my applications. And although I will never read them, they represent what I’m most grateful for: my teachers taking the time to form meaningful relationships with me and my classmates throughout my time at MPA. As I meet more people who are going through the college process, I’ve realized the many benefits of strong student-teacher relationships (including the help they provide during the college application process). Read More

See You Saturday At The Spring Auction!

Auction volunteers hard at workOur volunteers are hard at work putting the finishing touches on the 2019 Spring Auction—Once Upon a Time! It’s not too late to get your tickets to this fun, entertaining, and important event in support of MPA. We’re so thankful for all of the hours that so many of our MPA community members have put in to make this year’s event our best yet.

We have silent auction items with starting bids as low as $35! You may preview them here. In addition, you’ll find mystery boxes, a wine toss where you’re sure to be a winner, a game of heads or tails with a cash prize, incredible live auction packages, a live band, and great food—what more could you want for a fun night out?! Perhaps most importantly, we want to build community and raise funds in support of our teachers and students in the classroom.

Contact us with questions and grab your tickets before it’s too late!

A special thank you to Lisa Vale for the progress photo above! Pictured: Reese Manger, Sarah McFarland, Renee Roach, Jen MacDonald, Billi Jo Aamodt. Volunteers not pictured: Jen Holloway, Amanda Platson, Sally Richie, Lisa Vale, Christi Zweig.

Class of 2019: Julia Portis, North Oaks

Julia PortisAs the 2018–19 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2019!

In what grade did you come to MPA?
I came to MPA in first grade. My sister, who is three years older than me, was enrolled at the time. My parents loved the community so much, and they were so excited for us both to go here. I am so happy that I came to MPA. I am so lucky to have had the wonderful and immersive education that Mounds Park Academy offers all of its students.

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
I didn’t really know what I wanted to pursue until the end of my junior year. My first exposure to college was my sister’s experience. She looked at small liberal arts colleges across the country. As I traveled with her, I began to see myself at similar schools. After deciding that I wanted to study business, my list of schools began to narrow. Babson College was the first business school I ever visited. The community was infectious, and my first impression never seemed to escape me. After attending MPA for 12 years, I have a firm grasp on the benefits of a small community. Similar to MPA, Babson emphasizes the importance of collaboration, innovation, problem-solving, and critical thinking. I’m so excited to join the community in the fall!

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?
I am excited for the things I will learn in college, as well as the experiences that will mold me into the person I will become in the future. There is so much I have yet to figure out. I am excited to take risks, challenge myself, and hopefully fail a couple times. Yes, fail. The way I see it, there is so much learning and thinking that comes from failed ventures.
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Class of 2019: Rayaan Ahmed, Fridley

Rayaan AhmedAs the 2018-19 school year comes to an end, we’re sharing the college choice stories of several members of the Class of 2019!

In what grade did you come to MPA?
I came to MPA in ninth grade.

How did you come to choose the college that you did?
I chose The George Washington University, because they combine academics with service. By fostering leaders through their positive environment and providing students with world class internships. I know my love for politics and international affairs will only grow in D.C.

What are you most excited about as you embark on your college experience?
My university is located in a city unlike any other, and so I am able to gain a well-rounded education not just in a classroom setting. The whole city is the classroom; I emerge not just with a diploma, but with experiences that could only happen at GW. I am excited for the internship opportunities, visiting amazing museums, and the ability to take long walks in the National Mall.
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MPA Inspires Me

middle school boys high fivingby Jenn Milam, Ph.D., Middle School Director

Editor’s Note: On the first Thursday of each month, you will find a guest Head’s Message here from one of MPA’s division directors. We hope you enjoy reading their thoughts and reflections about life at MPA.

It seems almost unbelievable that as you read this, we have just 21 days of school left before we depart for sunnier days, fewer lunches to pack, and more time to explore this great big world around us. For me, it seems even more unreal that just a few days from now my family and I will have been here for only nine months. As one of the newest members of the MPA family, I often get asked “What’s been the best thing about coming to MPA?” And depending on the day, sometimes the time of day, that answer varies—I do work with middle schoolers, after all! The one thing I always return to, though, is that it is easy to acclimate to goodness here because there is so much of it. I am grateful for my newness to the community because it has allowed me the privilege and joy to see the good, first hand, with a fresh set of eyes.

This week, I want to share with you, our MPA community, my top 10 list of things that have inspired me this year—the top 10 reasons why I am so happy to call MPA my home, to have my own children at MPA, and to serve your children. Read More

Did We Reach $4 million?

students prek-12 are excited for their new library!by Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

Yesterday was one of my favorite days of the school year thus far. Sam King, a sixth grader, was the head of school for the day. Sam helped our leadership team make an important decision, advocated for an extra jeans day for faculty and staff, and helped me select light fixtures for our new cafeteria. It’s safe to say it was a special day for Sam … and for me!

While I watched Sam soak in all of these new experiences, I was thinking about the very important milestone we had on the horizon for Together, We Dream: The Campaign for MPA. As you probably know, we set a very ambitious goal to make sure Sam and all of our MPA students, staff, and community members could enjoy a new library as soon as possible, in addition to the new commons, cafeteria, and kitchen they will find when they return to school in the fall. Read More