Meet Erik Sand ’03

Alum on campus in front of plantPh.D. student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joanne Olson 13-Year Club Member

What do you love about MPA?
Academic rigor isn’t the only thing that matters. MPA is an environment that is infused with values like acceptance, respect, and tolerance. I know this emphasis is not found at all schools and it helped shape who I am today.

How were you encouraged to dream big and do right at MPA?
I served our country in active duty with the Navy for eight years, completed my undergraduate degree at Harvard University, and am currently a Ph.D. student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology studying political science and international relations. All of the important skills I needed for graduate school, I learned in 10th grade at MPA. I was taught how to teach myself and to learn for the sake of learning.

What would you tell a parent considering MPA?
I was at MPA for 13 years and familiarity is something humans value tremendously. But for me, it’s more than just that. MPA will become part of who your child is. Read More

Get Your Love Your Melon and MPA Hat

Girls in Love Your Melon hatsMPA alum Zach Quinn ’11 co-founded Love Your Melon and is making an incredible difference in the lives of children and families battling cancer. He is one of many dreamers and doers who have passed through the halls of MPA.

If you weren’t able to get your Love Your Melon hat at Homecoming, no fear! Several pop up shops are being planned until the hats sell out! On each of the following dates, hats will be available for purchase before school in the Lansing Lobby and after school at the South Entrance: October 31,
November 21, and December 19. In addition, they will be available at the Pancake Breakfast on December 6.

Nourishing Since 1982

Group of alumni at eventby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I hope that you were caught up in the wave of school spirit last week during Homecoming. It was a fantastic week as students, parents, and alumni “came back” to celebrate the special place that MPA holds in their hearts. Newly retired athletic director Joe Kordosky remarked that the turnout for Saturday’s events was the largest he could remember. As I moved from event to event, I reveled in the strong school spirit and morale.

We had a wonderful showing of alumni for a happy hour Friday night and a more formal reunion on Saturday evening. Several alums participated in a tour of the school that I led on Saturday morning. Interacting with alumni is an aspect of my job that I really enjoy. You’ve probably come to know that I love to hear people’s stories. It is particularly rewarding to listen to the stories that alumni tell about the influence MPA has had on their lives. Many say that it was, in fact, “life-changing.” For instance: Read More

Welcome Matt Magers to MPA

Matt Magers will begin this Thursday, September 21 as MPA’s Director of Development. Magers is an experienced development professional, having spent time in a variety of settings, including at the independent school and higher education levels. His most relevant and recent experience includes serving Stevenson School, an independent PreK-12 boarding and day school in California, and the University of Minnesota. “Matt’s warm, engaging, collaborative personality and high degree of personal integrity is a wonderful fit for the MPA community,” said Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School.

“The MPA experience leaves a significant positive impact on the lives of young people and their families that lasts a lifetime. I am both thrilled and humbled to step into a leadership role where I will have the privilege of sharing my 22 years of experience in philanthropy, nonprofits, and education to ensure that continues,” said Magers.

Matt possesses the ability to help simultaneously continue the implementation of our Strategic Development Plan and take it to the next level. “I have great confidence that under Matt’s leadership, we will continue the fantastic momentum we are experiencing in building a culture of philanthropy and raising the much-needed funds to meet the current and emerging needs of our students,” said Hudson.

“Dream Big. Do Right. The first time I read that, it jumped out at me unlike anything in recent memory. MPA is an educational community that many only dream about and how fortunate are we all to be part of it. I look forward to advancing its mission and ensuring that we each do our part to secure its future for generations to come. The future needs more dreamers and doers like the ones MPA is cultivating,” shared Magers.

Alumni In The News

Erik Sand ’08
Check out this feature on Erik Sand ’08 as he pursues his PhD at MIT. Investigating the dynamics of war and peace, Erik Sand brings a perspective shaped by eight years of service in the U.S. Navy to his doctoral studies. read the article >

Mason Ferlic ’11
MPA alum Mason Ferlic ’11 was selected as the USATF Minnesota August Athlete of the Month! Congratulations Mason! read the article >

Hello From Rex Hendrickson ’11

Former student in gymAfter my many years at MPA, I went to the University of Denver (DU). I attended for two years before studying abroad at Semester at Sea for the fall of 2013—my junior year. At DU, I focused on business/economic classes as well as a blend of writing, French and music (thanks to MPA).

Semester at Sea was an excellent study abroad program that I would recommend it to every student researcher—it is a semester aboard a ship, traveling from port to port, learning about the global communication system, vastly diverse cultures and applying hands on experience you wouldn’t normally receive in a classroom setting. My semester circumnavigated the Atlantic Ocean, traveling south across Europe and Africa, moving west to South America and finally landing north in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. A whopping 15 countries and 4 continents in a semester’s time made it truly a once in a lifetime study abroad opportunity—something I hold dear to my heart.

Read More

Times Square Panther Challenge

Times Square StreetLast March, during the Alumni Challenge, James Cordon ’97 challenged his class to reach a 25 percent participation rate, promising to run through Times Square in the MPA Panther suit if they hit that goal.

Well, get ready for the Panther to hit the Big Apple! We’re holding James to his promise and hope that you can join us for the big event on Thursday, September 28! Join us to watch James make the run through Times Square or come for the happy hour event at Tonic West at 6 PM afterward!

Connect On LinkedIn!

Mounds Park AcademyJoin our conversations! The purpose of all of MPA’s social media accounts is to connect the entire community including alumni, faculty and staff, parents, students, and friends of MPA. LinkedIn, specifically, is the social media tool that benefits everyone in the Mounds Park Academy network, from faculty to parents to young alums.

The MPA LinkedIn page and MPA Connections group are resources for professional development and career opportunities, a place to participate in discussion topics, and find information on MPA and local events. The MPA page is primarily used for social sharing. This is where we can share public updates with our followers and where they can find MPA updates and information. Only followers will get updates in their newsfeed! The MPA Connections group, in contrast, allows members to share content, start conversations, post and view jobs, grow your network and stay in touch.

We hope you will join in and enjoy connecting! Your participation and presence will make this presence beneficial to all.

Volunteer At Homecoming!

Volunteers at HomecomingWe need your support to make all of this fun happen again! Sign up to volunteer at MPA’s Homecoming 2017! This fun-filled weekend has so many activities going on including fun runs, bounce houses, athletic competitions, alumni events, and much more.

This incredible weekend for every member of our community would not be possible without the generosity of volunteers who give of their time on Saturday, September 23. If you have an hour or two to spare, volunteering is a great way to get involved with the event and MPA!

Thank you in advance for your time! If you have any questions, please contact Susan Robertson, Development Manager, at 651-748-5531 or

Save The Date For Homecoming

Kids at game cheeringHomecoming plans for the entire community are well underway! From in-school activities throughout the week to a community Pep Rally on Friday and athletic events and other activities on campus throughout the day on Saturday, there is something planned for the entire family. learn more >

A special highlight will be the opportunity to purchase MPA branded Love Your Melon hats on Saturday! Love Your Melon is an organization co-founded by MPA alum Zach Quinn ’11 that supports pediatric cancer research and provides immediate support for families of children battling cancer. We are very proud of Zach and the work he’s doing and we are excited to bring you these very special hats! More information to come.