Alumni Challenge Run On October 13

Running on MPA's trackMike Velin ’06 is making good on his class challenge and running the Historic Riverfront 5k in the Panther Suit on October 13! We are inviting the whole community to join him to make this a truly MPA event. Sign up here and send your confirmation and shirt size to and you will receive a limited edition MPA Panther Run t-shirt at the run!

Homecoming and Reunion Weekend 2018

Nick and Matt GuiangThere are so many alumni and community events during Homecoming and Reunion Weekend starting on Friday afternoon with a Pep Rally at 2:20 PM in the Lansing Center and then the All Alumni Happy Hour at 6 PM at Tin Whiskers in Lowertown, Saint Paul. Catch up with teachers and fellow alums while being treated to appetizers and a drink on us!

On Saturday, come to campus for a tour of the school with Head of School, Dr. Bill Hudson, a chance to cheer on your alma mater, and plenty of fun for kids of all ages. At 6 PM, the classes of 1988, 1989, 1998, 1999, 2008, and 2009 are invited to their Milestone Reunion at Urban Growler Brewing in St Paul. Congratulations to those classes! Don’t miss this fun event at an exceptional venue!

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Making An Impact

Second Grade classPhilanthropic support ensures that MPA remains at the cutting edge of education. Gifts of every size are essential for MPA to reach new heights. The whole community is invited to come together and participate in the Fall Campaign and to attend our only fundraising event of the year, the Spring Auction. There are many opportunities throughout the year to get involved and make a difference!

Gifts to the MPA Fund help:

  • Recruit and retain the best-in-class educators
Secure classroom resources and equipment including technology
  • Provide tuition assistance to deserving students
  • Maintain the safety and beauty of our 32-acre campus
  • Provide experiential learning opportunities for all students

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Young Alums Say Hello: Aniket Naravane ’14

Aniket Naravane '14Dear MPA,

I recently graduated from Georgetown University with a dual-degree in finance and international business and political economy. While a student there, I served as a tour guide, micro finance loan of officer, and was on the board of directors for the largest student-led business in the country. I completed an internship as an investment banking analyst last summer and I am now working as a financial consultant in New York City, focusing on anti-money laundering. MPA has certainly laid the foundation for the success I’ve enjoyed thus far, due in large part to both the rigorous academics and the variety of extra- curricular activities offered.

Hope to be back soon and go Panthers!
Aniket Naravane

Young Alums Say Hello: Isaac Esch ’17

Hey, MPA!

In May I finished my freshman year at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where I am majoring in international business and finance. This summer, I’ve been fortunate enough to be an English tutor at an Italian summer camp. Throughout this experience, I’ve also taken a couple of awesome trips. One weekend I visited Lithuania and Latvia to hear the Dalai Lama speak. Another weekend I traveled to Spain to participate in the Running of the Bulls. As I encounter different cultures, I keep in mind all that I learned at MPA. I try to stay open- minded and learn as much as I can from others.

Go Panthers!

Isaac Esch

Young Alums Say Hello: Haley Finch ’14

Haley finch '14Dear MPA,

Say hellooo to your 2018 Texas Christian University graduate, where I studied strategic communication 
and Spanish. I’m currently in New York City, where I’m interning at Fallon ad agency as a copywriter. I’m working on Lime-a-Rita, Huawei, and many other accounts. Every day, I do something new. Whether it’s writing scripts for TV spots or thinking of
big ideas for new clients, there is always something
to be done. Interestingly enough, in high school I hated writing. If it wasn’t for Ms. Sommer’s dedication to me, I never would’ve pursued copywriting. I’m grateful 
for MPA pushing me and opening doors to my future.


Haley Finch

Welcome To The Family

Enjoy these extended profiles of the amazing faculty and staff joining our community in the 2018-19 school year!

Ms. Castellanos

Ms. Martha Castellanos

What position will you be holding? Interim K-4 Spanish teacher
Tell us a little bit about your educational background. Elementary Education and Spanish Teacher Media and Library Specialist
What school/organization are you coming from? Singapore American School, Breck School and Anthony Middle School in Minneapolis
What did you find appealing about MPA? It feels great to return to the program I created years ago.
What are you most looking forward to this school year? To instill the love for learning Spanish and my culture to my students.
Any interesting facts about yourself or your family you would like to share? Our family loves to travel in order to learn, appreciate, and connect with peoples from other cultures.

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Meet Kate Thrane ’16

Kate Thrane '16What are you currently doing, professionally and/or personally? I am spending this summer in Washington D.C. working as an intern in Minnesota Congressman Erik Paulsen’s office. I’m learning so much about government and democracy. My responsibilities include answering constituent phone calls, running errands, attending hearings, writing memos, and giving tours of the Capitol. Through my internship, I’ve been able to attend events at the FBI, “The Washington Post,” and the White House. One of my favorite parts is seeing people who are on the news (or in the news) in person!

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Helping People Reach Their Dreams

Ross and LaurenRoss Kigner ’08 Is Helping People Reach Their Dreams

After graduating from MPA in 2008, I continued my academic and athletic careers at the University of Minneosta-Morris, graduating in 2012. Following graduation, I resumed my direct support professional work for New Directions, Inc., while preparing for my first year coaching football at Roseville Area High School. New Directions, Inc. is a family-run organization that provides support for adults with disabilities. Our purpose is to assist and support individuals in forming and achieving a life of their own choosing; that they may have personal well-being, satisfying personal relationships, participation in community life and engagement in preferred pursuits in their home and community. I gradually increased my responsibilities at New Directions including expense management, team management, and property management. Time has flown by, but I love my work because of the reward that comes with helping people reach their dreams.

The major hurdles we face at New Directions include staffing and providing the same support with decreased funding from the government. In my leadership role, I don’t have as many hands-on opportunities with the people we support as I once did, as my focus has shifted to big-picture topics centered around upholding the standard of support our organization has provided since 1981.

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Meet Morgan Emmans ’15

Morgan Emmans '15 and Siri S.What are you currently doing, professionally and/or personally?

Currently I am attending St. Cloud State University, where I am majoring in Elementary Education and minoring in Human Relations. I am a member and captain of the softball team at St. Cloud State. This fall, I will be entering my senior year at St. Cloud State. Over the summer, I am coaching the 12U Silver Bullets softball team, and ironically, MPA student, Siri S. is one of my players.

How did you get there? Are there some career moves or other key experiences or relationships that have inspired you?

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