Preview The Live Auction!

Win the Orlando trip at the spring auctionOne of the most exciting parts of our Spring Auction fundraiser and community-building event is the exciting lineup of live auction items that have been generously donated by our community! Here is a sneak preview of just a few of the amazing items we’ll have up for bid next Saturday, May 11. Get your tickets or sponsorship secured today to be a part of this wonderful event to support MPA teachers and students!

Below are three of our eight exciting live auction packages including an Orlando Magic Vacation over MEA weekend donated by Michael and Lisa Vale, a trip to the American Music Awards ceremony donated by the MPA Board of Trustees, and a spring break trip to Puerta Vallarta donated by Bryce and Emily Binstadt! Read More

I Know We Can

Thomas smiling with his donation to Together, We Dreamby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School 

One of my favorite childhood stories was “The Little Engine That Could.” I remember my father reading the book to me when I was a child, telling me that no matter the obstacles that I face in life, if I work hard and believe in myself, I can do anything. His words have inspired and comforted me throughout my childhood and adult life. Whether it was earning a canoeing merit badge on a windy day as a teen, surviving finals week in college, or writing my doctoral dissertation, I have found the reserve to know that I will be able to persevere and ultimately succeed. It wouldn’t have been unusual, even up to his death, for my dad to send me a note with no words but instead a simple drawing of a train making its way uphill.

I have the same confidence today that together we will meet our goal of $4 million by the very important deadline of May 1 so that we can continue with Together, We Dream: The Campaign for MPA projects. While we have met our goal to fully fund the new cafeteria and kitchen, we are just shy of the amount needed to build the new library. If we do not reach $4 million by May 1—if we do not act now—the library construction phase of the campaign will not be able to start this summer, and costs will increase. From the beginning, our intent was to fully fund these two important projects without risking our short-term and long-term financial sustainability and reaching this milestone will help ensure that. Read More

Join Us For The Annual Retirement Celebration

karen Rossbach teaching lower school artWe are celebrating three long-time faculty and staff members as they retire at the end of this school year. Please join us in showing your appreciation for Karen Rossbach, Dave McGaha, and Laurie Foss, by attending the annual Retirement Celebration on Thursday, May 30 from 4-7 PM at Keller Golf Course. An invitation will follow. Mounds Park Academy extends its sincere gratitude for all they have done for our students and community.

“It sounds so cliché, but I will miss the people the most. I could have never imagined working with people who were so supportive and philosophically on the same page about education. And the children brought me so much joy each day,” says Karen. Read More

A Momentous Day For Our Alumni Community

MPA alumni board membersby Jennifer Rogers-Petitt, Director of Development and Community Engagement

Tuesday, April 9 was a momentous day for our MPA alumni community! Our school’s dedicated alumni and parents of alumni joined together to meet the 2019 Alumni Challenge by giving more than $92,000 in support of MPA. This total exceeded the $75,000 goal for this annual day of giving.

Alumni and their parents were given the chance to give for now by supporting the MPA Fund, to give for the future by supporting Together, We Dream, or both! This was a record year for the Alumni Challenge and 139 generous donors from our alumni community made this possible. Thank you to all of the MPA grads and their families who joined in to pay it forward to support MPA students now and in the future. Read More

MPA Is Seeking Host Families

Sarah McFarland talking to an international studentDo you have room to spare? Space in your heart for another family member? A desire to expand your family’s perspective of the world? MPA is seeking host families for several international students for the 2019-20 school year.

Our new students this year are finding great success, experiencing near-daily “firsts,” and loving their MPA journey. Between the adults in their school and home lives, our students feel supported, nurtured, and loved while living so far from their families. This is vital to their success and the strongest testament to everything our MPA host families and staff do to care for our international students.

We would love it if you and your family considered hosting an international student for next school year. As you and your family consider hosting, some logistical questions may arise. The information below is by no means an exhaustive list, but it may answer some of the initial questions you have and prompt additions ones as well:

  • Host families are responsible for providing transportation to and from school and school-related activities.
  • Host families are responsible for providing transportation to and from the airport when the student travels.
  • Host families will work with their student in scheduling rides for social events.
  • A 10-month stipend of $9,000 will be directly deposited in equal installments of $900/month on the first of each month for the previous month, September through June.
  • An early installment of $500 will be deposited on August 1 in preparation of your student’s arrival; the remaining $400 will be deposited on September 1.
  • The daily stipend rate of $30/day will be taken from and disbursed to host families who are providing respite care for a student, as needed.
  • All international students will receive the MPA school lunch. Host families and students do not need to pack lunches.
  • Host families are responsible for providing two meals on all weekdays and three meals on all weekend days.
  • New-to-MPA students are being asked to arrive over the weekend of August 17-18, 2019.
  • New students will have New International Student Orientation on August 20-23.
  • Returning MPA students will probably arrive on/near August 26, preparing for the first day of school on August 28.

By hosting an international student, you and your family have a unique opportunity to bring the language, culture, and perspective of another country into your home, allowing for a truly rich, intercultural experience. The students will love to share their lives with you while becoming a part of your family, exploring Minnesota, and enjoying MPA student life all at the same time.

We hope you’ll consider opening your hearts and homes to one of our international students. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sarah McFarland, International Student Program Coordinator and Advanced Language & Culture Teacher, at or 651-777-2555.

Click here to fill out a Host Family Application, and here for more information. Thank you so much for considering!

From the Board’s Perspective: Sharing MPA

Students posing togetherby Beth Finch, Parent of Alumni, Current Parent, Trustee

As someone who has spent the past 20 years in education from starting a school to working to close the achievement gap in underserved neighborhoods, I am somewhat of an education fanatic. I have travelled the country observing the impact of high performing schools. I understand the importance of quality programming, strong teachers, and a talented leader to successfully operate and deliver great outcomes for kids.

When exploring Mounds Park Academy for our three children nearly 11 years ago, expectedly, my school evaluation rubric was activated. With our youngest graduating next year, I now reflect on how fortunate we have been to call MPA home.

Through the years, I have looked for opportunities to share our love for MPA with others. When we approached our neighbors, Sally Doherty and Karen Weiss, about considering MPA, there was no hesitancy in affirming our MPA allegiance. However, Sally had worked closely with a local superintendent providing pro bono financial and general management assistance. She asked all the right questions and had her own very thorough questions and process. Karen and Sally engaged with Dr. Hudson and the leadership team to come to their own unique reasons for choosing MPA—but that all began with our recommendation.

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Karli McGill ’03 Plays in Coaches vs Cancer

Karli McGill Karli McGill ’03 was selected to play in the Coaches vs Cancer NCAA basketball game this past weekend! The game was hosted by the American Cancer Society, and is for cancer survivors, caregivers, researchers, and healthcare providers. The game was held at the US Bank Stadium with two retired NCAA coaches, Jim Calhoun and Bo Ryan.

When she played basketball for MPA her number was 13, so she chose that number for the game. Congratulations Karli on a game well played! To watch a video of the event, click here.

Today Brings The Annual Alumni Challenge!

Alumni challenge logoToday, April 9, 2019, we are challenging you, our alumni and parents of alumni, to show your support for MPA by raising $75,000 and making a difference in both of these critical ways:

  • Your gift to the MPA Fund covers the gap between tuition and other revenue and the daily operational needs of our school. These gifts provide the foundation for continued support of our outstanding faculty, curriculum, and students. Help to give the gift of an MPA education to more students today.
  • Your gift to Together, We Dream includes four specific projects that cannot be supported through annual giving or operations. We need your help to improve our facilities and grow our school’s endowment to support the future of MPA.

We are asking you to give for now, through an annual gift to the MPA Fund, and to give for the future, in support of Together, We Dream: The Campaign for MPA. One gift in can help us to accomplish these two important goals. This is an important year in the life of our school and we call on our alumni and parents of alumni to help our students’ dreams come true.

Every gift matters, in any amount—your participation is so important to the future of our school and very much appreciated. Thank you for your support of the Mounds Park Academy students of today and of tomorrow! click here to make a gift >

And follow along on the Alumni Association Facebook page for progress updates throughout the day!

Contact Jennifer Rogers-Petitt, director of development and community engagement, at or 651-748-5532 with any questions or to discuss your gift.

Creating The Future

Nick, Andrew, and Alex LarsonA Message From MPA’s Board Of Trustees 

by Matthew Larson, MPA Parent, Board Treasurer, Board Chair-Elect

MPA’s faculty and staff are creating and nurturing our children’s dreams and providing the skills and mindsets it will take to fulfill them every day. Our school’s mission is held in deep regard and is sincerely felt throughout its classrooms and hallways. The future spaces and opportunities that Together, We Dream will create will be game changing for our students, faculty, staff, and entire MPA community. If I may speak on behalf of the MPA Board of Trustees, we believe Abraham Lincoln said it well: “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Read More

Career Speakers Needed & Appreciated

High school students in classWe are seeking volunteers to speak with our Upper School students to share information about their jobs, and the stories of their career preparation and paths. MPA 10th graders recently completed Myers-Briggs assessments to tie in with their current general career interests. Next we hope to give them the chance to hear from people in fields that might hold interest for them. While all students in the Upper School are invited to participate, 10th graders will be attending as a required part of their advisory program.

Our first event is scheduled for Wednesday, April 17, 11:30 AM-12:10 PM (taking advantage of lunch/advisory meeting time). However, we envision expanding this program in the future, so even if you can’t participate on this date, please let us know of your interest and we will keep you posted on further developments and opportunities to be involved.

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