Socratic Seminars And The Path To Making Meaning

Students in a Socratic SeminarSixteen faces appear on Zoom as Upper School English teacher Lauren Drake begins her Western and Global Literature course. It’s a Wednesday afternoon and these tenth graders listen patiently as Drake explains how the main item on today’s agenda will work; the class’ first Socratic Seminar of the quarter. Today’s Socratic Seminar is a comparison of Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”, Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave”, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay “Nature”, and a collection of William Wordsworth poetry. Drake explains the grading rubric, recaps the seminar’s norms, and reminds students to think about the space they inhabit in group discussions. Then it’s go time and students jump right in, starting with an examination of prompt one, a comparison of the uses of light and dark imagery in “Allegory of the Cave” and “Frankenstein”.

Different schools have their own unique way of engaging students in learning through classroom discussion. For some, there’s the Harkness Table, for others, the Fishbowl Model, and still others use the Jigsaw Method. At MPA, Upper School humanities teachers use the Socratic Seminar to create engaging, hands on, discussion based learning opportunities that facilitate deep dives into complex content knowledge. Read More

MPA’s Return On Investment

Mike Velin '06 HeadshotThe realization for Mike Velin ’06 came over several weeks in 2002. An excellent student in his elementary and early middle school years, school stopped coming as easily when Mike entered eighth grade. “I was getting straight As all the way through middle school, and then all of a sudden, I was getting Ds,” he says. “Something just switched where I wasn’t engaged. I wasn’t happy or passionate anymore.” In response, the Velin family started thinking about Mike’s education as an investment, and recognized that part of his struggles could be attributed to the fact they weren’t investing in Mike’s education as much as they could be. “Going through that experience was very transformative for our family,” he says. “Because in the end we found MPA, and it influenced the rest of my life, the way that I approach my career, my relationships, how I view the world.”

Throughout this process, the Velins pondered their answers to a fundamental question that confronts many prospective families as they consider their options: is a private school worth the significant investment? Before deciding to pay tuition for something that is available for free, families want the assurance that their investment is worthwhile. Your family has likely wondered about such a question as well. So, what is the answer? Is a private school education worth it?

At Mounds Park Academy, we wholeheartedly believe that it is. Read More

A Dream And A Shoestring

Dr. Hudson telling the founding story to PreKThirty-nine years ago this week, 13 people from throughout Minneapolis and St. Paul gathered with Bob and Lois (now Sandy Kreischer Smith) Kreischer to articulate their shared dream of founding an independent school in the east metro of St. Paul. In his introduction that evening, Bob said, “We are aware that this could be the start of something big and equally aware that this could totally end in a month or so.” At the end of the meeting, a vote was taken to officially establish Mounds Park Academy. The Articles of Incorporation were filed on December 11 with the State of Minnesota designating Mounds Park Academy as an educational nonprofit on December 14, 1981.

Bob had been the Middle School director of Breck School and Lois was an artist. Both had a dream of a school that would educate the whole child (before the term became popular) and a different kind of college-prep program that while focused on academic excellence, was committed to helping each student reach their potential. They also knew the importance of a teacher that “enjoys and really cares about their students” and a curriculum that “best meets the individual student’s needs.”

Bob understood, and Lois knew, the integral role of the arts in developing the whole child. The early foundations of the school were built upon a diversity, the joy of learning, independent thinking, curiosity, interdisciplinary learning, developing a sense of responsibility, and global awareness. These values may not seem out of the ordinary now, but in 1981 they were groundbreaking and innovative. Read More

Three Easy Ways For Busy Parents To Share MPA

upper school students in the commonsEach year, nearly nine out of every ten newly enrolled families have some previous connection to MPA. It could be that their colleague is an alum, a neighbor has kids here, or a friend from dance goes to MPA. Word of mouth is an incredibly important way to share MPA, and here are three easy things that a busy parent can do to help spread the word.

Nudge two friends
You’re likely having conversations like this already! It could be that you’re texting with another parent from the swim team and when the topic of school comes up, this parent expresses frustration with how things are going. Consider giving this parent a gentle nudge to check out MPA! Registering for January’s Virtual Admission Preview is a great way for anyone in your network to learn more! They will see seventeen spaces on campus, hear from a panel of community members, and take a deep dive into life at MPA with a division director. Read More

The Importance And Power Of Outdoor Play

lower school students playing in the snowThis interview with Amanda Janquart and MPA parent Amy Lemieux provides parents reflection and ideas for incorporating unstructured outdoor experiences into family routines. Amanda and Amy also share insight about how outdoor experiences foster children’s emotional and physical health.

Janquart’s formal education includes a B.S. in environmental education, natural resource management and biology, and Master’s work in early childhood education. “But I’ve learned the most through teaching at nature based preschools and raising my own children. What matters is being the person that shares the wonderment of discovery, encourages seeking, and allows for play,” Janquart says.

Upper School parent Amy Lemieux has a B.A. in psychology and elementary education from St Thomas and an M.A. in counseling from the University of Wisconsin. She taught elementary school for eight years and supervised student teachers for five years. Early in her career, she developed a passion for intergenerational programming, relishing the benefits of pairing the oldest and youngest in society.

Looking Around The Corner

Lower school student raising her handby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

One of my mentors described leadership as “looking around the corner,” as if we were atop a tall building and could prevent a potential accident in the making as two vehicles approached an intersection. Under her tutelage, I’ve incorporated her advice and disciplined my approach to decision making by looking ahead a month, a year, or several years to consider the possible possibilities.

Leadership consultant and TED speaker Roselinde Torres describes looking around the corner in this way: “Leaders today need to constantly be looking at trends and challenges that could disrupt or create opportunities for their business. Leaders can’t afford to be reactive—they must consciously be very proactive. Whether you’re leading an organization, department or small unit within a company, you still need to be looking ahead.”

Our preparation and planning for the pandemic is a very real example of looking around the corner. Last February into early March, we began meeting as an administrative team almost daily, stockpiled wipes and hand sanitizer, and left for spring break fully prepared not to return in person. Looking around the corner is not predicting the future but rather what author and professor at Columbia Business School Rita McGrath calls paying attention to “the edges.” Leaders “need to embed ways of learning about what’s happening, that isn’t right in front of you, that’s farther out” by not limiting our reading or interests to what is familiar and comfortable. Read More

The Impact Of Singapore Math In The Lower School

Lower School Director Renee Wright reflects on Singapore Math in the Lower School at MPA.

Looking back over the past 30 years as a Lower School teacher, one of my most challenging subjects to teach was math. Some students were successful, and some were not. Some students loved math, while others didn’t care for it at all. How would I address these challenges? I knew it was my job to teach math concepts and make sure these skills could be applied. At the same time, I wanted students to love math and feel confident. I was not alone with these concerns.

Teachers often report that problem solving is one area that presents the largest challenge for students. It is not uncommon for students to feel anxious or frustrated when asked to solve challenging mathematical word problems. In fact, students often give up before even trying. Problem solving in math often causes students to feel incompetent and believe they aren’t good at math. This can lead to a negative mindset about math and becomes a huge barrier to future success in the subject. Eight years ago, teachers and administrators at MPA started looking for a math program to address these challenges. After much research, the Singapore Math curriculum was selected and adopted in grades kindergarten through fifth. Read More

A Sense Of Urgency On Give To The Max Day

lower school student building in the makerspaceby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I am a procrastinator. A proud procrastinator, no less. It’s not that I am not productive or do not fulfill my responsibilities. I’m not lazy, but I do get distracted. There always seems to be a good article to read that pops up on my newsfeed, a post on Facebook I find intriguing, a conversation to be had with a friend or colleague, or a good book to read. Oftentimes, what helps me most is a firm deadline or knowing that people are depending on me to act.

Today is a deadline of sorts as our Fall Campaign winds down and we celebrate Give To The Max Day, both in support of the MPA Fund. If you haven’t yet made a gift, I strongly encourage you to do so. I feel a particular sense of urgency this year as we together navigate the uncharted waters of the pandemic. The urgency comes as we, the school and parents, join together to ensure our children have what they need to be safe, healthy, and continue to learn and thrive. What I know is that this endeavor costs more—more people, more technology, more infrastructure. Read More

Rejoining The Community: Alumni Back At MPA

Rejoining The Community: Record Number of MPA Alumni Back on Campus as Employees

A record seven MPA alumni, from the class of 1998 all the way to the class of 2019, are working at MPA in the 2020-21 school year. Each has found joy in returning to MPA and rejoining the community that helped shape them into who they are today. Read their stories below!

Maddy Wolfe talking to Anne Atchison through a TVMaddy Wolfe ’12, Middle School English Teacher

I never imagined working at MPA, although I do remember thinking that it would be a place I would enjoy working. Teaching was something that was in the back of my mind for a while, and because I enjoyed my time as a student at MPA so much, working here felt like a dream.

Not only that, but the adjustment has been seamless, mainly because my colleagues are so amazing! Their kindness, warmth, and willingness to help and collaborate banished any possible awkwardness. It’s even better that I’m familiar with the school culture, community, and values, and so those automatically fuel how I want to conduct my classroom and what I want to instill in my students.

Elizabeth Flinsch ’98, Visual Art Teacher

I never envisioned I’d be working at MPA when I was a student. While my MPA teachers had a huge impact on me, I didn’t think I was going to be an educator back then.

It has been so rewarding getting to know some of those who taught me as fellow professionals. Lisa Buck was a hero and mentor of mine since graduating and now we work together. How cool is that?
One amazing moment was during our accredidation review a couple years ago. Bob Cooke, who had been my history teacher and champion in Upper School, was on the visiting review team. He walked into my classroom of eighth graders and beamed with pride. We both started crying – a little awkward, but amazing for things to come full circle! I have also spend my fair share of time reminiscing over lunch about softball games long past with Mr. McGaha and Mr. Scinto.

My students are often surprised to hear that I went to MPA. I enjoy telling them stories about the teachers they have now who I had back then. Read More

Plan The Work, Work The Plan

ninth grader racing their mousetrap carby Dr. Bill Hudson, Head of School

I benefitted from the guidance of a mentor whose mantra was, “plan the work, work the plan”. The constant drumbeat under his leadership helped me develop an appreciation for strategic thinking and long-range planning. Along the way I learned the necessity of looking ahead and the discipline required to achieve progress. Without an end in mind, as Alice learned from the Cheshire Cat, any road will suffice.

Mounds Park Academy has a long history of strategic planning designed to advance the mission of the school and to meet the emerging needs of students in an evolving and increasingly globalized society. Setting the vision of the school and establishing strategic direction are among the most important responsibilities of the MPA Board of Trustees. Our most recent plan, Momentum 2020, guided the MPA community through the last five years and came to an end last May. Momentum 2020 has been instrumental in setting forth a direction and providing strategic priorities that led to the incredible success and growth we’ve enjoyed over the last five years. Read More