Alumni In The News: Mandy Abdo Sheahan ’92

Alumni in the news logoThe Star Tribune released a fantastic article about Mandy Abdo Sheahan ’92 yesterday and her success at the Minnesota State Fair with Big Fat Bacon. “The moment Mandy Abdo Sheahan charges into the booth, she transforms,” the reporter wrote. Mandy has been a committed volunteer for MPA and the Alumni Association. read the full article >

Hello From Marguerite Devens ’15

Several of our young alums shared their summer endeavors with current families in a publication we call Welcome Home. Here is the final one in a series of three. Enjoy!

Student in front of chalkboardDear MPA,

I am a rising third year statistics major and varsity swimmer at the University of Chicago, and I am spending my summer in New York City teaching literature with Breakthrough New York. My students are low-income, high-potential kids who love to learn almost as much as I love to teach, and they are taking these classes in an attempt to be first-generation college students. Being in Tutor’s Guild at MPA and having the opportunity to learn from faculty members like Mr. Meacock prepared me to discuss books and literature in worthwhile and meaningful ways with my young students.

Go Panthers!
Marguerite Devens

Hello From Cooper Olson ’16

Several of our young alums shared their summer endeavors with current families in a publication we call Welcome Home. Here is the second in a series of three. Enjoy!

Copper in front of college signHey, MPA!

I just finished my freshman year at the University of St. Thomas where I have been studying business management in the Honors Program, and playing on the Basketball Team. This
summer my teammates and I have been working hard preparing for next season. From workouts, drills, and scrimmages, to coaching the basketball camps here at UST, we’re playing and working together almost every day. On top of basketball, I’ve continued my education over the summer by taking an accounting class. I’m thankful for my experiences at MPA that taught me to push myself both in and out of the classroom.

See you soon!
Cooper Olson

Hello From Sophie Netteberg ’16

Several of our young alums shared their summer endeavors with current families in a publication we call Welcome Home. Here is the first in a series of three. Enjoy!

Hi, MPA!

I’m enjoying my summer in Minnesota after finishing my first year at Williams College, where I played in the Berkshire Symphony, joined the Ultimate Frisbee Team, and was a board member for the Effective Altruism Club. This June, I started as the Audience Insight Analyst/Marketing Intern at the Minneapolis Institute of Art. In this position, I am gaining experience for my proposed statistics degree and working for a fantastic institution filled with brilliant people.

I’m so thankful MPA helped me realize I can mesh my many personal and professional passions into the experiences I want in my adult life.

Sofie Netteberg

Munira Khalif ’15 Receives U.N. Appointment

Munira with college acceptance lettersMunira Khalif ’15 is a Mounds Park Academy young alum studying economics and government at Harvard University. She co-founded a youth-run non-profit organization during her time at MPA called Lighting the Way, making education more accessible for girls in East Africa. When MPA announced that she had been accepted to all eight Ivy League schools, the story went viral around the world.

Most recently, Munira has been selected as the sixth annual U.S. Youth Observer to the United Nations. She will travel within the U.S. and overseas to share her impressions and experiences and work to increase youth engagement in global affairs. Read the full release here.

Munira is one example of many graduates from MPA who use the deep content knowledge gained here to go on to stand for justice and shake the world.

Congratulations, Munira!

Meet Kelsey King ’09

Freelance illustrator
Teacher, Minneapolis College of Art and Design

What do you love about MPA?
When I came as a fifth-grader, I was immediately struck by how much the teachers loved us and their subjects. I now work to embody that passion in my own professional life. It’s really what makes MPA special. I could walk down the hall and be known by all of my teachers. I was the teacher’s pet—but the funny thing is, every student was.

How were you encouraged to dream big and do right at MPA?
MPA helped me become a good person who cares about my community and our place in the world. MPA is where I developed a wise and mature sense of where America sits in our global community and the many privileges we have.

If you ever attended another school, how was your experience at MPA different?
I appreciate the balanced education I received at MPA. The classes were rigorous and helped me become a well-rounded, educated person who could think critically. I can look back fondly at all of my classes, even math where I spent time doodling in an effort to stay focused. Read More

First Child of an Alum to Graduate from MPA

Mimi Standing by PaintingAn important milestone was reached on Saturday, June 10, when the first child of an alum graduated from Mounds Park Academy! Mimi Lyons is pictured to the right with a portrait of MPA’s first graduating class, including her mom, Sheri Lyons ’86, which hangs in the Porter Conference Room on campus.

Mimi loves to learn and loves to join. She was a peer leader, student ambassador, yearbook staffer, orchestra member, Madrigal Singer, varsity tennis player—all while balancing a rigorous courseload. She will attend Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, this fall. Congratulations to Mimi, the Lyons Family, and the entire Class of 2017!

Alumni Association Hosted Senior Lunch

Senior PanelThank you to volunteers, Zoe Wentzel ’16, Emma Stacy ’15, Mollie Heil ’13, Izzy Istephanous ’16, and Emily Moses-Thomsen ’13, who came to campus for our traditional Alumni Association Hosted Senior Lunch and Panel. This is a great opportunity for our alums to ask all of the questions that only a young alum could answer about life in college and transitioning away from MPA. It was a beneficial conversation and wonderful to see these alums back on campus, as always!

Alumna In The News—Laura McPherson ’04

Brice Blondel for HDPTCAR on Flickr, under Creative Commons

Laura McPherson ’04 is an assistant professor of linguistics at Dartmouth College specializing in West African indigenous languages. She writes, “We must continue to humanize the news from Africa and celebrate the accomplishments of these women to not only strengthen international connections and increase our ability to collaborate for the greater good, but so we can see tragedies like the current famine for what they are—a tragedy.” Read more here.

A Salute to Service: Joe Kordosky

A portion of this article is being shared with permission from the Minnesota State High School League.

by Tim Leighton, MSHSL Communications Coordinator

They chose career paths filled with long hours, countless duties, and too often, thankless times that would make most throw their hands up in disgust or surrender. Daily, they are seemingly pulled in dozens of directions at once, but somehow, they stay on course with a caring sense of direction for their clientele, affirmative smiles, and the deep-rooted purpose of making a positive impact with students.

Welcome to the oftentimes wacky way of life for an activities director. It is a welcomed existence for most. Truly.

“I am very fortunate to be in a profession that is so near and dear to my heart,” Mounds Park Academy activities director Joe Kordosky said during a mid-winter visit.

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